450+ Best Examples of Funny Bumble Prompt Answers (2024)

Table of Contents
Examples of Best Funny Bumble Prompt Answers Two truths, one lie Most recent act of kindness It’s meant to be if… My third grade teacher described me as… If I could have only three things on a deserted island, I would have… I feel most empowered when… We’ll get along if… The most inspiring person I’ve met… If I were famous, it would be for… Ideal night out… The person I text the most My favorite quality in a person I’m most grateful for… If you could teleport to anywhere this weekend, it would be… My pet peeve is The world would be a better place with more… My perfect Sunday If I could have a superpower it’d be… My secret skill… If I could only solve one world problem, it’d be… Perfect first date I quote too much from… I’m hoping you… I promise I won’t judge you if… Swipe right if… A review by a friend: My most useless skill is… A non-negotiable I guarantee you that… I’m a great +1 because… A pro and a con of dating me… After Work You Can Find Me… When No One’s Watching I… I’m still not over… What makes a relationship great is… Let’s Break Dating Stereotypes by… I’m a Great Plus One Because… I’d Rather Not Talk About… I will never shut up about… A fun fact I’m obsessed with… I get way too excited about… I’m known for… As a child, I was really into… Something I Learned Way Later Than I Should Have… Bumble Prompt Responsesto Avoid Dating Sites to Try in 2023! FAQs

Bumble and Tinder are two of the most popular dating apps among younger adults.

The main difference is that on Bumble women have to message guys first.

Similar to Hinge, you can use profile prompts on Bumble to break the ice and make your bio stand out.

Having funny creative answers on your Bumble profile will get you more matches and ultimately dates.

Currently, you can choose from 40 different profile prompts on Bumble.

Dating WebsiteWhy You Should Join?Check it Out
450+ Best Examples of Funny Bumble Prompt Answers (1)Best for DatingBrowse Photos
450+ Best Examples of Funny Bumble Prompt Answers (2)Best for Serious RelationshipsBrowse Photos

In this post, you will find a huge list of popular Bumble questions and answers that will help you stand out and get more matches. Tired of Bumble? Try Zoosk instead.

Don’t miss: 500+ Examples of the Funny Hinge Prompt Answers

Examples of Best Funny Bumble Prompt Answers

Two truths, one lie

Example #1

  • I love to bake.
  • I was once a backup singer for Beyoncé.
  • I have a pet iguana

Example #2

  • I have never gone snowboarding.
  • I have never been dumped.
  • I have never owned a dog.

Example #3

  • I have an unpublished novel sitting in my desk drawer.
  • I have a degree in chemical engineering.
  • I have a tattoo on my lower back.

Example #4

  • I have never eaten sushi.
  • I have a pet turtle.
  • I have never had a boyfriend.

Example #5

  • I have been a competitive bodybuilder for 10 years.
  • I have been married before.
  • I worked as a male model.

Most recent act of kindness

6. I paid the toll for the car behind me on the highway.

7. I didn’t complain when my last date was late.

8. I helped a little old lady cross the street.

9. I didn’t tell a single “white lie” today.

10. I let someone merge into my lane on the highway.

11. I returned a dog’s ball to its owner.

12. I let my little sister win at Monopoly.

13. I paid for the coffee of the person behind me in line.

14. I sent a thank you note to my teacher.

15. I returned the extra change I got from a store clerk back to them.

It’s meant to be if…

16. You can’t dance.

17. You like to be around people but can’t stand small talk.

18. You get lost easily.

19. You have a fear of needles

20. You have a cat.

21. You think Shakira is awesome.

22. You have a weird tattoo.

23. You’re a sucker for romantic comedies.

24. You’re a total foodie.

25. You’re always cold.

26. You love animals but are scared of most of them.

27. You have a fear of heights.

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My third grade teacher described me as…

28. Chewer of pencils

29. A natural leader

30. A little slow

31. Unusually good at copying his homework

32. A total nightmare

33. A little short on brains

34. The one she’d most like to send to detention

35. A problem child

36. A born teacher’s assistant

37. A model student

38. An embarrassment to my parents

39. A lost cause

40. Daydreamer

If I could have only three things on a deserted island, I would have…

41. A satellite phone, a lighter, and a knife

42. A fishing rod, a knife, and a book on how to build a boat without any tools

43. A water bottle, a fire starter, and a first aid kit

44. A lighter, a six-pack, and a pair of sunglasses

I feel most empowered when…

45. Watching the Kardashians

46. Finishing 12-pack by myself

47. When my ex hears I’m doing awesome

48. Doing squats

49. When I wear my pink underwear

50. Meditating

51. Wearing cute outfits

52. When I have a drink in my hand

53. When I am on top while making love

54. In my birthday suit

55. When I’ve had my coffee

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We’ll get along if…

56. You want to bring your cat to meet my cat

57. We can agree on something: dogs are kind of cute

58. You’ll never judge me for the things I say or do when I’m drunk

59. You give me silly nicknames

60. You can’t dance

61. You love junk food

62. You will accept my snoring

63. You’re a good cook

64. You can put up with my drama

65. You like to cook dinner

66. You’re okay with a chick flick once in a while

67. You will love my cats as much as I do

69. You don’t mind me calling you in the middle of the night to talk about stupid stuff

69. You’re not planning on becoming a nun

70. You can survive without your cell phone for more than 3 hours

71. You’ll never try to make me diet

72. You understand that I will never be a morning person

73. You’re always up for a food adventure, no matter how weird it may be

74. You think my dance moves are amazing, even if everyone else thinks they’re terrible

75. You’re okay with the fact that I sing in the shower… and everywhere else

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The most inspiring person I’ve met…

76. My ex’s dad

77. My friend’s wife

77. My grade school teacher

78. My neighbor, Mrs. Brown

79. My boss’ wife

80. The tooth fairy

81. My mom’s boyfriend

82. The homeless guy under the bridge

83. My ex-husband’s new wife

84. My stepbrother

85. My son’s teacher

86. The woman who gave birth to me

If I were famous, it would be for…

87. Making up words

88. Talking too much

89. Yawning

90. Laughing at the wrong times

91. Making jokes that nobody understands

92. Staring at people in elevators

93. Wearing short skirts in the winter

94. Never knowing when to stop talking

95. My inability to accept compliments

96. Hitting on my friends’ boyfriends

97. Embarrassingly long hugs

98. Making a fool of myself in public

99. Getting stuck in a washing machine

100. Falling asleep in class

101. Taking selfies

102. Laughing at inappropriate times

103. Singing in a shower

104. Going on too many first dates

Ideal night out…

105. That you can’t remember anything about

106. When you ask your friend, “Did I do anything stupid last night?”

107. When you wake up in a strange place and you don’t know how you got there

108. When you could have sworn you just slept with someone but you don’t know who

109. When you’re so wasted you turn on your phone’s camera and start taking mirror pics of yourself

110. Waking up the next morning next to the hot stranger you just met

111. Getting so drunk you wake up with a tattoo…

112. When you sleep with someone who’s just way too hot for you

113. When you wake up with a hangover and a tattooed dude in your bed

114. That ends with you getting a ticket for public intoxication

115. That includes a lot of drinking and dancing

116. That you spend the entire night talking to that cute guy/girl you just met

117. That you can’t remember how you got home

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The person I text the most

118. My boss’ wife

119. My priest

120. A pizza delivery man

121. My landlord’s wife

122. My gynecologist

123. My ex’s mom

124. My dad

125. My plumber

126. My therapist

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My favorite quality in a person

127. Doesn’t drink every day

128. Is not a felon

129. Is not related to my ex-husband

130. Can cook

131. Always pays their taxes on time

132. Can dance

133. Is not out of shape

134. Has good stories

135. Likes the same TV shows as me

136. Doesn’t judge people based on their hair

137. Has never gotten a restraining order

138. Is taller than me in heels

I’m most grateful for…

139. The person who invented Netflix

140. My ability to fall asleep at any time of the day

141. My alarm clock

142. Sleeping pills

143. Coffee

144. Pizza

145. Dunkin Donuts

146. Microwave

147. My dog

148. The internet

148. Air conditioning

149. The invention of ice cream

150. My stepbrother

Don’t miss:

If you could teleport to anywhere this weekend, it would be…

151. The top of Mount Everest

152. Antarctica

153. My boss’ wife while he is away on business

154. The moon, because why not?

155. A toga party

156. Clothing optional beach

157. The set of the next 365 Days movie so I can be an extra

158. A secluded beach where I can go skinny dipping

159. The International Space Station.

160. Pandora from the movie Avatar.

My pet peeve is

161. People who use the word “chill”

162. People who reply to my text with “k”

163. My phone battery dying

164. C0ndoms

165. People who wear socks with sandals

166. People who talk too loudly on the bus

167. When someone doesn’t say thanks after I hold a door for them

168. When someone talks sh*t about their friends behind their back

169. When people chew with their mouths open

170. When people don’t pick up after their dogs

171. When people don’t put the toilet seat down

172. People who don’t flush

173. People who open the door without knocking

174. People who talk on the phone while they pee

175. Neighbors who have orgies

176. People who bring up politics at parties

177. Being woken up by my roommate’s alarm clock

178. My roommate’s boyfriend

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The world would be a better place with more…

179. Champagne

180. Happy endings

181. Back rubs

182. Candy

183. Ice cream

184. Naps

185. Anime

186. More attractive women/men

187. Puppies

My perfect Sunday

188. Drinking and watching football with my friends.

189. A good massage, a bubble bath, and a book.

190. Sleeping in, lazing around the house in my PJs, and eating junk food all day.

191. Sleep in, hang out with my friends, and have dinner out.

192. Wake up slowly, making a tasty breakfast, and go for a long walk.

193. Curling up with a book and a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon.

194. Breakfast in bed, a day at the spa, and a romantic dinner.

195. Working out with the girls, scoping out the cute guys in the gym, and then cooking with my roommate.

196. Sleeping in, yoga, brunch, and a movie.

197. Going to my favorite brunch spot, drinking mimosas, and eating eggs benedict.

198. Listening to live music with my friends, eating tacos, and drinking co*cktails.

199. A hot bath, a good book and a cup of tea.

200. A day at the beach followed by a BBQ with friends.

201. A morning hike, brunch and drinks.

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If I could have a superpower it’d be…

202. To be invisible

203. To look like Ryan Gosling

204. To have unlimited funds

205. To fly

206. To be able to talk to my dog

207. To be able to read minds

208. To be a mermaid

209. The power to turn water into Cabernet Sauvignon

210. The power to make people laugh uncontrollably

211. Ability to control the weather

212. The ability to make anyone fall in love with me.

213. The ability to fall asleep instantly.

My secret skill…

214. Making fun of people

215. Watching Netflix for 12 hours straight without taking a break

216. Staying in bed all day long

217. Coming up with excuses for why I haven’t finished my work

218. Doing headstands

219. Distracting my boss with my charm

220. Getting by with my good looks

221. Making my cat do tricks for tuna

222. I’m a professional cuddler

223. Making people feel uncomfortable

224. Finding new and innovative ways to procrastinate

225. Causing drama

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If I could only solve one world problem, it’d be…

226. Make global warming go away

227. Find a way to make me taller

228. Stop crime

229. Make sure that every flight lands on time

230. Eliminate slow internet

231. Make happy endings legal

232. Get all the countries to switch to metric

233. Get rid of all the mosquitoes

234. Figure out a way to get rid of taxes

235. Make it so that everyone is born wealthy and beautiful

236. Teach everyone to parallel park

Perfect first date

237. Karaoke bar crawl

238. Eating contest

239. Rock paper scissors tournament

240. Scavenger hunt

241. Hide and seek

242. Go-kart racing

243. Drive-in movie

244. Roller coaster

245. Play laser tag

246. Skydiving

247. Paintball

248. Dog-walk-off

249. Ice cream eating contest

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I quote too much from…

250. The YouTube comment section

251. Shakespeare

252. Bible

253. My grandma

254. The dictionary

255. Keeping Up with the Kardashians

256. Elon Musk’s tweets

257. How I Met Your Mother

258. Sponge Bob

259. My therapist

I’m hoping you…

260. Are employed (or at least have a solid plan for your future)

261. Are looking for a relationship (not just a fling)

262. Will respect my Netflix binge-watching habits

263. Like to cuddle

264. Don’t like drama

265. Are willing to try new things and experiment

266. Will watch cheesy romantic comedies with me without complaint

267. Aren’t afraid of a little bit of PDA

268. Will be okay with me being friends with my ex

269. Are okay with my snoring

270. Don’t send me unsolicited 🍆 pics

271. Don’t need me to take care of you

272. Don’t have any STDs

273. Are taller than me

274. Think I’m amazing and wonderful and perfect just the way I am

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I promise I won’t judge you if…

275. You believe in aliens

276. You are a couch potato

277. You are a shopaholic

278. Forget to shave/wax

279. Loud when eating

280. Can’t cook

281. Hoarder

282. Live with your parents

283. Think the Earth is flat

284. Like taking selfies and posting them on Instagram

285. Only drink Starbucks

286. You are obsessed with Kardashians

Swipe right if…

287. You’re a man who’s tall, dark, and handsome

288. You’re a woman who’s beautiful inside and out

289. You’re ready to start a family

290. You’re not afraid of a little competition

291. You’re ready to have some fun

292. You’re looking for a gentleman

293. You’re looking for someone to spoil you

294. You’re ready to be swept off your feet

295. You’re a man who understands my need for independence

296. You want a man who is passionate and exciting

297. You want a man who is adventurous and spontaneous

298. You’re looking for a date with no strings attached

299. You’re looking for a good time, you’ve found your match!

300. You’re ready to have your dating life turned upside down

301. You’re the total package – looks, brains, and personality

302. You want an adventure unlike any other

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A review by a friend:

303. He’s the type of person who will always be there for you… No matter how much you beg him to leave.

304. A true friend who will always be honest with you, even when you don’t want to hear it.

305. A great friend who always knows just what to say (and when to shut up)

306. An expert at finding the best deals on everything from shoes to cars to vacations. You’ll save a ton of money dating him!

307. If you’re looking for someone to join you in your weirdness, this is your guy!

308. I would describe him as a cross between a human and a golden retriever – loyal, loving, and always down for a good time.

309. A cuddly teddy bear with a heart of gold.

310. A pro at cheering people up, no matter how big or small the problem may be.

311. A total catch! If you can look past the fact that he lives in his mom’s basem*nt…

312. Makes you feel like the most special person in the world

313. If you’re looking for someone to approve all of your life choices, this is your man!

314. A total foodie who loves trying new restaurants and exploring different cuisines. Be warned – he’s always taking pictures of his meals!

315. A bit of a neat freak, but it just means everything is always in its place and he’s never late for anything.

316. A true gentleman who always opens doors and knows how to treat a lady right.

My most useless skill is…

317. Reciting pi to 100 decimal places

318. Saying the alphabet backward in under 10 seconds

319. Being able to make any animal sound

320. I know all the lyrics to every Taylor Swift song

321. I can make my tongue into a heart shape

322. I can put my legs behind my head

323. I can crack all my joints on command

324. I can fit my entire fist in my mouth

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A non-negotiable

325. That your ideal first date is going on a hike

326. That you’re a dog person

327. Must not be married

328. Good personal hygiene

329. No STDs

330. That you’re not a psycho

331. No drama

332. No crazy exes

I guarantee you that…

333. I’ll never ghost you

334. I’ll never post our relationship status on Facebook without your permission.

335. I’ll never cheat on you… unless we’re in a game of Monopoly and I really need to win.

336. I’ll never stop loving you… unless you turn into a pumpkin at midnight.

337. I’ll always be honest with you… unless you ask me if you look fat.

338. I’ll never get mad at you for leaving the toilet seat up… but I will give you a stern look and then silently judge you.

339. I’ll never leave you… unless aliens abduct me and take me to their home planet.

I’m a great +1 because…

340. I have extensive knowledge of random trivia that will come in handy at parties

341. I always have a stash of emergency snacks in my purse for when you get hangry

342. I promise not to judge you for any bad life choices you may have made in the past

343. I always know the best places to go out and eat

344. I come with my own set of wheels (bicycle)

345. I will never leave you stranded on the side of the road

346. I will not judge you for your drinking habits

347. I am always up for trying new things, no matter how crazy or inappropriate they may be

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A pro and a con of dating me…

348. I’m a great listener and I love to offer advice but sometimes I can be too frank.

349. I’m a great cook but I can be messy in the kitchen.

350. I love to cuddle but I also need my personal space.

351. I always bring my positive attitude with me but I also have my moody moments.

352. I love to laugh and make others laugh but sometimes my jokes might be too much.

353. I love trying new things but I get scared easily.

354. I’m loyal but I also get jealous easily.

355. I love to dance but I also tend to embarrass myself when I dance in public.

356. I’m always up for adventure but sometimes I can be a little too impulsive.

357. I’m always down for a good time but sometimes I can party a little too hard.

358. I’m an honest person and I always tell the truth but sometimes it might hurt people’s feelings.

359. I’m loyal and protective of the people I care about but that can also make me come across as possessive.

360. I’m always up for trying new things but that means I sometimes unintentionally drag my partner into things they may not be comfortable with.

361. I’m very independent and can take care of myself but that means I sometimes don’t ask for help when I really need it.

362. I have a great sense of humor and love to laugh but that means I sometimes make jokes at inappropriate times.

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After Work You Can Find Me…

363. Talking to my dog about my day

364. Eating ice cream in my pajamas

365. Scrolling through social media

366. Playing with my cat

367. Out drinking with friends…or alone

When No One’s Watching I…

368. Walk around the apartment in my birthday suit

369. Play air guitar

370. Run through sprinklers

371. Have a conversation with myself

372. Play with my food

373. Make animal noises

374. Make up dance routines to songs

375. Speak in different accents

376. Lip sync to songs

377. Take selfies

378. Have a conversation with my reflection

379. Practice my stand up comedy material

380. Make goofy faces in the mirror

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I’m still not over…

381. Game of Thrones Finale

382. Finding out there is no Santa Claus

383. The time I caught my mom kissing our neighbor

384. The time I tripped and fell down the stairs in front of everyone

385. When I found out my best friend was dating my ex

386. When I accidentally sent 🍆 pic to my mom

387. When I got hit in the face with a soccer ball

388. When I walked in on my parents making love

What makes a relationship great is…

389. Not sleeping with your exes

390. Being able to communicate openly and honestly about your needs and desires.

391. Being able to share your deepest, darkest secrets

392. Never going to bed angry

393. Being able to give each other space when needed

394. Not sleeping with other men/women

395. Having a healthy love life

396. Supporting each other through good and bad times

397. Being able to communicate openly and honestly

398. Being physically attracted to each other

399. Being able to have fun together

400. Having a healthy balance of time together and time apart

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Let’s Break Dating Stereotypes by…

401. Sharing our worst selfies instead of our best ones.

402. By sending each other memes instead of flirting.

403. Making a pact to not ghost but send funny GIFs as goodbyes.

404. By having a thumb war to decide who pays for the coffee.

405. Seeing who can make the best meal using only microwave recipes.

406. Sharing stories of our most epic first date fails.

407. Recreating the Titanic “I’m flying” scene on a paddleboard

408. Showing up in superhero costumes for a coffee date

409. Trying to set a world record for the longest hug on our second date

410. Binge-watching horror movies to see who screams first

411. Racing go-karts to determine who pays for dinner

412. Practicing our worst pick-up lines on each other until we cry from laughter

413. Taking turns reading aloud from embarrassing childhood diaries

I’m a Great Plus One Because…

414. I can turn any awkward silence into a less awkward laughter.

415. My dance moves are so bad, they’ll make you look like a pro.

416. I’ll laugh at all your jokes, even the ones your friends won’t.

417. My photobombing skills are legendary.

418. I always know where the best appetizers are served at a party.

419. Will provide alibis for free – “We’ve been dancing all night!”

420. I can rescue you from any boring conversation with an “emergency phone call.”

421. Will accidentally-on-purpose spill my drink if your ex shows up.

422. I’m skilled at pretending to understand art and wine.

423. Will create diversion tactics for when you want to avoid certain guests.

424. I’m an expert photo taker, ensuring you’ll always look good on social media.

425. I know all the best places to hide at awkward family gatherings.

426. My playlist game is strong, ensuring we’re never stuck with bad music.

427. I have the unique talent of being able to open bottles without an opener, making me indispensable at parties.

428. I’ll never judge your dance moves, no matter how questionable they may be.

429. I’ll bravely taste-test any questionable “gourmet” dishes, so you don’t have to.

430. My karaoke skills are mediocre at best, ensuring you always look better by comparison.

431. With me around, you’ll always have someone to blame for leaving the party early.

432. My survival skills are top-notch for when dates turn into unexpected adventures.

433. My sense of direction is impeccable – Google Maps may as well hire me.

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I’d Rather Not Talk About…

434. The time I mistook super glue for eye drops

435. My failed attempt at becoming a TikTok sensation

436. When I tried to cook and almost burned the house down

437. When I accidentally dyed my hair green before a job interview

438. When I serenaded a crush and they recorded it for Snapchat

439. That one “Reply All” email disaster at work

440. The time I got my head stuck in a railing at the museum

441. When I wore two different shoes to work and didn’t notice

442. When I accidentally called my teacher “mom”

443. The day I discovered my high school crush was my third cousin

444. embarrassing obsession with Twilight, Team Edward Forever

445. When I locked myself out and had to break back into my own house

446. That time I tried to impress a date with my cooking and set off the fire alarm

I will never shut up about…

447. The fact that I once met a celebrity in the most embarrassing way possible. Picture it: me, them, and a spilled latte.

448. That one conspiracy theory I totally believe in… Yes, I’m serious. No, I’m not joking.

449. My cat and his daily shenanigans. Did I mention he can high-five? Yes, there will be videos.

450. My endless quest to find the best ice cream flavor. Current leader: pistachio.

451. The tragic story of how my indoor plant died despite my best Googling efforts.

452. My bizarre talent for guessing dogs’ names on the first try.

A fun fact I’m obsessed with…

  • How vending machines are more likely to injure you than sharks. I’ve never looked at a Snickers bar the same way again.
  • The realization that bananas are berries but strawberries aren’t. I feel lied to.
  • How the inventor of the Frisbee was turned into a Frisbee after he died. Ultimate frisbee, indeed.
  • That a duel between three people is called a truel. Sounds like the worst kind of third-wheel situation.
  • How honey never spoils. You could theoretically eat 3000-year-old honey; talk about meal prep.
  • That penguins propose by giving their mate a pebble. It really puts pressure on picking out engagement rings.
  • How cows have best friends and get stressed when they are separated. Now I understand why I get anxious when the pizza delivery guy takes too long.
  • That sea otters hold hands when they sleep to keep from drifting apart. Still searching for my hand-holding otter equivalent.
  • The fact that sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins can. Makes me wonder if I’ve been living life too fast.
  • That the majority of your brain is fat. That explains why I can’t seem to lose weight; it’s all brain power.
  • How the color orange was named after the fruit, not the other way around. Mind = blown.

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I get way too excited about…

  • When the microwave popcorn pops perfectly without burning.
  • The moment when ketchup comes out of a new bottle on the first try.
  • Finding money in my pocket from the last time I wore these pants.
  • When my favorite song comes on right as I pull into a parking lot, giving me an excuse to stay in the car and jam out.
  • Realizing my phone was on silent all day and I didn’t miss anything important.
  • That split second of silence before the birthday person cuts into their cake.
  • When the GPS estimates my arrival time at 7:00 and I make it there by 6:59.
  • Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about me.
  • When my pet decides to snuggle with me without being forced.
  • When someone cancels plans I didn’t want to go to anyway.
  • When the avocado I randomly picked at the grocery store turns out to be perfect inside.
  • Catching all green lights when I’m running late.
  • Remembering all the items I needed at the grocery store without having written a list.
  • The moment the airplane’s wheels lift off the ground, starting an adventure.
  • Solving a captcha on the first try.
  • When my computer remembers my password for me.
  • A perfectly executed high five.

I’m known for…

  • Losing my phone in my own hands.
  • My ability to turn wine into regret.
  • Accidentally making inappropriate jokes at family gatherings.
  • Googling my symptoms and convincing myself I have a rare tropical disease.
  • My charm, which works 20% of the time, all the time.
  • Remembering useless trivia but forgetting where I parked my car.
  • Laugh-crying at my own jokes because someone has to.
  • Joining the gym, saying “new year, new me” and then becoming a missing person there.
  • Creating awkward moments, then thinking about them for the next 7 years.
  • Talking about getting a summer body in winter and then forgetting about it by summer.
  • Being perpetually late but making dramatic entrances.
  • My emotional support collection of houseplants and succulents – yes, they all have names.
  • Trying new hobbies every month and mastering none.
  • The tendency to laugh at serious moments, making things awkward for everyone involved.

As a child, I was really into…

  • Convincing my younger sibling they were adopted
  • Being absolutely convinced I could talk to animals. They never talked back, though.
  • Creating potions from kitchen ingredients, hoping one would turn me invisible
  • Collecting rocks and genuinely believing one of them must be a dinosaur egg
  • Trying to dig a hole to China with a plastic shovel
  • Making my siblings believe I had magical powers by turning off the lights with my mind (or, you know, my feet)
  • Believing that if I ran fast enough, I could run on water—numerous attempts proved otherwise
  • Holding funerals for bugs. It was a very emotional time.
  • Collecting empty toilet paper rolls because surely they’d be worth something someday
  • Trying to establish a new world order in the neighborhood, with me as the benevolent dictator

Don’t miss: 70 Bumble BFF Bio Examples to Make New Friends

Something I Learned Way Later Than I Should Have…

  • That the “pull and pray” method is not an effective form of birth control.
  • That pickles are actually just cucumbers soaked in vinegar. Mind = blown.
  • That “LOL” means “laugh out loud” and not “lots of love.” Sorry for the confusion, Grandma.
  • That the Earth orbits the sun, not the other way around. Thanks, third-grade science class, for finally setting me straight.
  • That you’re not actually supposed to eat the entire shrimp, tail and all. Fancy dinners were a learning experience.
  • That narwhals are real animals and not just mythical unicorn sea creatures.
  • That reindeer are also real and not just Santa’s magic helpers. My Christmas reality was shaken.
  • That you can’t trust autocorrect to write your dating profile for you. Lesson painfully learned.
  • That coffee doesn’t solve all your problems, but it’s worth a shot.
  • That sushi doesn’t mean “raw fish.” That revelation was a game-changer.
  • That “silent but deadly” refers to farts, not ninja assassins.
  • Trusting a fart after eating Taco Bell is a dangerous game.
  • That “Netflix and chill” doesn’t mean literally watching Netflix and relaxing.
  • That not all wines taste the same, especially the morning after.
  • That you shouldn’t mix bleach and ammonia while cleaning. Chemistry is important, folks!
  • You’re not supposed to pour oil down the sink. Sorry, environment (and plumber).
  • Cutting your own bangs at 2 AM is never a good idea, no matter how inspired you feel.
  • The tooth fairy doesn’t have an unlimited budget.
  • That adulthood doesn’t mean you have all the answers, just more questions.
  • That you can’t repair everything with duct tape or super glue. Who knew?
  • That “ghosting” doesn’t involve actual ghosts…
  • The importance of separating whites and colors in the laundry – RIP to my pink socks that were once white.
  • Telling your hairdresser “just do whatever you want” can lead to some interesting results.
  • Investing in cryptocurrency is less “easy money” and more “easy come, easy go.”

Bumble Prompt Responsesto Avoid

There are also some responses that you should avoid using on your Bumble if your goal is to get more messages and dates.

  • I don’t know what to say
  • I will write something later
  • Ask me if you want to know more
  • Too many
  • I don’t message first
  • Follow me on Instagram/OF/Snapchat
  • You already know the answer
  • I don’t use this app much

Read next: 52 Funny and Cute Bumble Conversation Starters

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450+ Best Examples of Funny Bumble Prompt Answers (2024)


What is the I quote too much from Bumble prompt? ›

I quote too much from…

This prompt allows you to talk about your interests, whether it be quotes from a movie, book, T.V. show, or popular musician. Whatever your choice, make sure that it's actually a truthful answer that will help someone get to know you and your personality better.

What makes a relationship great is Bumble answers? ›

Bumble Prompt 1: What makes a relationship great is…

This is a chance to show not only a core value of your own, but also the kind of relationship you are looking for. Think about what you offer in a relationship and what you like to receive. Remember to only mention what you do want, not what you don't want.

How to write a Bumble prompt? ›

Be yourself

So don't force a Prompt, and choose the ones that feel easy to answer. The key thing to remember with your Profile Prompts is to let yourself shine through them. If you think what you've written shows what matters most to you, you can swipe knowing that you're putting your most authentic self out there.

What's a good opener on Bumble? ›

Next time you make a match on Bumble, give one of these quick approaches a shot.
  • Ask about their photos. After reviewing your match's profile, hone in on one photo that piques your interest. ...
  • Connect over a shared interest. ...
  • Offer a compliment. ...
  • Describe them in emojis. ...
  • Ask a random question.

What is a good first Bumble response? ›

Dating coach Benjamin Daly thinks of it as a three-step process: Start with a greeting like, “Hey, (name),” which will make it feel more personal. Then “make an observation about something in their profile: I noticed…, I saw…, I didn't have you down as…” Finally, “end with a question about your observation.”

What is the first move rule on Bumble? ›

Once a match is established, members with First Move privileges have seven days to send the first message from the "You Matched!" screen or their connections. From the time the first message is sent, members without First Move privileges have seven days to respond in order to lock in the connection.

What is a good line for Bumble Bio? ›

Best Bumble Bios
  • "If you're down to rave with me, you have my heart."
  • "Looking for someone who also has an adventurous palate!"
  • "I'm DTF. Yes, that's down to food — always."
  • "If attending a Saturday morning SoulCycle date is your idea of 'fun,' I'm yours."
  • "What's your most controversial opinion?"
May 14, 2024

Does Bumble penalize you for swiping right too much? ›

While you won't know that they've already liked you (unless they've SuperSwiped you or you're a Premium user who can see the Beeline), users who've already shown interest will always appear near the front of your match stack. Bumble may penalize you if you swipe right on too many users.

What makes a Bumble profile stand out? ›

Make your first photo stand out

We've found that showing off your smile, your eyes (without sunglasses), and your whole face (without a filter) is best practice. Make sure it's just you in this first photo so your potential matches to know who they're swiping on–and save the group shots for later photos.

How do you impress someone on Bumble? ›

Tips and Tricks for Flirting on Bumble
  1. DO: Ask them questions. ...
  2. DO: Compliment them. ...
  3. DO: Put yourself out there. ...
  4. DON'T: Take the conversation off Bumble without consent. ...
  5. DON'T: Open the conversation with a sexual or intense question. ...
  6. DON'T: Pester without a response. ...
  7. DON'T: Send lewd images without consent.

What is the best prompt for Bumble? ›

Perfect first date

This is the most common prompt you will see on Bumble, and for good reason! It's ideal because it gets straight to the point, while also sharing your ideal scenario for a first date. You could also use this prompt to express preferences and set the stage for potential outings.

How do you write a catchy Bumble profile? ›

Be specific, then spice it up

If you love to travel, talk about where you're headed next. If you're a foodie, mention the dish you could eat literally every day for the rest of your life. Try to jazz your bio up a little by exaggerating your statements or cracking a joke.

What's one thing you would find out about me Bumble answer? ›

Something to consider is, it may simply be ok to say something like "I am a very fun and spontaneous person, and people like my sense of confidence. I always make sure everyone around me has a great time." I doubt you have to over-think this too much.

What is the best question to ask on Bumble? ›

Ten Questions to Ask on the First Bumble Date
  • What's your idea of the perfect day?
  • If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
  • If you could wake up tomorrow with a new ability or quality, what would you want it to be?
  • Would you want to be famous?

What gets the most matches on Bumble? ›

Here are eight things you can do right now that could help you get more Bumble matches.
  • Include all six photos. ...
  • Take advantage of those profile prompts. ...
  • Add the maximum number of badges. ...
  • Fill out your bio. ...
  • Get verified. ...
  • Upgrade your membership. ...
  • Make filters work for you. ...
  • Use Spotlight and SuperSwipe.

What is a good icebreaker for Bumble? ›

Questions to ask based on someone's profile

Is there a photo that caught your eye? Did one of their Profile Prompts make you laugh out loud? Did they go to the same college as you? Letting your match talk about themselves in the beginning can help put them at ease and get the conversation flowing.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.