60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (2024)

The name of the online dating game sparks a connection, especially on Bumble.

Bumble provides profile prompts, which normally serve as conversation starters to showcase your personality and humor in bite-sized snippets.

If used correctly, you can match with people who are well within your range of interests and personality — because humor is one of the best indicators of compatibility.

However, we understand how difficult it can be to craft your own responses to Bumble prompts that convey your humorous side. That's why, instead of spending hundreds of hours figuring out how to reply, you can use this guide instead.

With over 60 different funny Bumble prompt answers, you can use these to charm your way to a potential date. Not only will these lines help you create memorable conversations with your Bumble matches, but they can also leave a lasting impression.

Does Responding to Bumble Prompts in a Funny Way Really Work?

Yes, responding to Bumble prompts with funny quips, anecdotes, or in a generally funny way works.

People often prefer to connect with those who share similar traits and personalities, and humor is no exception. If you can make them laugh with your funny prompt answers, then you're already winning half the battle.

Now, if you're really interested in knowing which prompt answers can make you stand out in a positive and funny way, the recommendations we've listed below will definitely help.

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What Are the Funniest Bumble Prompt Answers for Guys and Girls?

These are the wittiest and funniest answers that you can use on your Bumble prompts:

What makes a relationship great is…

This prompt is great for letting potential dates learn more about your relationship dynamic and your intentions. It also allows you to showcase your personality and values. To answer humorously, consider injecting a playful twist while expressing genuine sentiments.

For example, you might highlight a relatable quirk or share a lighthearted yet insightful perspective on what contributes to a great relationship. You could also easily make this into a dirty pickup line. Here are examples:

What You Can Answer:

  1. "What makes a relationship great is... having a dedicated 'taco night' on the calendar. Because let's be honest, love and guacamole can solve almost anything."
  2. "A relationship is truly fantastic when you both agree on the perfect Netflix show to binge-watch, and the biggest argument is over who gets control of the remote. Harmony in chaos, right?"
  3. "In my world, a great relationship is all about mastering the art of sharing fries. If you can navigate the delicate balance of fry distribution, you're practically soulmates, right?"

My mental health game changer was…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (1)

Whether your advocacy revolves around mental health or you want to share something deeply personal that helped you, this prompt is great for sparking a deeper conversation. While this is a more serious prompt, you can still infuse humor by maintaining a lighthearted tone without undermining the importance of mental health.

You could, for example, share a genuine moment of personal growth or self-care while adding a witty twist. Humor is not only a great coping mechanism, but you can also establish a deep personal connection with your match.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "My mental health game changer was discovering that talking to my plants counts as therapy. They're excellent listeners, never judge, and miraculously, they haven't recommended any self-help books yet."
  2. "The moment I realized that replacing my morning coffee with interpretative dance in the living room was a mental health game changer. Not sure if the neighbors agree, but my serotonin levels certainly do."
  3. "My mental health improved when I learned the ancient art of 'selective hearing' during family gatherings. Now, I nod, smile, and mentally plan my next escape to the snack table. It's surprisingly therapeutic!"

Finding the right words can be hard. Get a free personalized bumble bio in minutes with our free profile writer.

I get way too excited about…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (2)

This is a great opportunity to share your wacky passions and quirky interests while worrying about trying to bring them up in natural conversation. You can use this to showcase your enthusiasm about your interests while adding a touch of humor to your profile just like you'd do if you were writing funny tinder bios.

Typically, you’d add humor by exaggerating your excitement about something unexpected or by playfully teasing yourself for getting overly enthusiastic. This can create a lighthearted and relatable connection with potential matches.

It’s also bonus brownie points to someone who shares a similar excitement for the same things.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "I get way too excited about finding a matching pair of socks in the laundry. It's like winning the sock lottery – a celebration ensues, and there might be a victory dance involved."
  2. "My level of excitement about a new season of my favorite TV show is probably not healthy. I've been known to throw premiere parties, complete with themed snacks and an embarrassing amount of show-related trivia."
  3. "I get overly excited when my microwave 'dings' indicating my leftovers are ready. It feels like a small victory and sometimes I add a drumroll."

I’m a real nerd about…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (3)

This prompt is perfect for those who want to share their passionate and geeky interests. Whether you answer it with feverish enthusiasm or playfully with a touch of self-awareness, it’s great for embracing your nerdy side while finding someone with similar interests.

You could inject humor by exaggerating your enthusiasm for your nerdy interest or by framing it in a way that invites curiosity. The key to answering this prompt is to embrace the uniqueness of your passion without taking it too seriously and being open to discussing it with your matches.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "I'm a real nerd about deciphering the hidden meanings in cat meows. Turns out, they have a complex language, and I'm on a quest to become the Dr. Dolittle of the feline world."
  2. "My friends call me the 'Supreme Commander of Trivia Night'—I’m a real nerd about obscure facts. If knowing the capital of fictional countries were an Olympic sport, I'd bring home the gold."
  3. "I am skilled in the art of parallel parking in alternate dimensions which comes in handy when you accidentally teleport to the wrong one. And let's be real, parking tickets are probably universal."

The quickest way to my heart is…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (4)

This Bumble prompt may seem a little bit cliche, but it’s surprisingly effective in winning over potential matches. It's an opportunity to reveal personal preferences and quirks playfully.

You can inject humor by highlighting a unique or unexpected trait that captures attention. While expressing sincerity, consider adding a humorous twist to make your answer memorable and engaging.

Poking fun at this prompt and not taking it too seriously is also another great way to answer this prompt humorously.

ALSOREAD:How to write a good Bumble bio for men

What You Can Answer:

  1. "The quickest way to my heart is through a well-executed interpretative dance routine. Bonus points if you can seamlessly incorporate jazz hands into your daily activities."
  2. "To win my heart swiftly, just speak fluent movie quotes. It's like a secret language only true soulmates understand. If you can quote '90s sitcoms, you're my love language."
  3. “If you want to win me over, then you better master the art of opening a bag of chips silently. Because let's face it, love is about enjoying snacks together without the unnecessary crunch soundtrack."

Favorite quality in a person…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (5)

This is perfect for those who want to showcase what you value most in others, providing insight into your preferences and sense of humor. If you want to answer this humorously, consider infusing a light-hearted touch while still conveying genuine qualities you appreciate.

This can be done through exaggerating or using playful language to describe qualities you find appealing. However, keep your response light and positive and not too overly specific, to not turn away potential matches.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "My favorite quality in a person is their ability to laugh at my jokes. Even the ones that are only funny in my head. Bonus points if they have a great fake laugh for the questionable ones."
  2. "I truly admire people who can successfully navigate IKEA furniture assembly without ending up in a relationship-ending argument. Patience, perseverance, and an Allen wrench – my kind of superhero qualities."
  3. "One of the most attractive qualities a person could have is the ability to turn an ordinary day into an unexpected adventure. If you can persuade me to skip Netflix for a midnight picnic at the park, then you've already won my heart"

Did you know our ai profile writer works with Bumble? Learn more about our free Bumble Bio generator.

My favorite fact is…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (6)

This is not only great for those who may just have a lot of random facts, but also for those who want to share a fascinating or quirky piece of information about themselves. It's an opportunity to showcase both personality and interests.

Sometimes the facts don’t have to be humorous on their own, you can also add a playful twist or anecdote to pair with the fact. Your goal would be to make your match smile while offering an intriguing glimpse into your personality or experiences.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "My favorite fact is that I can recite the entire dialogue of my favorite movie in interpretative dance. It's like a one-person Broadway show in my living room, and the reviews (from my cat) are stellar."
  2. "The most important fact you should know about me is that I've mastered the art of parallel parking using only the force. Jedi skills meet urban navigation – it's a niche talent."
  3. "Did you know I once won a dance-off against a penguin at the zoo? Admittedly, the penguin didn't seem too impressed, but I maintain that it was a victory for the human species."

As a child, I was really into…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (7)

This prompt can be deeply personal for many, but it’s great for giving your potential matches a glimpse of your childhood interests and quirks. It's also an opportunity to showcase your playful side and provide matches with a nostalgic peek into your past.

You can add humor to these nostalgic memories by making the experience humorous retrospectively or even by poking fun at your younger self. This not only showcases your personality but also sparks curiosity and laughter.

It’s also great to spark a conversation about similar hobbies, experiences, and interests that you and your potential matches would have shared in the past.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "As a child, I was really into convincing my siblings that I had a secret portal to Narnia in the closet. Little did they know, it was just my hiding spot for snacks."
  2. "Back in the day, I was a serious entrepreneur—selling imaginary friends to my classmates. Turns out, my entrepreneurial spirit peaked in second grade, and my ROI was mostly candy."
  3. "I was really into mastering the art of invisibility as a kid. Spoiler alert: I never quite nailed it, but I did become an expert at hiding behind the living room curtains during hide-and-seek."

After work, you can find me…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (8)

This prompt is great for those who want to offer a glimpse into your post-work activities and interests. It's an opportunity to showcase personality and hobbies. You could answer this humorously by infusing a playful twist into your routine while highlighting relatable aspects. If you workout, this may also be a good time to throw in some gym pickup lines.

What You Can Answer:

  1. “After work, you can find me... pretending to have a deep philosophical conversation with my cat. She's an excellent listener, but her advice on world peace is still a work in progress."
  2. "Catch me after work attempting to turn my kitchen into a gourmet restaurant, only to realize that my signature dish is 'microwave popcorn with a side of optimism.'"
  3. "After work, I love to relax in my pajamas and watch Netflix. I'm pretty sure I could win a gold medal for binge-watching if it was an Olympic sport."

I will never judge you about…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (9)

This is a great prompt for those who want to create a welcoming atmosphere by expressing their open-mindedness. It's an opportunity to showcase a non-judgmental attitude and encourage potential matches to be themselves.

You can add humor to your response and lighten the mood by picking a subject or topic that you do, which can showcase that you’re willing to be vulnerable and are comfortable with talking about sensitive topics.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "I will never judge you about your questionable taste in reality TV. I mean, we all have guilty pleasures, right? No shame, just a lot of eye-rolling at my own choices."
  2. "Feel free to eat pizza with a fork, and I promise not to judge. Let's be rebels together in the culinary world—forks and pizzas, the ultimate power duo."
  3. "I understand how hard it can be to get up in the morning, so I won't judge you for hitting the snooze button multiple times. Just know that if you're running late, I've probably hit snooze at least once too."

My current obsession is…

While similar to prompts like ‘I get way too excited about…’ and ‘I’m a nerd about…’, it’s a great prompt for those who want to share their current passions, interests, or fixations. It's an opportunity to showcase your enthusiasm and potentially find common ground with matches.

Sometimes, you don’t have to add too much humor to a current obsession, but you can always add a playful twist to your response.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "My current obsession is trying to convince my cat that I'm the cooler one in this relationship. She remains unconvinced, but I'm not giving up. #CatWhispererGoals"
  2. "I'm currently obsessed with finding the perfect meme for every situation. If my life had background music, it would be a mix of laughter and 'dun-dun-dun' suspenseful tones."
  3. "I’m obsessed with mastering the art of parallel parking. I have watched numerous tutorials and even used my friends as traffic cones, and now I can confidently say that I am the parallel parking champion of my neighborhood. Move over, Formula 1!"

If I could eat only one meal for the rest of my life it would be…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (10)

This is the perfect prompt for foodies who want to showcase their culinary preferences and a bit of their personality. Whether you have finer tastes or beloved 3 am comfort foods, a conversation following this can spark into a potential food date.

You can playfully exaggerate your love for a particular dish while keeping the tone light and relatable. You could also use this as an opportunity to cook a meal for a potential date.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "If I could eat only one meal for the rest of my life, it would be pizza. Because, let's face it, pizza is the superhero of all meals – it's versatile, has a loyal fan base, and can save the day even in the stickiest of situations."
  2. "My forever meal would be tacos. Not just any tacos, but the kind that are so good they make you contemplate starting a taco religion. Praise the salsa!"
  3. "If I had to choose one meal to have for the rest of my life, it would be breakfast for dinner. There's something about having pancakes at sunset that feels rebellious and satisfying."

I quote too much from…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (11)

This is a great prompt that encourages you to showcase your favorite sources of inspiration, whether it's movies, books, or iconic figures. It’s ideal for those who want to express their personality and interests through the quotes that resonate with them.

Adding a playful twist to your quotes not only gives a glimpse into your sense of humor and the kinds of media you consume.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "I quote too much from my cat. I'm convinced he's a feline philosopher, and his daily meows are just deep thoughts lost in translation. You wouldn't believe the wisdom hidden in 'meow' language."
  2. "I quote too much from Disney movies, I was practically raised by Disney princesses. I don’t expect you to bring me on a magic carpet ride every night, but I hope you can show me a whole new world.”
  3. "I rely too much on my GPS. But, let's be honest, if you miss a turn in life, you might as well take three rights and make a U-turn. It's the wisdom of GPS."

I’m hoping you…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (12)

This is ideal for those who want to express their expectations or desires in a potential match. While the prompt suggests a more serious tone, infusing humor can make your profile stand out and create a light-hearted atmosphere.

You might want to do this by playfully expressing your hopes or expectations, making sure it's casual and relatable. By adding humor to this prompt, you can break the ice and set a friendly, approachable vibe.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "I'm hoping you have a secret talent for choosing the fastest checkout line at the grocery store. If you can navigate that chaos without breaking a sweat, you might just be my hero."
  2. "I'm hoping you laugh at my terrible jokes, pretend to enjoy my cooking experiments, and teach me how to fold a fitted sheet. Bonus points if you can do all three simultaneously."
  3. "I have this dream of starting a food truck that only sells breakfast foods after 5 PM. Because who says pancakes are only for mornings? Let's break some culinary rules together."

We’ll get along if…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (13)

This prompt is ideal for those who want to provide quick criteria for your friendship. It's also a perfect chance for you to reveal preferences, quirks, or shared interests that would make a potential match a good fit.

It’s also an excellent opportunity to be playful while giving insight into the unique qualities that would make a connection enjoyable.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "We'll get along if you believe that the best part of a movie night is debating which snack deserves the title of 'official movie companion.' Popcorn may be the classic, but have you tried gummy bears with a thriller?"
  2. "If you think that a perfect date involves battling each other in Mario Kart, arguing over the best strategy in Monopoly, and then ordering pizza because board games are surprisingly exhausting, we're on the same wavelength."
  3. "I hope you can appreciate my talent for turning mundane activities into a dance party. Vacuuming? Synchronized swiffer moves. Grocery shopping? Aisle disco. Let's make every moment a groove!"

It’s meant to be if…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (14)

This prompt is ideal for those who want to be a little more sarcastic with their answers or prefer to be genuine. Either way, it's an opportunity to reveal personal preferences and quirks playfully.

You can highlight unique and amusing criteria for what makes a connection destined, but keep it light-hearted and relatable.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "It's meant to be if our dogs have a secret handshake at the dog park. Because, let's face it, their approval matters more than anyone else's."
  2. "If we can effortlessly share a pizza without debating over pineapple as a topping. Compatibility is at its peak when we can enjoy each slice without judgment."
  3. "I’d love if our music playlists sync up like a perfectly choreographed dance. Imagine us harmonizing to cheesy '80s ballads or attempting synchronized interpretative dance moves in the kitchen. Now that's true love!"

I’m known for…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (15)

This is a great opportunity for those who want to showcase their personality or a snippet of their personal lives. It’s also great as a conversation starter since it can pique the interest of potential matches while allowing you to share a personal humorous anecdote.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "I'm known for turning the kitchen into a battleground when attempting to cook. My signature dish? 'Spaghetti à la Smoke Detector.' It's an acquired taste."
  2. "I'm known for my uncanny ability to find the one squeaky floorboard in any room. Call it a talent, call it a curse – either way, I'm the human creak detector."
  3. "I have some pretty epic dance moves that I love to do in grocery store aisles. If you spot someone turning a mundane shopping trip into a disco extravaganza, that's probably me. Can't resist a good beat, even in the produce section."

My most useless skill is…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (16)

This is a great prompt for those who want to share a quirky or amusing talent that might not have much practical value. It's an opportunity to showcase a lighter side of oneself and bond over shared eccentricities.

Overall, so long as you have fun with this prompt by embracing the absurdity of a seemingly useless skill, it’ll go a long way. Whether it's a bizarre party trick or an offbeat talent, the key is to present it with a humorous twist that sparks curiosity.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "My most useless skill is accurately predicting when the microwave will beep down to the last second. Sadly, it hasn't earned me any awards, but my popcorn game is on point."
  2. "I possess the uncanny ability to remember every lyric from '90s sitcom theme songs. Handy? Not at all. But challenge me to a 'Fresh Prince' rap battle, and I'm your guy."
  3. "I’m able to name every type of pasta shape known to humanity. So, if you ever find yourself in a high-stakes pasta trivia night, I'm your secret weapon."

Perfect first date…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (17)

This is the most common prompt you will see on Bumble, and for good reason! It’s ideal because it gets straight to the point, while also sharing your ideal scenario for a first date. You could also use this prompt to express preferences and set the stage for potential outings.

You can add playfulness to your prompt answer by adding humor to your dream date scenario. It’s also good to highlight a quirky preference or a whimsical setting to make your response memorable and engaging.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "Perfect first date: Unleashing our inner food critics at a fast-food restaurant, complete with formalwear. Because who says you can't appreciate the finer things in life while enjoying a burger and fries?"
  2. "Ideal first date: Trying to assemble IKEA furniture. If we survive the instruction manual and don't end up with spare parts, I'd say we're off to a great start in this adventure called dating."
  3. "I always wanted to embark on a tandem bike ride, but with a twist. We both get to pick a playlist, and the catch is, that we can only communicate through song lyrics. It's like our own musical love story in the making!"

A review by a friend…

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (18)

This prompt is ideal for those who want to showcase their personality through the eyes of someone close to them. You could answer humorously, playfully exaggerate positive traits, or highlight endearing quirks.

You can add humor to your response by offering a lighthearted exaggeration of your qualities or showcasing a fun, relatable aspect of your personality. It's a chance to charm with wit and self-awareness.

What You Can Answer:

  1. "A review by a friend: 'If life were a sitcom, [Your Name] would be the quirky neighbor who always has the best snacks. Seriously, they've got a snack drawer that's the envy of the block.'"
  2. "According to a friend's review, 'Hanging out with [Your Name] is like having a personal stand-up comedian. Warning: excessive laughter may occur, and abs might unintentionally get a workout.'"
  3. "’Spending time with [Your Name] is like finding a surprise puppy on your doorstep. Unexpectedly delightful, occasionally chaotic, but guaranteed to bring joy to your day.”

If you aren’t sure if your profile is witty or gets your intentions across, our Profile Review can help you optimize your dating profiles to help you get more matches.


As you begin to apply these funny Bumble prompt answers in real-time, always remember that laughter is often the best medicine, and this applies in this context too.

Having people, especially those of the opposite sex, relate to you through your wit, humor, and overall personality can always be a good sign from their perspective.

If you’re still having a hard time crafting the perfect funny Bumble prompt answers, consider exploring our Profile Poet. Let us help you craft the perfect profile that truly reflects the wonderful individual you are.

To help you further improve your dating game, don't forget to explore our blog, where we regularly share useful tidbits and engaging information to enhance your dating game.

When you’re ready to improve your dating game, check out our YourMove AI app on the App Store and start your journey with YourMove.

We wish you luck in your dating life!

60 Funny Bumble Prompt Answers for Girls and Guys in 2024 (2024)


What makes a relationship great is Bumble answers? ›

Bumble Prompt 1: What makes a relationship great is…

This is a chance to show not only a core value of your own, but also the kind of relationship you are looking for. Think about what you offer in a relationship and what you like to receive. Remember to only mention what you do want, not what you don't want.

What's your ideal first date Bumble answer? ›

Instead, write out a little itinerary—it doesn't have to be incredibly detailed, but it should give someone an idea of what you enjoy. Maybe it's a picnic in a park. Perhaps you lean towards the classic dinner and a movie, or you love art museums, comedy clubs and bookstores.

What's a good opener on Bumble? ›

Next time you make a match on Bumble, give one of these quick approaches a shot.
  • Ask about their photos. After reviewing your match's profile, hone in on one photo that piques your interest. ...
  • Connect over a shared interest. ...
  • Offer a compliment. ...
  • Describe them in emojis. ...
  • Ask a random question.

What is a good first Bumble response? ›

Dating coach Benjamin Daly thinks of it as a three-step process: Start with a greeting like, “Hey, (name),” which will make it feel more personal. Then “make an observation about something in their profile: I noticed…, I saw…, I didn't have you down as…” Finally, “end with a question about your observation.”

What do I put on my Bumble profile? ›

Be specific, then spice it up

Get more specific so your matches will have something more when it comes time to get chatting. If you love to travel, talk about where you're headed next. If you're a foodie, mention the dish you could eat literally every day for the rest of your life.

What is a good line for Bumble Bio? ›

Best Bumble Bios
  • "If you're down to rave with me, you have my heart."
  • "Looking for someone who also has an adventurous palate!"
  • "I'm DTF. Yes, that's down to food — always."
  • "If attending a Saturday morning SoulCycle date is your idea of 'fun,' I'm yours."
  • "What's your most controversial opinion?"
May 14, 2024

What makes a Bumble profile stand out? ›

Make your first photo stand out

We've found that showing off your smile, your eyes (without sunglasses), and your whole face (without a filter) is best practice. Make sure it's just you in this first photo so your potential matches to know who they're swiping on–and save the group shots for later photos.

How do I flirt on Bumble? ›

Tips and Tricks for Flirting on Bumble
  1. DO: Ask them questions. ...
  2. DO: Compliment them. ...
  3. DO: Put yourself out there. ...
  4. DON'T: Take the conversation off Bumble without consent. ...
  5. DON'T: Open the conversation with a sexual or intense question. ...
  6. DON'T: Pester without a response. ...
  7. DON'T: Send lewd images without consent.

What three things make a relationship great? ›

Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people.

What is the first question to ask on Bumble? ›

Here are some questions to try:
  • What's for lunch today? I need some inspiration.
  • Extremely important question: sweet or savory?
  • If you could choose a name for yourself other than your own, what would it be?
  • Choose your own adventure, opening line edition. Would you like a) a joke, b) a would you rather or c) a fun fact?

What is the first message on Bumble dating app? ›

Ask about something on your match's profile, like a photo or a hobby they mentioned. Break the ice with a joke, pun, pick-up line, such as “Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere.” Directly compliment your match, flirt with them, or ask if they'd like to meet in person.

What's the most iconic first date idea in Bumble? ›

Now, the next time your Bumble match asks, “So, what do you want to do?” you'll know what to say.
  • Find a free concert. ...
  • Go stargazing. ...
  • Visit a museum or gallery. ...
  • Host a game night. ...
  • Take a hike. ...
  • Stroll somewhere scenic. ...
  • Volunteer at a local animal shelter. ...
  • Test your cooking skills.

What is the best question to ask on Bumble? ›

Ten Questions to Ask on the First Bumble Date
  • What's your idea of the perfect day?
  • If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
  • If you could wake up tomorrow with a new ability or quality, what would you want it to be?
  • Would you want to be famous?

What gets the most matches on Bumble? ›

Here are eight things you can do right now that could help you get more Bumble matches.
  • Include all six photos. ...
  • Take advantage of those profile prompts. ...
  • Add the maximum number of badges. ...
  • Fill out your bio. ...
  • Get verified. ...
  • Upgrade your membership. ...
  • Make filters work for you. ...
  • Use Spotlight and SuperSwipe.

What is a good icebreaker for Bumble? ›

Questions to ask based on someone's profile

Is there a photo that caught your eye? Did one of their Profile Prompts make you laugh out loud? Did they go to the same college as you? Letting your match talk about themselves in the beginning can help put them at ease and get the conversation flowing.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Views: 5603

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Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.