Ny Trapping Forum (2024)

1. Trapper Talk

  • More results from nytrappers.proboards.com

  • Where Trappers can talk to other trappers

2. new New York State Trapper's website up & running - Trapperman Forums

  • More results from trapperman.com

  • Attention New York State trappers and all other North American trappers. Our new New York State Trapper's website is up & running. The URL is as follows: NY TRAPPERS Feel free to visit and register to our site. Everyone is welcome to participate & contribute, eve...

3. Trapping - Hunting New York - NY Empire State Hunting Forum

  • 247 topics in this forum · 2017/2018 Trapping Harvest Thread · Incidental gray fox · Water Rat's "Blast From The Past" trapping photo's · Otter drowning set.

  • Trapping discussions

4. New York Trapper Forum: Home

5. General Trapping Discussion - Forums - NY Woods & Water

  • Just an FYI - I'm advertising a doz NO-BS K.O. K9 X-Treme Coil Spring Traps on the classified forum.

  • By biggamefish, November 26, 2022

General Trapping Discussion - Forums - NY Woods & Water

6. NYS Trappers Guild: Login Required

  • Welcome. Please register to view our content. This Forum Is Hosted For FREE By ProBoards. Get Your Own Free Forum!

  • Visit our forum at: nytrappersguild.proboards.com

7. Welcome! - New York State Trappers Association

  • Convention · Membership · News & Events · DEC Trapping Links

  • HELP NEEDED! Any members that are willing and interested in helping out at this years convention, I am going to be holding a short convention committee meeting following the BOD meeting on July 20th. I’m guessing that if folks don’t want to stay for the whole meeting, (although, if you’re a member in good standing, […]

8. NY Trapper Forum - ProBoards

  • The only NY trapper forum being shut down. Everyone is free to voice their opinion but keep it civil. Lets make this a great place for New York Trappers to ...

  • I enjoy tapping and don't want to see it disappear from New York so I created this forum after seeing the only NY trapper forum being shut down. Everyone is free to voice their opinion but keep it

9. NY Empire State Hunting Forum - Bow Hunting, Fishing, Bear, Deer

  • Deer Hunting · New York Hunting · Bow Hunting · Ny hunter

  • By Doc, Yesterday at 01:15 PM in General Chit Chat

10. I'm advertising a doz NO-BS K.O. K9 X-Treme Coil Spring Traps on the ...

  • Jan 9, 2024 · I'm posting these here and on the NYS Trapping forum first ... traps NY-legal for land trapping). The traps have a 36” of chain ...

  • I have one dozen NO-BS K.O. K9 X-Treme Coil Spring Traps for sale. I’m posting these here and on the NYS Trapping forum first; hopefully the person buying these are close enough to me that I don’t need to ship (they fit in two large USPS flat rate boxes). These traps are offset, four-coiled, and ...

I'm advertising a doz NO-BS K.O. K9 X-Treme Coil Spring Traps on the ...

11. First time trapping | Bushcraft USA Forums

  • Nov 14, 2017 · ... NY is endangered in NJ and if you are on the NY side of the road its ... Like MommaJ said lots of regulations, and like anything else in life ...

  • I would like to try trapping. My first thought is squirrels, maybe rabbits. I have a lot of woods behind my home and good access to a small creek too. Who here has experience in trapping and can recommend the kind of trap and bait/lure I need to use. My only concern is I don't know if there are...

12. Top 30 Trapping Forums in 2024

  • Trapping Forums · 1. Trapshooters Forum · 2. NY Trappers Forum · 3. American Trap Talk Forum · 4. Survivalist Forum » Hunting and Trapping · 5. Northeastshooters ...

  • Best Trapping Forums. Keep up with the latest discussions, information, and message boards on Trapping

Top 30 Trapping Forums in 2024

13. N.Y. Trappers Forum schedules two-day trapping conference at ...

  • Jul 4, 2010 · N.Y. Trappers Forum schedules two-day trapping conference at Town of Fenner Park ... The 6th Annual N.Y. Trappers Forum Summer Fur Rondy is set ...

  • The 6th Annual N.Y. Trappers Forum Summer Fur Rondy is set for this coming Friday and Saturday (July 9, 10) at the Nichols Pond Park in the Town of Fenner. The event’s schedule includes trapping demonstrations, trapping supplies for sale...

14. News & Events - New York State Trappers Association

  • Cattaraugus County Trappers Association 2024 Sportsmen's Rendezvous Demonstration Schedule (Schedule subject to change) All demos and Saturday Auction held in ...

15. New York State Trappers Association | Cobleskill NY - Facebook

  • New York State Trappers Association is the Insurance Policy that Protects Trapping in NYS. Visit our Website to become a member.

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

Ny Trapping Forum (2024)


Can you trap beavers in NY? ›

You may set a trap in a permanent body of water only when the mink, muskrat, otter, or beaver season is open. You may not disturb a beaver lodge, beaver dam, or muskrat house or den. You may not set a trap on or within 5 feet of a muskrat house.

Is it legal to trap fishers in NY? ›

Fisher and Marten Trapping Seasons

If you take a fisher or marten you must complete a furbearer possession tag and get the pelt or unskinned animal sealed.

How much is a trapping license in NY? ›

Types and Fees
License TypeResident FeeNonresident Fee
Annual valid from September 1 through August 31 each year$20 (ages 16-69) $5 (ages 70+) $5 (ages 12-15)$275 (16+) $5 (ages 12-15)

Can I shoot a beaver on my property in NY? ›

Apply for a Nuisance Beaver Permit

Beaver Removal permit allows for the lethal removal of beaver on the permittee's property outside of the regulated trapping season. A Dam Removal permit also allows for lethal removal of beavers, plus the breaching or removal of a beaver dam no more than 2 years old.

Is it legal to shoot chipmunks in NY? ›

Unprotected Wildlife

Species that are unprotected in NY include: woodchucks, porcupines, eastern chipmunks, red squirrels, flying squirrels, moles, voles, shrews, some bats (check with the DEC first), rats (except the Allegheny woodrat), house sparrows, European starlings, and pigeons (without leg band).

Can you trap squirrels in NY? ›

It is illegal for you to move or relocate an animal off your property. You cannot live trap an animal and release it in a park, on State land or anywhere other than on the property where it was captured. If you need a wild animal removed from your property, contact a Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator (NWCO).

Are grey squirrels protected in NY? ›

No person shall hunt or take opossum, weasel, black, gray or fox squirrel, raccoon, cottontail rabbit, varying hare, European hare, bobcat, red fox, gray fox or coyote except from sunrise to sunset; provided, however, that after sunrise on the opening day of each respective season, bobcat, raccoon, skunk, red fox, gray ...

Can you hunt on your own property in New York State? ›


85% of the land in New York is privately owned, meaning that most hunting in New York takes place on private property. Hunters can typically freely take game animals hunted on their own private property or may seek permission from a landowner to hunt on their property.

Do you need a fishing license if you are over 65 in New York? ›

If you are over the age of 15, you will need to purchase a fishing license to fish most of New York's freshwaters.

Can you bait deer on your own property in NY? ›

Baiting. It is illegal to hunt with the aid of bait, or over any baited area when hunting big game, upland game birds, turkey or waterfowl. It is illegal to place a salt block or mineral lick on lands inhabited by deer at any time of year. It is also illegal to feed deer.

Can you relocate beavers in NY? ›

It is illegal for you to move or relocate an animal off your property. You cannot live trap an animal and release it in a park, on State land or anywhere other than on the property where it was captured. If you need a wild animal removed from your property, contact a Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator (NWCO).

What to do if you have a beaver in your backyard? ›

The only non-lethal and effective way to get rid of resident beavers is to physically remove them using a live trap. Trapping beavers takes patience, since many beavers are trap shy.

Do beavers live in upstate NY? ›

At present, the Department of Environmental Conservation estimates that 50,000-75,000 beavers inhabit the Adirondacks, occupying most of the available habitat. All animals alter their environments, but few do so profoundly as the beaver. Dams, lodges, burrows, canals, and trails mark its presence.

Can beavers be trapped and relocated? ›

Live trapping a beaver family intact for relocation can be challenging, and families can be permanently separated in attempts to live trap and relocate a family to another site. Capture loss and family separation through 'live-trapping' methods.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.