The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (2024)

Table of Contents


The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (1)[...]n .. .. -. -. s. 2 Copies are sent free of charge to Red Cross Branches
League of Red Cross Societies[...]Box for League .. 7. 6. 6. be ee ees application to the Secretary, Australian Red Cross Societ[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (2)[...]f the appalling condition of the wounded, who
had to endure indescribable. misery, she was
urgently requested by the Government to take
charge of the military hospitals at Scutari.[...]months the death rate
fell from 427 per thousand to 107 per thousand,
and when the sanitary works she insisted on were
finished, to 22 per thousand.

Florence Nightingale was primar[...]Nightingale set the example of per-
sonal service to the sick and suffering. Perfection
was to be attained through doing. The Red Cross
seeks to maintain her ideals, and by the training
it gives[...]occasion is also a specially
fitting one on which to hold local appeals for Red
Cross activities.

N.B[...]ightingale posters may be
obtained on application toto the Australian Red Cross. The resolution was
pass[...]t was being done
by the Red Cross, toth in regard to the care of ex-soldiers
and their dependents, and[...]ith the object of rendering disinterested
service to its fellow human beings, and it was also a
good t[...]end-
ent of Government control. It was gratifying to be able
to speak about a Society where everything was worthy[...]pect of the work was that the Society had set
out to conserve its continuity in the Junior Red Cross.
It was important to preserve the succession for all the
work that was[...]rded in the report, pointing out
that in addition to maintaining ceaseless activities on
behalf of sic[...]prevention of suffering and disease. He
referred to the fine work being done by the Junior Red
Cross,[...]Speaking in support, Mr. W. F. Greenwood referred to
the approaching necessity for an appeal by the various
Divisions for funds to enable them to carry on their

Colonel Courtney, represent[...]ld
sueceed in passing on some of their experience to others,
as the value of work in the hospitals dep[...]oss Society was giving valuable aid. She
referred to International House, 15 Manchester Square,
establ[...]e League of Red Cross Societies, and of
its value to nurses of many nationalities, who stayed
there wh[...]le at some future
date for a nurse from Australia to take up a course of
study at Bedford College, and to occupy the room fur-
nished by the Australian Red[...]nual
report and financial statements was then put to the
meeting and carried unanimously.

The Lord Mayor (Cr, Gengoult Smith) moved a vote of
thanks to Her Excellency for presiding at the meeting.
work of the Society, she invited those present to partake
of tea.

Report of Repatriation Commissio[...]Society has shown a
commendable and active desire to add to the comfort of
the patients within the Com[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (3)[...]members
have shown have been of great assistance to the Commis-
sion and its officers in dealing with[...]yne, despite physical ills,
had come from America to preside over the assembly.

The chief business be[...]o years. These
reports, which have been forwarded to you, were con-
sidered very satisfactory, more especially as, thanks to
wise economies, the League’s activities had bee[...]on with these reports
were passed:—(1) Agreeing to the holding of an immediate
Conference of Red Cro[...]shment by the League of Nations of a Relief
Union to deal with national disasters, approved the steps
taken to ensure joint collaboration between this new Relie[...]rom national govern-
ments would only be adequate to meet administrative
expenses. It was, however, thought that the Relief Union
would endeavour to have a certain sum of money on hand
which could be immediately applied to relief purposes in
great emergencies, and that ot[...]ague and Red Cross organisations already
equipped to do such work.

First Aid on, the Roads was the su[...]ring Club of France, the Red Cross function being to
give some instruction to civilians in charge of the posts.
The further dev[...]alterations in the commercial aero-
plane seemed to be as follows; The eight armchairs to be
detachable; the widening of the door at side of plane to
allow of the easy passage of a stretcher; steel supports
fastened to the floor of the plane to hold the stretcher.
An eight-seater aeroplane can[...]dant.”

The attention of the Board was directed to the work
being developed by the Secretariat in co[...]ndered elsewhere by local authori-
ties, are left to voluntary agencies. Dr. R. Sand raised

the quest[...]separate country, and that
nothing should be done to interfere with the work of other
organisations or[...]of a Florence Nightingale memorial. The proposal to
establish a lasting memorial to Florence Nightingale was
mooted before the war by[...]. The
League, however, is no longer in a position to finance it,
but as the usefulness of this institu[...]ely
recognised, the nursing profession is anxious to maintain
it. If this is to be done, an endowment fund of £200,000
would be required, and as this will take some time to
collect, it is proposed that, pending the accumul[...]year 1933-34. The American
Red Cross has promised to provide adequate funds to
enable the college to be carried on till that date. Should
this scheme[...]s will allow of a nursing
commission being formed to discuss professional problems
at the 1934 confere[...]ith feelings of international goodwill.

In order to preserve the spirit of service awakened by
the Ju[...]uggested that
national societies should endeavour to present a pro-
gramme of activities suitable for[...]anks of Red Cross
workers. A special committee is to be appointed at the
next International Red Cross Conference to discuss these
points, and it is hoped that expert[...]m junior
organisations will be present.

In order to safeguard the position of the League, I was
asked to submit the following resolution to the Board:—

Any member Society trespassing aga[...]ntal Red Cross principle of neutrality in respect to
political or sectarian activity, or acting in a m[...]nnection with the League
for any purpose contrary to the principles of the Red
Cross, may be suspended[...]y of the members present. Due
notice of intention to propose such a resolution must be
given in advanc[...]Executive Committee, shall be under no obligation
to state the grounds of its decision, beyond[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (4)[...]solid
front, the Red Cross will be able not only to carry on
its activities with increasing success, but will exert upon
public opinion an influence conducive to friendliness and
good feeling,

Judge Payne invited the delegates to dinner in one of
the hotels. Various after-dinner[...]of the
International Comite, who has done so much to secure the
co-operation of the two organisations;[...]. The French Red Cross also
invited the delegates to tea at the International Club,
where we had an op[...]I regret that it will be quite impossible for me to be
present on that oceasion, but. perhaps the Australian Red
Cross may be able to send a delegate from Australia to
represent it at the conference.

In conclusion, may I express to the Council the great
pleasure I have had in acti[...]ished black-
wood box sent by the Central Council to the
League :—

You were very kind indeed to send us the box made of
Australian native blackwo[...]ts in the
League Headquarters. It was good of you to remember
us. The Australian woods are indeed very[...]rom the
American Red Cross, Washington, testifies to the
interest created by the portfolios :—

I never feel like closing a letter to your office without
remarking upon the great inte[...]ing. The description of your animals ©

peculiar to Australia never fails to delight us all, and
arouses great enthusiasm amon[...]ondence between our two coun-
tries will continue to increase. You cannot send us enough
to satisfy us.

NEW SOUTH[...]the 24th February. The object of this meeting is to bring
the Branches into closer touch with one ano[...]r. R. J. Hawkes, presided, and extended
a welcome to each guest. He was supported in_ his
remarks by M[...]ut for
financial reasons it has not been possible to give the
matter consideration. However, Mrs. A. G[...]of the Executive Committee, very generously
came to the Society’s assistance by donating the[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (5)April, 1938.

April, added yet another to the many successful confer-
ences arranged by the[...]roken in the war. Lady Game particularly referred to her
recent visit to the “Malahide” Red Cross Hospital at
Pennant[...]se assistance the Society
would have been obliged to curtail its activities.

The Premier, (Mr. B. S.[...]lt sure it would
present a good case. He was glad to note that the
Society had lived within: its incom[...]of its work throughout the State, made
reference to the efforts it is putting forward, both at
“Malahide” and Exeter, to conserve the funds entrusted to
the Society by the general public by conducting m[...]it. Mr. Hawkes announced that in its en-
deavours to prevent one of its Homes from closing, the
Execut[...]full and careful consideration. had
been obliged to break away from the long-established
practice of[...]at the
énd of the year the Society will be able to balance its
ledger. From a further contribution to be received from
the trustees of the late Miss Emily Claughton, it is hoped
toto Misd Heather Kinnaird, who
sang during the aftern[...]st (Miss
Valda Kersey).

At night a theatre party to the last night of “Our
Miss Gibbs” was arrang[...]resent.

The Second Session (morning) was devoted to a dis-
cussion of various subjects, and was presi[...]on, which
proved most interesting and instructive to all present.

On the third day—Wednesday, the 14th April—a motor
outing was arranged to the “Bodington” Red Cross Sana-
torium, at We[...]a
on the bowling green, and finally the trip back to Sydney,
all served to complete perhaps one of the most successful
outin[...]uncheon. held at David Jones’ on the 24th April
to commemorate Anzac Day. Miss Dorothy Wormal pre-
s[...]. John Moore.
O.B.E., proposed the vote of thanks to the guests of

A Committee of almost 100[...]the 29th
June, will be the next; important event to follow the
birthday ball, and it is anticipated t[...]ed and eighty-one milk and egg orders were
issued to soldiers reouiring snecial diet, etc.. and on the[...]ir medieal officer 65 T.B. patients
were admitted to “Graythwaite” Red Cross Hospital. At
Christma[...]appreciation :—

“T can truly say that I look to the future with more
hope than I did a month ago.[...]chance of my disease being arrested. Many thanks
to the Red Cross Society.”

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (6)[...]rn the belt now for one week, and am very
pleased to say that I believe it will be more beneficial tha[...]etter. I have no one in this
world now who I wish to write to me, so that you can
see that your letter was very welcome. I miss the cups
of tea, etc., which we used to get in Red Cross: Home; we
have to buy ours now. Wishing the Red Cross every suc-
ce[...]treet, Sydney.—This Department gives assistance
to the sick wives and children of our returned sailors and
soldiers. All cases are investigated to see that the assist-
ance asked for is really needed and the best way in which
to assist, and in the latter we are guided by the advice of
doctors, hospitals, clinics, to whom we send the applicants
or from whom they come to us, and also by the report
of our visitor.

Durin[...]children. Every day cases of sickness are brought to
us, and in a very large number malnutrition is th[...]ite a number of fresh cases of
tuberculosis added to our list. Many of these have been
contacts. All t[...]d
stories of the homes they visit but we are glad to know
that in, most cases we can help, even if only in a small
way. We are very grateful to all who have helped us in
any way. The workers wh[...]he beautifully made garments which have
been sent to us from the Branches and from friends to
give out. Unfortunately the applicants have been[...]the Branches, as well as those
who do not belong to the Branches, will think of our sick
and needy soldier families, and will help us to supply
their needs during the winter months.

“[...]. The soldiers made a pre-
sentation for New Year to Mr. Norman Ebsworth of a
Japanese maple tree and[...]elp in signing their papers
and showing them what to do. The new domestic staff
quarters is a wonderful gift and a long-wanted necessity.
The staff are delighted to have such nice comfortable
quarters. We were pleased to see so many of the Execu-
tive Committee at “Ma[...]ating of the quarters. It gives us great pleasure to
have visits of this nature and to show the Committee our
small Branch of the Society’s great work. It was also
pleasing to see so many Branch members, because, when

April,[...]e Red Cross-is indeed

worth while.

I would like to give a word of praise to my splendid
staff, who do their duty under most s[...]one. Frosts each month have
done a lot of damage to crops and vegetables, and the
very dry spell sinc[...]tter, eggs and vegetables, and this
is mainly due to the interest and the work done by the
patients th[...]1 Angel Place, Sydney.—The
months from December to March, 1983, have fairly
maintained the average o[...]e best
in the Depot. Some of these have been sent to England,
Scotland, America, Africa, etc.

Letters[...]e cases the output cannot equal the demand, owing
to the ill-health of the workers. Our grateful thanks to
Branches and individuals for their kindly thought[...]kers willingly and cheerfully give one
day weekly to the work of the Depot, and Randwick
Hospital work[...]ks of cards. They would be glad
of any used packs to supplement their gift. This is the
only recreatio[...]ss Society by its representative
at this hospital to 100 out-patients daily. The Randwick
Red Cross Branch has supplied its monthly issue of cakes
to the different wards. Fourteen bowling matc[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (7)[...]their usual report.


Red Cross Supplies to Repatriation Hospitals.—An
intimation has been[...]refore be limited in
future in these institutions to items such as fish pastes,
chicken essence, cakes[...]es” were
available. The Scciety had, therefore, to choose between
discontinuing these entertainments[...]e
soldier patients from the shows, it was decided to instal
the necessary apparatus in the Red Cross R[...]ortly.

Red Cross Recreation Halls.—In addition to the installa-
tion of “talkies,” a number of[...]tal patients from Mont Park have now been
removed to Bundoora, the Red Cross hall at the latter
hospital will be put to more constant use by a greatly
increased number of patients. To add to the comfort of
the building, and also to improve the acoustics for talkie
shows and for concerts, it has been decided to put in a
ceiling, and, if possible, to provide some means of heating
for the winter mont[...]enovations. Power points and radiators, which
are to be installed, will add to the comfort of the patients
in cold weather.

At[...]roving the sound in the talkie shows.

Assistance to Soldier Out-patients.—During the past
four mont[...]£91/17/4 represents
assistance given in response to 247 applications from
Imperial men.

Although a n[...]puddings, preserved
fruit, etc., were distributed to applicants during Christmas

A report shows that the buffet established to serve
cocoa to soldier applicants provided 3,600 hot drinks from
June to October, 1932.

Special Cases.—Grants made in s[...]ases; an
invalid pram for a convalescent; repairs to motor eycle
for a disabled soldier unable to make ends meet; expenses
to Tasmania for a neurasthenic in urgent need of cha[...]n of Braille Writers —A grant of
£20 was voted to this association in consideration of the
value of the library to blinded soldiers.


“T am greatly indebted to the Red Cross' Society for the
appreciative amoun[...]assistance—the spirit that prompted
these gifts to eliminate the suffering of others less fortu-
desert—men who through their sufferings began to doubt
the existence of a Divine Spirit; yet these[...]he existence of one, by sacri-
ficing their lives to save a fellow comrade in distress.
Such a humane[...]ed Cross, which has done
so much in peace and war to help the suffering masses,
must live on into perp[...]closer

“J am writing this letter to you in an endeavour to
convey my appreciation for the great kindnesses you have
done for my family and self. I tried to do this verbally
this morning, but I could never[...]fortunate circ*mstances I was suffering foreed
me to do something, and I am very thankful for the grea[...]en
has improved by the extra nourishment afforded to them
by your kindness, and now they are assured of a happy
Christmas, which is due entirely to your efforts.”

“I wish to thank you on behalf of the returned soldiers
in N[...]ppreciate
the literature that you were so kind as to forward.”

“Would you please issue the crutches to the bearer and
accept the grateful thanks of the[...]on for your kindly co-operation in our endeavours to
ameliorate the suffering of our less fortunate si[...]. I appreciate your most generous gift, and am
aD to thank you enough, as I have had such a str[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (8)THE AUSTRALIAN RED CROSS.

“T am very grateful to you for the verandah blind,
which will enable me to make my bed in the open air.”

“The bed arriv[...]s and
prompt granting of our request. It is going to be of great
assistance in the managemert and nurs[...]deal ligher on both of us.”

“Please allow me to tender my heartfelt thanks for the
assistance you[...]I
came in at first I was saying how unlucky I was to be
away from my home and miss my Chrsitmas dinner[...]I, like all the other
chaps, really had a second-to-none dinner, which was
served to us last Thursday week. Again thanking your-
self[...]et any longer slip by without writing a few
lines to congratulate and thank the Red Cross Society
for[...]nout supplied at
Christmas, It is very gratifying to me, and I’m sure I
speak for all, to know that we are not forgotten, although
it is ne[...].”

From a Sick Sister.

“This is just a line to thank you for the box of handker-
chiefs which Mr[...]es
of the Red Cross at the Hospital are most kind to me,
giving me flowers, fruit and books. I think it is just
wonderful, and I am very grateful.”

To Mrs. Dickson from the Matron, Caulfield Repatriation,

“{ wish to thank you and your staff for the great assist-
ance during the past year to the sisters in the distribution
of comforts to the men. The patients have greatly appre-
ciated[...]thank your Committee for the Christmas
boxes sent to the returned soldiers. Everyone enjoyed
Christmas[...]1/1/-; Mr. J. Waxman (contribution

April, 1933.

to funds), £2/2/-; Anon. (assistance to ex-Imperial
soldier), £1/10/-;| Addington J.R.C.[...]heer),
£2/2/-; Miss J. E. Crossley (contribution to funds), £1;
Mr. H. Kinnear (contribution to funds), £2/2/-; Parkville
Branch (peace activities fund), £1/15/-; Miss Agnew
(contribution to funds), £1; Anon. (for promotion of
“Links of[...]eived
from the hospital. Ten donors who responded to calls
were not required; the service rendered by[...]are those
whose blood is classified as belonging to Group 4, and
several of the original volunteers of this group have now
five seals attached to their certificates (indicating that
they have giv[...]ood on five occasions), and are
ready and anxious to continue their generous and unselfish
service to the community, The necessity for enrolling new
me[...]eless, the knowledge that they stand in readiness
to serve is of the greatest benefit because, being o[...]h corresponding blood.

The Committee is indebted to Dr. Burke, Superintendent
of the Melbourne Hospit[...]ation
given towards maintaining this Service, and to Dr. Bryce
and other members of the hospital staff[...]ere of
usefulness would be very limited. In order to achieve
efficiency, first aid and home nursing cl[...]truc-
tion from the medical staff, have been able to give useful
service to the hospital authorities, In several instances
V.[...]are registered donors,
and have been called upon to give transfusions. It is
hoped that. this[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (9)[...]and who,
upon leaving school, are not old enough to join Senior
Red Cross Branches and Auxiliaries. These young people
are being invited to form groups, which will be known as
Red Cross Lin[...]business affairs of their Link. They will be free to take
up any form of service that conforms to the constitution
of the Red Cross Society, such a[...]r hospitals, or
any other health institution, and to co-operate with the
activities of Red Cross Headquarters in both Senior and
Junior sections. To inaugurate the movement, invitations
were sent to 860 past Red’ Cross members to a meeting
held in the Lower Room, Melbourne Town[...]r school days

all of you have given your service to the

community through the Junior Red Cross.

Now[...]preserve a great number of enthusiastic

workers to the Red Cross but it will be of

infinite value in allowing the workers themselves
to carry on their service, to be prepared to take
their part in any emergency, and in helping[...]out training.

A Leader, though possibly born

go to make a leader,

only way to train for leadership is through
Service which wid[...]he greatest satisfaction possible in Imowing that
to you it can be said “Well done thou good and

fa[...]t was unanimously resolved that a message be sent to
Lord Somers, intimating that all present would be glad to take part in the new organisation.

BRANCH REPORT[...]not been forwarded, but letters re-
ceived point to a renewal of activity and staunch devotion
to the work of the Society, The recent visits paid by the
Assistant Secretary to country centres have revealed this
same spirit; and reports made to the Victorian Council,
indicating the keen intere[...]s, the invariably generous hospi-
tality extended to the Society’s representative, and the

enthusiastic efforts to facilitate visits to local and neigh-
bouring Junior Red Cross Circles[...]mbers at Beeac brought great
pleasure and comfort to the patients at the Macleod
Sanatorium by[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (10)[...]he deyoted service given by the Benalla Red
Cross to the work for the invalid soldiers is a constant
s[...]he soldiers, the Benalla members
have donated £1 to the Children’s Hospital and the same
amount to the Frankston Home for Crippled Children.
There w[...]sum of £5 was donated by the Glenlyon
Red Cross to assist the widow of a returned soldier left
with[...]kers have con-
tinued their invaluable assistance to Headquarters by
making up gauze garments. Their s[...]the members solicit orders,
brings encouragement to these workers, and is greatly

Keran[...]held on the
occasion of Miss Ballantyne’s visit to the Kerang Red
Cross, and enthusiastic interest w[...]ers in the many activities of the Society. Thanks to the
kindness and generosity of Mrs. Trebilco*ck, P[...]e Hon. Secretary, Miss
Ballantyne had opportunity to visit the schools in Kerang,
and also at Hast Ker[...]grateful appreciation.

Lake Boga.—Fine loyalty to the Society was demon-
strated by the fact that members of the Lake Boga Red
Cross came from far and near to take part in an evening
meeting arranged to welcome Miss Ballantyne on her
visit to this Branch. Miss Ballantyne was much impressed
b[...]Headquarters by distributing articles of clothing to soldiers
in the district who, as well as sufferin[...]lothing, and supplies of feeders and face
washers to the Berry Street Foundling Home; to the Colac
Hospital was sent a Christmas box of sp[...]tion, the
Branch made a gift of 3 doz. serviettes to the Hospital.
Parcels of clothing, comprising chi[...]ts, socks, knitted singlets, ete., have been sent
to the Benevolent Society at Colac for the benefit o[...]total number 87. Their efforts have been
devoted to the patients at the Amherst Sanatorium, who
have[...]he sum of £15/8/44 was
realised. Tribute is paid to Miss English, Talbot, for her
kindness in knitting socks, and to Mrs. Stewart Miller,
whose activity as Hon. Secretary led to the enrolment of
a number of the new members. The Branch is to be
congratulated in having been able to make the valuable
contributions recorded, and clo[...]rt has been afforded the local
memorial hospital, to which the Branch acts as Auxiliary.
Notwithstandi[...]lance of £12/2/3. Receipts for the year
amounted to £31/14/5, while the expenditure was
£19/12/2. M[...]years past by Mrs.
A. E. Castles, Hon. Secretary, to whom much credit is due
for the present sound financial position of the Branch.
Support has been given to the Hospital Committee in
comnection with the ope[...]towards the furnishing of a new
ward. In addition to their activities for the local hospital,
members are giving support to a project for providing
linen, etc., for the Echu[...]ts and eleven pairs of socks has been for-
warded to Headquarters. Sincere gratitude is felt for the
u[...]entrtainments provided by the Society, but, owing
to the dearth of “silent” films, their discontin[...]e been enabled, with the
sanction of the Council, to arrange for the purchase of
“talkie” equipmen[...]doora, so that the same pleasure
may be available to the patients at these hospitals.
Extensive improvements and renovations to the recreation
oe at Caulfield, Macleod an[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (11)April, 1933.

happiness to the soldiers, of whom. there were 650 in hos-
pit[...]he soldier patients, and handkerchiefs were given to
the invalid nurses, all being distributed by Red[...]enerosity of Red Cross friends, and
added greatly to the comfort and enjoyment of the
patients. Valuab[...]e patients presented nice gifts of their own work
to the ladies of the Red Cross, and letters were rec[...]A grant made by the Committee enabled
Mrs. Rankin to add a good supply of new books to the
library. Twenty new headphones were provided,[...]Mrs. Peterson, and others.
Special thanks are due to Miss Slatter, who has done
much arduous work in helping to keep the Rest House in
order and in preparing and serving morning tea toto the kind ser-
vices of the Caulfield Red Cross la[...]f Mrs. Dickson, have regularly acted as
hostesses to the soldiers’ visitors on pennant and other
days. Not once since the club was formed have they
failed to have a pleasant afternoon tea ready, whether
for 40 or 60 players—this in addition to their usual atten-
tion to the wants of the inmates of the hospital. Daily
s[...]al, some 17 years ago, these
ladies have attended to cater for the troops.”

Macleod Sanatorium.—T[...]ce a month, are
always a source of great pleasure to the patients.

Interior improvements and renovations to the Recreation
Hall, which include the painting o[...],
market value £38/19/1, having been distributed to the


matrons of the[...]ary
Mental Hospital; also several head of poultry to the

Curative Workshops.—More than[...]hoice Australian woods has brought added
interest to the work, an exhibit of boxes, trays, tables,
ete[...]h appre-
ciation. Further encouragement was given to the patients
by a display, arranged by the Handic[...]ntative at
Bundoora. Renovations and improvements to the Recrea-
tion Hall, including the installation[...]rs of the Brighton Red Cross, contributed greatly
to the happiness of the patients in the Hostel at Ch[...]officer that the curative work is very beneficial
to these men, it has been decided to continue the training,
and the instruction—given twice weekly—is looked for-
ward to eagerly by them. Fresh interest has been created[...]aft Shop
during the month of December’ amounted to £133, and
since re-opening after the holidays, t[...]making purchases at the Shop and a special visit
to the Curative Workshops at Caulfield. Anoth[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (12)[...]Mrs. Stirling
for some months, due unfortunately to an accident, Miss
Bradley, President of the Mont[...]Sub-
Committee, has kindly undertaken the visits to the Austin
Hospital, and has distributed the usual comforts and gifts
to the soldier patients there, numbering approximately 23
each month. A day’s outing to Williamstown was arranged
for some of the patient[...]atients from Heatherton hav-
ing been transferred to this sanatorium, members of the
Mont Park Sub-Committee have kindly offered to visit the
institution from time to time to ascertain if any comforts
are needed for the sold[...]anatorium.—Sympathetic attention has been
given to the needs of the soldier patients at Amherst,
and thanks to the generosity and help of the Talbot Red
ee ey g[...]ade, on the
recommendation of the superintendent, to soldier patients
at this institution.

CENTRAL DE[...].—60 feet garden hose.

Christmas Festivities—To provide Christmas cheer to
soldier patients in hospitals, supplies to the value of
£264/6/6 were distributed as follow[...]boots, and many men were fitted out on proceeding to relief
work, ‘A special Christmas parcel was pr[...]have been met. The following goods were supplied. to
hospitals:—700 gauze undershirts, 811 gauze und[...]pot,
including crockery for 200 people and prizes to the value
of £10. The Defence Department again k[...]ee and portable coppers.

Sewing Parties.—Owing to the Christmas vacation, most
of the Work Parties were in recess from December to
Merely The work completed during the perio[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (13)[...]and pillowslips) made up. Mem-
bers have decided to donate a diathermy machine, and
also to raise £500 for the endowment of a bed. South
Yar[...]has heen so good that the
Branch has ample funds to supply three work parties
with material. Time and[...]arden fetes and bridge parties. £150
contributed toto the
hospital. Garments have also been made up for[...]socks), value £1/17/6, and
cheque for £10, sent to Yooralla, Ivanhoe—Gauze gar-
ments, swabs, sock[...]e past eight
months £45/0/6 has been contributed to the Williamstown
Hospital for various purposes, i[...]s, preserved fruit, shirts: and socks contributed to. the
Talbot Colony for Epileptics.. Gauze garment[...]ow making flannels and knitting socks and
jumpers to be handed over to the Mayor when completed.
Richmond and East Melbo[...]ps, squares,
jackets, ete.), value £20/8/-, sent to the Home. Sandring-
ham—Pyjamas, shoes, etc., to the Manangatang District
Hospital. Children’s garments, singlets, etc., to Annuello
Bush Nurse. Baby kits and children’s garments to four
cases. Members are now making up gauze garme[...]ents
(nightdresses, feeders, shirts, shoes, etc.) to the Children’s
Hospital; towels and shoes to the Melbourne Hospital;
garments also contributed to the Flemington Baby Health
Centre; the Babies’[...]s ard
878 jars of jam, also Christmas gifts, sent to the Williams-
town Hospital; 197 flannel shirts m[...]Reports.—Members have lost no time in getting to work
after the summer holidays. . Since the last[...]ve been selected as
typical :—

Apsley sent 2/6 to the Salvation Army, 3/6 to the Deaf
and Dumb, 5/9 to the Blind Institute, 12/6 to relieve local
distress, and eggs and jam to Edenhope Hospital. Vege-
tables are grown[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (14)[...]ers at Belgrave South sent flowers, eggs and toys
to the Children’s Hospital, books and other gifts to lonely
families in the bush, and funds to the local hospital. They
are helping to keep their district, beautiful by supporting
a rubbish tin campaign. Members at Box Hill South sent
to the Children’s Hospital bottles, flowers, fruit[...]d. concert, They raised £2 by
a bazaar and funds to replenish their first aid box by a
sale of home-m[...]made toys for Christmas, and given 12 jars of jam
to needy families. From wool bought with the proceeds of
an afternon “frolic,” members at Bright Higher Element-
ary School knitted 22 pairs of so[...]They also sent scrapbooks, magazines and
bottles to Wangaratta Hospital, three bags of clothing
to the Victorian Relief Committee, and collected toy[...]ines for an orphanage.

Coburg East sent 804 eggs to the Melbourne Hospital,
780 eggs to the Austin Hospital, 768 oranges and lemons,
and £30 cot maintenance, to the Children’s Hospital,
£2/15/9 to the Blind Institute, £1/6/4 to the local Bene-
volent Society, 116 jars to the State Relief! Fund, and to
the Head Teachers’ Relief Committee, £10/14/-, clothing,
and 65 cups to hold soup.

Dandenong High School has sent two parceis of baby
clothes to the local Baby Health Centre, and 10/- each to
the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institutes. Christmas[...]s of
material collected at home, sent 54 garments to the Dis-
tressed Diggers’ Fund, gave 360 eggs and paid weekly
visits with flowers, etc., to Colac Hospital, and sent gifts
to sick pupils.

Geelong sent 212 parcels of clothing and 557 eggs to the
local hospital, £1/11/5 and six toys to the Bethany Babies’
Home, 15/4 to the Cottage by the Sea, 10/6 to the Blind
Insitute, 9/6 to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, and provided
meals and[...]Glenferrie’s donations are as follows:—£10 to the
Children’s Hospital, £2/2/- to the Caulfield Military Hos-
pital, to provide Christmas cheer; £1/5/- to Hawthorn
Benevolent Society; £1/1/- each to the Queen Victorza
Hospital, Melbourne District Nursing Society and the
Salvation Army; and £1 each to the Minton Boys’ Home
and the Blind Institcte.[...]a
boy’s boots.

From Hawksburn books go weekly to the Alfred Hos-
pital, and tinfoil and £40 have[...]Members at Ivanhoe C.E.G.G.S. have sent clothing to
Heidelberg Benevolent Society, Port Melbourne Fre[...]us given
employment; the school matron taaght her to use a
machine. Members also made £3/18/- by a my[...]Lord Mayor’s Hospital Appeal.

Middle Park sent to the Alfred and Melbourne Hospital
288 eggs each; to the hom*oeopathic Hospital—flowers,
books, comic[...], 288 eggs, and 128 parcels
for a Christmas tree; to the Children’s Hospital—comics,
books, flower[...]mbers sold 34 poppies’ on Armistice
Day, helped to raise money for unemployed, collected
clothing and shoes for needy children, sent letters and
books to sick pupils, and visited the hom*oeopathic and
Chi[...]“St. Margaret’s’” members sent garments to the
Beaconsfield Foundling Home and Brighton Babies’ Home,
324 eggs to the District Nursing Society, and collected
goods[...]ng 1932 Stawell High School raised £19;
sent £4 to the Childen’s Hospital and £10 to the local hos-
pital; £1/12/- was spent on mater[...]thing, and flannel for making
garments) were sent to local needy families. Strathfield-
saye has helpe[...]few years is as follows:
Donations have been sent to the Alfred (£4/12/10) and
St. Vincent’s (£6/12/11) Hospitals, and 100 tons of fire-
wood to the Sutherland Home, Broadmeadows Foundling
Home,[...]lth Laws.

Our warmest appreciation and thanks go to Mr. Fussell
for his ceaseless efforts in circulat[...]ropa-
ganda among the young people who contribute to the
children’s pages of the leading newspapers.[...]in-
ing schools for almoner students, thus adding to the
importance of Miss Hodge’s work.

During th[...]gin. Twenty-eight visits
were paid by the Almoner to patients in their homes, and
31 appliances or rep[...]d Cross, by providing this timely aid,
is helping to solve the problems of this disease throughout
the[...]l for the study
of infantile paralysis comparable to that of any other
centre in the world; yet most of the lessons had to be
wasted, for no one was available to spend time to keep
the detailed notes and accurate records this[...]ur clinic, every
word the doctor says is dictated to a stenographer, and
the records so obtained are p[...]cs
overseas, and thus' will contribute their part to the ideal

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (15)[...]development of cripples. Miss Hodge
has done much to arrange one of the hardest parts of the
work—the care of country cases—and in finding money
to provide essentials for the care of destitute peop[...]of the new cases which each summer and autumn
add to their number.”

A balance of £122/11/7 is in h[...]k.

Miss Ballantyne’s Visits——While on tour to Senior
Branches at Swan Hill, Lake Boga and Keran[...]upils alike showed great interest in what she had to
tell them about the movement, and also in the por[...]and the Secretary of the Swan Hill
Hospital hopes to enlist their help in raising funds to
build a children’s ward.

J.R.C. Cuphoard ‘Christmas Distribution.—Christmas
toys were distributed to approximately 1,025 children, We
are most grateful to MacRobertson’s, G. J. Coles Pty. Ltd.,
Spalding[...]td., and several Girl
Guide companies, as well as to Junior Red Cross members
and others, for generous[...]w much the gifts were
appreciated :—

“J wish to thank you for the parcel of toys for the
kiddies. It is very kind of the Junior Red Cross to
think of the children. They have already done a l[...]s from the Junior
Red Cross these gifts! conveyed to us all. It is such
kind actions that bring us nearer to God and all that
Christmastide represents.”

Ju[...]help was given in 192
cases. Donations amounting to £21/1/4 were received
from J.R.C. Cireles and ot[...]Cross Day.—J.R.C. members are again being asked
to celebrate Red Cross Day with a boot and shoe drive to
stock the Junior Red Cross Cupboard for the winter.
The splendid response to this appeal last year, both in
donations and shoes, encourages us to hope for an equally
successful result this year.[...]oss Circles in Victoria have sent 55
consignments to Austria, Albania, Brazil, Canada (8),
Colombia, D[...]Aid and Home Nursing.—The Committee has
decided to allow each department to nominate (subject to
approval by the Committee) its examiner in these[...]taking part in the movement, it has been decided to
amend the regulations to provide for Cadets qualifying
in one year; also to lower the age limit by admitting
members when in[...]s and sub-committees of the Society. It was
owing to Colonel Plant’s advice and careful supervision
of its finances that the Society, to a large extent, is
enabled to carry on the work it is at present doing.

The Ex[...]ing and Distributing Depot has given assist-
ance to invalid ex-sailors and soldiers. Prescript[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (16)[...]r war service, and it is with
regret that we have to record a big increase in the number
of cases, the[...]Mrs. J. W. Ward, with her
Committee, has attended to the issue of comforts to the
wards, and Mrs. Henry Robertson and her workers have
distributed fresh fruit daily. The Red Cross officer at
the hospital attends to the Recreation Room and’ super-
vises the wirel[...]reciate the visits of the ladies who go each
week to play bridge.

“KYoomba” Repatriation Sanatori[...]s well as the Matron and Sisters, We
are grateful to this Branch for, the continued interest. they
tak[...]patient has head-
phones so that he can listen in to the various wireless
programmes. The chief amusem[...]ting Carnival, cars being provided by the
Society to convey the men.

The “Ardoyne” patients recei[...],” Ilfracombe, who forwarded a cheque for £25, to
be divided amongst the tubercular cot cases. Each[...]atients from “Ardoyne” and trans-
ferred them to the “Rosemount” Repatriation General
Hospital[...]s left that the Committee gave deen consideration
to the position. The question arose as to whether it would
be advisable to keep “Ardoyne” open, or to maintain Red
Cross advanced tubercular patients a[...]tients has now increased, and it has been
decided to keep the Home open until the end of June,
when th[...]t number of advanced tubercular returned
soldiers to warrant maintaining the Home, the Society
will no[...]mmer in Queensland, and this Home has been a boon
to men recovering from operations and illnesses.

Ap[...]n, Mrs. W. J. Broadfoot, Hon.
Secretary, has gone to considerable trouble on behalf of
the Society to make the best arrangements for the town
supply to be laid on to the Home.

The Soldiers’ Settlement Sub-Committee has continued
to send out parcels of clothing to needy soldiers and their
families on the Settleme[...]erous, and the Sub-Committee have done their best to
supply the needs of each applicant. The Sherwood[...]p. Mrs. L. M. Oxlade and
her workers will be glad to receive parcels of clothing,
ete., for distributi[...]rs and their families
whenever they have clothing to dispose of.

The Junior Red Cross, under the direction of Mrs. Henry
Robertson, has accomplished very. satisfactory wo[...]represented loyal and unselfish service
rendered to the less fortunate, and afforded great assist-
ance to them in their distress. Hundreds of garments
were[...]toys were distributed during the Christmas
season to ex-soldiers and their families. Various efforts
were successfully organised to raise money for this
worthy object, and everythin[...]me of
the country Circles sent donations of money to Head-
quarters to be used where most needed, and these gifts
were v[...]for help
are being received, and it is difficult to supply all the
required clothing, etc. The Clayfi[...]d the members
rendered valuable help at Christmas to the Social Service
League and to soldiers’ families. They also did some
sewing a[...]ing Health Week, it has been arranged for Juniors
to attend on Saturday afternoon, 8th April, at the City
Hall, to hear a health talk by Dr. Phyllis Cilento,
Presid[...]y for Crippled Children, the Junior Red Cross
are to assist with the selling of the souvenir programmes
and the Director of Junior Red Cross is to act as

Through the courtesy of Chandler’s Broadcasting Ser-
vice, it was made possible for Mrs. Henry Robertson to
talk on the Junior Red Cross Movement.


The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (17)[...]S. R. Burston has sailed
for Europe, and expects to be absent for about nine
months. Sir Henry 8. Newland, after being in England
for the greate[...]ibute sweets,

cigarettes, tobacco and literature to the patients at
Parkside every Wednesday, and at[...]day, when high tea is served. the day in
the week to be looked forward to at the Keswick Hospital.
Although the patients ar[...]e addition of a few extras makes
a welcome change to the hospital diet, and the visit of
these ladies especially to serve the tea also makes the
occasion a pleasant[...]Bedford Park, and those from Keswick
who are able to get about, are taken for motor drives.
These driv[...]rticle written by an ex-
patients, which follows. To sick men out of hospital
grocery orders, underwea[...]cine, disinfectant, ete., are issued
as necessay. To T.B. men in their own homes beds and
bedding, and[...]ociety’s gifts were distributed—a
lounge coat to each man at Bedford Park, Kalyra and
Keswick, and to the men at the Mental Hospitals a
Christmas box c[...]usual, were
a great help, and our thanks are due to them, for sending
in gifts of cake, fruit, eggs and money, to make this
season of the year more festive for the men who are
forced through sickness to miss so much,

The Angorichina Hostel, the Northe[...]ng in receipt of only
a small pension, are unable to pay the full amount
required for their maintenanc[...]f comfort, the Red Cross Society has made
a grant to the Soldiers’ Home League to make up the
difference between the amount a man can afford to pay
and the fee needed for his keep. Help has als[...]danger of being destroyed, and a hurried exit had
to be made. The recreation room was also soon vacate[...]and has since
been repaired. We are most grateful to the insurance
company for the prompt manner in wh[...]soon made, and within a few days the men
rey able to listen in to their favourite broadcasting

We are pleased to report that some of our country
Circles have real[...]soldiers, and are devoting much of
their energies to the relief of sickness and distress in
their own[...], is much appreciated. We
would weleome additions to this small but nevertheless
enthusiastic Circle. Ovr thanks are due to the Henley
and Grange Circle for their faithful a[...]Convalescent Home, where there is always
mending to be done.

The Junior Red Cross Organising Secreta[...]ficial leg that your
Society has been kind enough to provide me with.
appreciate that kindness very much. and I will en-
deavour to prove myself worthy. The Repatriation
Department[...]th it—
just about perfect. I received the boots to-day. and
thank you very much for them. I tried them with the
new leg, and amipleased to say everything is in order
and a great success. T[...]comfortable and
the boots tip top.”

“J wish to thank you so much for the pyjamas and
dressing go[...]in Northfield Cancer Hospital. He also wishes
me to thank you for same.”

“Once again you have come to our aid and assisted
the diggers at Kalyra with p[...]On behalf of the soldiers at Bedford Park, I wish
to tender our sincere tharks for supplying the bus to
take us to see the Armistice celebrations, which we
very much enjoyed.”

“Tt ig my wish, in writing this letter, to express to
you my appreciation’ of your action in granting me
assistance. The delay in expressing to you my best
thanks has not been lack of gratitude, but through home
duties the matter has not been attended to. I feel
very grateful for the help, and I am sure[...]ncere thanks for the same.”

“A new plate had to be made for my husband’s teeth,
as the old one[...]thanks for the grocery orders you so kindly
gave to us. We have appreciated your help very muc[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (18)[...]“We, the undersigned returned soldiers, desire to
thank you sincerely for your gift of lounge coats to us
at Christmas time. The coats were of excellent[...]which it was conveyed.”

“Tt is my intention to express my deep gratitude for
provision being mad[...]d the occasion; arise whereby I could do anything
to help the Society, my time is at your disposal to
compensate in some way the benefits I received.”

“We have to thank you sincerely for the first aid
supplies se[...]s is much appreciated.”

“This is just a note to say thank you for your kind-
ness towards me in sending me to the Convalescent
Home, Henley Beach. I have benef[...]than a passing glance?

“It was recently my lot to become an inmate for
several weeks, when I’ und[...]e
nursing staff, from the matron and doctors down to the
orderlies, is amazing, and never once did I s[...]marking on the effici-

ency of the nursing staff to the matron, she informed

me that we were not reg[...]“Bach week the racing clubs issue invitations to
patients to attend their meetings gratis, and on one
occasion two of the diggers omitted to give in their
names in time to be included in the ticket issue. The
matron then gave them a note to the racing club sec-
retary, who obligingly issue[...]r, she would
have an early dinner for them, so as to allow them
plenty of time. Fancy that in a hospit[...]ety, through a number of
loyalists, provided cars to take the diggers from Kes-
wick to the Town Hall for the service, and from there
thev were conveyed to the Cross of Sacrifie in King
William Road. After the ceremony they were taken
back to the city, where supper was provided. All nurses
at the hospital, marched from the Town Hall to the
Cross of Sacrifice. Those whom duty kept away[...]ticeable was
the ability of the matron or sisters to join in the current
discussions, be it cricket, r[...]surgical and medical atten-
tion, and should like to exvress my thanks for the kind-
ness and attentio[...]ear the Lady Mayor (Mrs. Glover) kindly came
down to distribute the Society’s gift of a dark-blue lounge
coat to each patient. Mrs. Hines and her helpers were
aga[...]fs provided. Three cars
conveyed all the men able to leave hospital to a delight-
ful day at Lady Galway Convales[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (19)April, 1933.

and smokes were presented to each man. On New Year’s
Day a special Red Cross[...]n, Mrs. Waterhouse and Miss Cram kindly came
down to help the Honorary Supervisor. The men were
all pleased to see Dr. Kendall again, who was present,
on a visit to Adelaide en route from India.

Many Red Cross Cir[...]and in connection
with the Christmas tea we have to thank Miss Crozier
for beautiful flowers and crac[...]ally twice a week,
are still a source of pleasure to many of the men. In
March two delightful concerts[...]k at the Recreation Hut has been full of interest
to the workers, as usual, and the Hall has been kept[...]s by many of the helpers. I should
specially like to mention and thank Mrs. Leslie Bickford
and Miss C[...]s. Steadman has joined the staff, and we are
glad to welcome her.

The pleasant concerts given by many[...]t kind and thoughtful, and we were delighted also to
have the Glee Club.

A happy time was spent on Ch[...]eadman, Grosse and Crozier. Mrs. I. Baker
has had to resign through ill health, much to, our regret.

A. H. CROZIER, Hon. Secretary.

Lad[...]d festive affair it
was. About 65 people sat down to dinner; the room was
decorated with pink peach bl[...]istmas cake. Greetings
from the Red Cross Society to the men from Keswick
Hospital and our own men were expressed by Dr. Burden,
and responded to by a patient from each institution.
Lounge coats! were presented to the inmates by the Red
Cross Society.


Another beautiful gift to the Home at Christmas time
was a new wireless set, which gives untold pleasure to the
inmates. We gratefully thank the Henley and G[...]th, 1932.

Nine members have acted as instructors to four classes
in first aid and home nursing, thus not only improving
their own work but assisting others to become efficient.
The Detachment is hoping to resume duty at the Adelaide
Hospital casualty roo[...]the Adelaide Hospital, and we
are looking forward to a most interesting and busy year.

Torrens, No. 4[...]in hospitals at
Christmas time.

We are indebted to the Victor Harbour, Burra and
Kulpra Circles for[...]istmas time, the Honorary
Secretary has been able to do quite a lot during the hot
days in Janu[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (20)[...]k was worth
while. Our Honorary Director returned to us during

Our friends of the Victor Ha[...]the good attendance. Our thanks are
specially due to Mrs. Fox and Mrs. O’Leary for the
amount of org[...]Children’s Hospital Canteen.

We are very sorry to report that the last year has not
been a financia[...]is year, as the patients do appreciate
being able to purchase tea, cocoa and milk, and we hope
for a b[...]ll be seen, 139 men have been
supplied, according to requirement, to the value of

Everything being new and[...]o
make the pullovers are now coming forward again to knit
for us. Mrs. Hogarth and Miss Annells have m[...]small one.
Mrs. Wallace contributed very largely to this number.
Mrs. Blondel and Miss McLean and Mis[...]y
Friday afternoon, and the Society would be glad to have
more ladies to assist, chiefly in ‘making pyjamas. More
knitte[...], so she will be
under our care until she is able to take up her duties
again. The Committee has recei[...]dy Mayoress (Mrs. C. R. J. Glover), has been lost to
us for a time owing to illness, but are glad that she is
on the road to recovery.

E. KEKWICK, Hon. Secretary.

Tea Tree[...]meeting was held in
February, and it was decided to send a donation of £2/2/-
to help the appeal of the Mothers’ and Babies’ H[...]inen was collected from
the members and forwarded to the Headquarters of this
Society for the benefit[...]) C. P. ROBERTS, Hon. Secretary.


We have to report a decrease in our numbers’ this
quarter[...]. She will be greatly
missed, as she never failed to attend when the visiting
patients came from Keswick to Mylor.

Ten shillings were sent to the Children’s Hospital for
their appeal, and 2[...]-
tion boxes. This year, instead of sending gifts to Keswick
Hospital for their Christmas cheer, money[...]n recess. Approximately
80 parcels were given out to needy families at Christmas
time. The parcels con[...]ortunately, through lack of funds, we were
unable to add the little “extras” that we like to include
at the festive season, As it was, only through the
generosity of members and friends were we able to give
out so many parcels. All the puddings and ma[...]come in as freely as in
better times, we are able to help each mother in a small
way. We have been able to lighten the burden of many
a harassed mother, and[...]n with the various churches have been
handed over to our Circle for distribution among poor
families, We are greatly exercised in our minds as to
our funds. Donationsshave of necessity bec[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (21)[...]st December, when we held our final meeting prior to
going into recess, about 21 members were present.[...]s’ counted (£4/12/-); this was sent, as
usual, to our limbless soldiers, Our balance in the Savings
Bank was £3. It was decided that £2 ofthis be sent to
the Produce Depot for Christmas dainties for sick[...]he staff came down and helped us. We were pleased to
hear from Miss Knowles that the men thought we ha[...]r himself, wife and two children. We
are grateful to Mr. Hay and Mr. H. C. Cave for their
generous’[...]successful outing. A special train was chartered, to
which the children were marched, led by the Sturt[...]ems during the
journey and again headed the march to the picnic grounds
on arrival at the Blackwood st[...]pe of stretcher. No. 402 V.A. Detachment
attended to give first aid if necessary, and, unfortunately,
several cases had to be treated, chief of these being a
blow on the he[...]ide Christmas Fund, contributing hundreds
of toys to, help the Toe H Fund, and assisting with the
pack[...]llen garments. The summer clothes have been
given to needy cases and the woollens stored in bags for
t[...]ted with a supply of milk and emulsion, and fares
to attend the clinic. One boy receiving a regular su[...]d reporting on these children.
It is most helpful to have her reports on cases making
applications for assistance.

Junior Red Cross Auxiliary have continued to make and
distribute articles for the needy, and t[...]the Divisional Com-
mittee. We also regret having to say good-bye to the
President of the Auxiliary, Mrs. L. L. Hill, who is pro-
ceeding with her husband to England.

Sewing Circle have meetings regularly o[...]icting various J.R.C. activities.
These were sent to the Circles, who sold them for 1d. each.
Very nea[...]s State approached the Junior
Red Cross in regard to co-operating with them, in bring-
ing down 40 chi[...]a holiday at
the seaside. This Society consented to -assist, providing
that children needing a change[...]th
only were included in the party, and undertook to provide
all medical attention, medicine and treat[...]e Junior Red Cross also gave financial assistance to the
project. Later, assistance was asked for in r[...]ad already arranged for a
regular supply of girls to attend each day. Dr. A.
Dawkins acted as medical[...]d that numbers of
them needed attention in regard to teeth, tonsils, eyes,
skin, ete. This treatment w[...]were able, through the influence of Dr. Dawkins, to have
the children’s teeth attended to absolutely free of charge.
This was done by priva[...]many of the Committee members acted as hostesses
to them. The camp was such a success that it has been
decided to run a similar one next year, when it is likely
th[...]the Committee
addressed them.

Return of Chairman to Executive Committee.—We were
delighted at this function to weleome back to Australia,
Mrs. J. L, Bonython, the Chairm[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (22)[...]Committees have been formed at
Renmark and Lorton to finance and support the movement.
Renmark is to be a central depot for serum. A great
amount of h[...]nland Mission camp in
January, and it was decided to co-operate with the Inland
Mission in the cripple[...]mmittee was grateful for the offer of the Mission to
assist by bringing children needing treatment toto the senior body for
making it possible for them to have the J.R.C. Holiday
Home. The Red Cross Society have consented to lend
sufficient money to build the house, and they have also
supplied the[...]only a small cottage, but built in such a way
as to give a maximum of fresh air and freedom to the
children. Large sleeping-out rooms will be pr[...]so be a room for
children who are not well enough to sleep out, as well as
accommodation for resident[...]including a very much
valued one of Mr. Yeomans, to erect swings, etc. We are
also grateful to three ex-soldiers who have volunteered
to paint the building free of charge. The Home will[...]he J.R.C.
Auxiliary. Each Circle will be eligible to send children
to the Home. These children must be in need of a hol[...]l be invaluable for cases coming from the
country to town for such treatment which is usually given
m periods.

An appeal has been sent to all J.R.C. Circles, asking
each one to do something towards the upkeep of the Home,
and[...]y of
health exhibits and special sessions devoted to lectures
and films on similar subjects would be a[...]on and evening sessions
during the week from 12th to 19th May. Exhibits of
graphs and charts, showing[...]hoped that part of the Exhibition will be devoted to


April, 1983.

hygiene[...]orking under Mrs. J. L. Bonython
for a grand ball to take place on May 19th at the Palais
Royal. Over[...]rick for
the new Home. ' Badges will also be sent to school Circles
prior to that date.

Remembering the great success of the[...]on being by
a gift of material for J.R.C. members to make up, a
similar function is being held again d[...]rangements are well in hand.

New Circles—Owing to such a lot of work connected
with the organisatio[...]Home, the Organising Secretary has not
been able to make as many visits and organising tours as
would[...]Circle Reports.—The Committee have decided not to ask
for quarterly reports in March owing to the long holiday
period interfering greatly with[...]Wormald, has
broken a leg, His father is anxious to secure a pair of
crutches for his use. From a tel[...]stand that you have a pair which
would be willing to let the boy have. Jack is a great
worker for the[...]rcle has been formed here, we have not
been idle. To raise funds for a start, we held a penny
concert[...]e in our district. At our last meeting
we decided to buy some material, make it into garments,
and send it down to the “Twinkler” to give to the
Children’s Hospital. We also elected[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (23)[...]leaving soon, and I thought it} would be as well
to have someone to carry on in my place.—Clem. Slee,
Leader, Melro[...]said it was interesting. We are sending a parcel
to you this week containing garments made from the
m[...]evan cut out
the garments for us. We have decided to have an onion
growing competition. Hach member receives 50 plants
to start with. The boys of the Circle sweep the scho[...]shil-
lings, in all £1/4/-. This I am forwarding to you to
send to Minda.—Gwenda Roenfeldt, Kulpara.

During the holidays a burglar broke innto our school
and happened to find our J.R.C. money, which had been
received fo[...]d 9d. only
was left in it, so we had a toffee day to make up for the
stolen money; this totalled 12/33[...]ial we ourselves bought, and we will donate these
to the Barmera Mothers’ and Babies’ Health Assoc[...]result two
cases of oranges and lemons were sent to Estcourt House.
—Jessie Doyle, Cobdogla.

Since I last wrote to you we have collected five dozen

eggs and delive[...]left the school, and we have
elected Colin Eatts to take his place. Our next meeting is
to be held next Wednesday, and Laurie Geering and
Gordon Enright are to prepare the programme. Under
what conditions can[...]pplied free, could we have a supply for the girls
to make up for the hospital?—Marge Tippett, Kimba.[...]o we are expecting our new teacher
or Miss Penery toto families in
our district. Now that we have resume[...]s, we are all working hard for 15 entries we wish
to put in the Exhibition in May. Three of our member[...]AUSTRALIA.

Hospitals—Comforts have been issued to the patients
in hospital during the last four mon[...]the furnishing of materials which enable the men to
oceupy their time while in hospital. This man sta[...]93 hours, and that when com-
pleted he donated it to a “Group” Christmas tree.

Through the genero[...]estivities were carried
out on very similar lines to those held the previous
Christmas. A Christmas te[...]ppreciated
and of great.benefit. We also wish you to accept and
extend to the members of your Society our best wishes
for a[...]ed each patient and spoke a few words of
greeting to them, conveying good wishes to the men from
the aes Branch. A very happy hour wa[...]ward.

Extra supplies were sent for Christmas Day to Lemnos
Hospital and Wooroloo, and the Society con[...]en in the
Repatriation Ward.

Thanks are extended to the following for donations in
cash and kind in c[...]ice cream, salads, and lemon syrup were
supplied to the men in hospital.

Junior Red Cross.—In response to a request for port-
folios from English-speaking[...]Red Cross, our Circle at Geraldton has undertaken to
compile a portfolio.

Ex-Imperial Amelioration—[...]iety and Order of St. John, enabled this Division to
supply help in the nature of clothing, etc., for[...]During the period, assist-
ance has been granted to various applicants already

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (24)24

known to the Society, and to 15 new applicants. Assist-
ance given included pa[...]t from
authorisations previously made.

We regret to record the resignation, through ill-health,
of Mrs. Kimpton, who for some considerable time prior to
her election toto our Chairman, The
Hon, John Nicholson, 0.B.E., M.[...]e Society. Mr. Nicholson,
who has left on a visit to England, has been granted leave
of absence for si[...]h her.

An amount of £47/10/8 was recently voted to the Hobart
Branch towards providing extras at the[...]n of the Section is in the
granting of assistance to individual cases of returned
invalid soldiers.

The Junior Red Cross movement appears to be in a
very strong position, and the Sub-Committ[...]ncerts, 7/10 of which was spent in buying flannel
to make dress for poor children. Jackets, tea towels and
locker covers sent to Beaconsfield Hospital. Boys sold «
575 vegetable[...]dis-
trict; sent her large hamper, supplying milk to her daily,
also bottle of Scott’s Emulsion for[...]lollies.” Bridgenorth
sent clothes and rabbits to City Mission. Box toys and
soap to Children’s Hospital. Sent 5/- to Empty Stocking
Fund. Knitting and sewing for Salv[...]hop, 6/11 by 1d. concert, 10/- of which
wsa given to a man to enable him to visit the doctor.
Burnie State High helping local[...]5/-
by social, 7/5 by concert, which was donated to school
funds. Thirteen dozn eggs sent to Spencer Hospital.
Derby helping Scottsdale Hospit[...]raised by social £4/16/74, of which
£1 was sent toto Beaconsfield Hospital. Help-
ing the Anti-Cancer[...]ted £3, part of proceeds from Christmas concert, toto buy football, to poor family to pay rent.
Tnvermay raised 14/- by 1d. concert. Sent vegetables to
hospital and Salvation Army. Latrobe raised 4/1 by 1d.
concert. Flowers sent to hospital. Helping their school.
Legana sent £4 to Mayoress’ Clothing Fund. £2 to
Children’s Hospital, also surgical towels and flowers and
10/- for toys. Parcels clothing to poor children of
Launceston. Legerwood sent 10 dozen eggs and parcels
clothes to Scottsdale Hospital. Mowbray Heights raised
7/1 by 1d. concert. Parcels of food and clothes sent to
City Mission, St. John’s Society and Salvation Army.
Sent 6/6 to Empty Stocking Fund. Moorina helping the
poor of[...]s and parsley 2/8, with which material was bought
to make dresses for poor. Sent £1/2/- to Unemployment
Fund. Rosevears helping in their dis[...]hild in hospital. Scotch
Oollege Junior sent 10/- to Children’s Hospital. . Telita
helping two child[...]h
broom and 18 new library books. Sent vegetables to
Scottsdale Hospital. Trenah held egg day for hosp[...]es have been’ dis-
tributed and haireuts given. to children. Raised 10/- and
6/9 by socials, with which wool was purchased to make
socks for poor school children. Special attention is being
given to Health Rules; nurses have been appointed,
Wesley[...]Portfolios.—From Wellington Scuare, despatched to
Poland; | Mowbray Heights, Denmark; Beacon[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (25)[...],133. The
following reports have been received up to date:—

Adventure Bay, by sale of potatoes and[...]-holders and jug covers, a
Christmas box was sent to poor widow, containing dress
material, coffee, Mi[...]school. Back River sent traycloths
and d’oyleys to Cottage Hospital. Bagdad held sports and
wireless concert; to raise funds, sold 24 lbs. blackberries.
Barnes Bay raised £5 by concert, of which £3/3/- was sent
to Wattle Day. Made aprons from sugar bags to raise
funds to buy material to work for bush nurse, to whom
a large parcel was despatched. “Bonnie Bra[...]rcle. Raised £2/5/7 by con-
cert, which was sent to Children’s Hospital. Senior mem-
bers forfeited[...]ll
knitted vests and sent large parcel of clothes to child
welfare. Boys’ Welfare making crutches fo[...]o for Repatriation patients.
Sent parcel of books to Children’s Hospital. Bought tooth-
brushes for[...]ter child in hospital. Boys
sent sack of potatoes toto hospital; 520 eggs sent to Repatria-
tion Hospital. ‘Castle Forbes Bay sent hampers to Repat-
riation Hospital. Parcel of clothes to Brookside School.
Colebrook boys raising funds by sale of vegetables; girls
sewing. Cradoc sent hampers to Sanatorium and Chil-
dren’s Hospital. Cygnet sent jam and apples to City
Mission. Raised £1/0/2 by tuck shop, which[...]ng very prettily with scraps matchboxes, in which
to despatch badges, and which were very much appre-[...]sent vegetables, flowers,
magazines and golliwogs to Children’s Hospital. Forcett
raised 3/- by sell[...]s Hospital. Looking after
cemetery. Sent 267 ergs to: Alexandra Hospital. Geeves-
ton raised £2/7/64 by tuek shop and 1d. concert, of which
$1/5/- was sent to Blind, Deaf and Dumb Institution,
£1/1/- to State School, Dover, to help distressed family.
Sent 16 lbs. sugar and parcel of clothes to poor family.
Girls’ Welfare sent parcel of sewing to Children’s Hospital.
Glenora have given very substantial help to new New
Norfolk Hospital. Gordon raised funds by selling handker-
chiefs and photo. Sent several hampers to Repatriation
Hospital. Case of fruit to Home of Mercy. Goulburn
Street sent hampers to Convalescent Home, Lindisfarne.
Hayes sent 17 doz. eggs to Cottage Hospital, New Norfolk.
Kettering raised 6[...]Appeal, also
5/- by concert. Sent monthly hamper to Repatriation
Hospital. Koonya sent hamper of fruit to Clarendon
Children’s Home. Lachlan sent bag apples to Repatria-
tion Hospital; potatoes, Sanatorium; 164 doz. eggs, bag
vegetables, potatoes, case apples to Cottage Hospital, New


Norfolk; case apples to Convalescent Home, Lindisfarne.
Lansdowne Cres. h[...]id. concert and fish pond 16/-, which was
donated to Home, Lindisfarne, also sent 5 doz. eggs.
Raised[...]gley sent
7 doz. eggs and several bags vegetables to Children’s
Hospital, also held toy week for Chr[...]r Bush Nursing
Association. Sent Christmas parcel to Children’s Hospital.
Mangalore sent cases of fruit to Children’s Hospital, also
Boys’ Home. Box of produce sent to Hastern Fair.
Melton Mowbray raised £2 by concer[...]t. Lloyd cleaning up their district. Earned
money to buy toothbrushes for several children. National
Park, active litter campaign. 20 doz. eggs sent to
General Hospital. Parcel books sent to Cottage Hospital,
New Norfolk. New Town raised 14/- by tuck shop, which
was donated to Girls’ Industrial School Home. Ouse sent
six quilts to Home of Mercy. Parattah sent 10/- and two
cases produce to Sanatorium. Raised 6/1 by sale bottles.
Clothing sent to two poor families. Port Arthur, by social
and dance raised £4/10/3, of which 10/- was sent to
Repatriation Hospital. Sent hampers for “Wattle[...]two children in hospital. Sent parcels
of clothes to Upper Plenty and Back River schools. Snug
collect[...]hthouses. South Lymington
sent two pairs trousers to boys to enable them to visit
the Hobart Exhibition. Raised £1/0/3 by euchre tourna-
ment, also £1/15/- by concert to help clear debt off
Methodist Church. State High[...]Plains sent parcel books and two
bags vegetables to Campbell Town Hospital; parcel baby
clothes to Alexandra Hospital; books toto portfolios sent, two from Japan, one from
Estonia[...]Great Britain—The British Red Cross has decided to
enter upon a new sphere of activity—viz., to train per-
sonnel capable of transporting sick and injured persons
by air, and to supply a reserve, if required, in times of[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (26)[...]ed a number of sham
railway accidents with a view to testing the efficiency of
its first aid and relie[...]with the aims and activities of the Rea
Cross and to bring in new members. Badges and leaflets
were di[...]e streets, shops, public vehicles, and
from house to house in Rio de Janeiro. The enrolment of
new mem[...]he
posts work every Saturday and Sunday from June to
August, and one of them gave first aid in more th[...]The work of collecting the gifts was en-
trusted to Boy Scouts, who were aided by 150 private cars
pl[...]f the Red Cross for the conveyance
of the parcels to depots run for the purpose. For three
weeks volun[...]the Juniors respect the rules enjoining upon
them to speak the truth and to make no noise. Unkind
words and malicious teasing[...]by a pro-
minent citizen of Bangkok as a memorial to his wife,
after whom the centre has been named.[...]te individuals.
A large estate has been made over to it by a Siamese
nobleman, the rental from which w[...]of
the American Red Cross have helped the Society to meet
the grave problems arising out of the financ[...]Godollo. The site
for the building was presented to the Junior Red Cross
by the Ministry of Agricultu[...]ns it will be occupied as a
recreation home by 85 to 40 por children of Budapest as
guests of the Juni[...]ts customary sphere, the Society felt it its duty to
respond, to the best of its ability, to the wish expressed
by Signor Mussolini that every[...]rtions of soup daily throughout
the winter months to the poor of the district.

The nurses of the Ital[...]e duch*ess of
Aosta each contributed a “stone” to the edifice, which is
the fruit of four ye[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (27)[...]and first-aid
post will be installed, in addition to the administrative
services of the Society. Red C[...]clude an
ambulance service for conveying patients to hospitals, and
a school of nurses.

The Junior Re[...]members of the Junior Red Cross are being trained to
become useful citizens is provided by the fact th[...]taken their first-aid certificate during the
year to join in one of their life-saving demonstrations.

France.—In an effort to alleviate unemployment the
French Red Cross durin[...]the care of needy patients
in their homes. Cases to be visited are brought to the
attention of the service by the commissioners[...]It is common knowledge that soap and water help to
wash germs away. But what is not generally known[...]-
ful germicides. It is not, therefore, necessary to buy a
special, costly brand of soap in order to secure a good
antiseptic. The concentration of so[...]one-tenth of tkis concentration is strong enough to kill
gérms. The germs that quickly die in[...]


The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (28)[...]2 Copies are sent free of charge to Red Cross Branches
League of Red Cross Societies.[...]....................... 4 application to the Secretary, Australian Red Cross Societ[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (29)[...]selection of the anniver­ service to its fellow human beings, and it was also a[...]ent of Government control. It was gratifying to be able
Red Cross Day is specially appropriate, for it was to speak about a Society where everything was worthy[...]g the Crimean War, on account out to conserve its continuity in the Junior Red Cross.[...]the wounded, who It was important to preserve the succession for all the[...]work that was being done.
had to endure indescribable misery, she was
urgently requested by the Government to take Mr. 0. Morrice Williams,[...]that in addition to maintaining ceaseless activities on
quickly she[...]ering and disease. He
fell from 427 per thousand to 107 per thousand, referred to the fine work being done by the Junior Red[...]he sanitary works she insisted on were
finished, to 22 per thousand. Speaking in support, Mr. W. F. Greenwood referred to[...]ingale was primarily a sani­ Divisions for funds to enable them to carry on their
tarian, and was the pioneer of mo[...]carrying on in the same way as in
sonal service to the sick and suffering. Perfection 1914. He hoped that the Senior Red Cross workers would
was to be attained through doing. The Red Cross succeed in passing on some of their experience to others,
seeks to maintain her ideals, and by the training as the v[...]referred to International House, 15 Manchester Square,
by str[...]mbers. The occasion is also a specially its value to nurses of many nationalities, who stayed
fitting one on which to hold local appeals for Red there while studying a[...]date for a nurse from Australia to take up a course of
N.B.—Florence Nightingale posters may be study at Bedford College, and to occupy the room fur­
obtained on application to the Secretary-General, nished by the Australian R[...]report and financial statements was then put to the
The annual meeting of the Australian Red Cros[...]thanks to Her Excellency for presiding at the meeting.
Lady[...]work of the Society, she invited those present to partake
Before opening the meeting, Her Excell[...]patriation Commission for year ended 30th
service to the Australian Red Cross. The resolution was[...]ing done commendable and active desire to add to the comfort of
by the Red Cross, both in regard to the care of ex-soldiers the patients wi[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (30)[...]was that
have shown have been of great assistance to the Commis­ the participation of Red Cross[...]of men who underwent nothing should be done to interfere with the work of other
indoor or outdoo[...]of a Florence Nightingale memorial. The proposal to
met at Paris on 13th and 14th October, 1932. The establish a lasting memorial to Florence Nightingale was
Viscountess Novar, who r[...]es and graduated there. The
had come from America to preside over the assembly. League,, however, is no longer in a position to finance it,
The chief business before the gove[...]recognised, the nursing profession is anxious to maintain
Secretary-General, and Dr. R. Sand, of the work under­ it. If this is to be done, an endowment fund of £200,000
taken by[...]uld be required, and as this will take s'ome time to
reports, which have been forwarded to you, were con­ collect, it is proposed[...]red very satisfactory, more especially as, thanks to the necessary capital, 20 scholarships of £[...]Red Cross has promised to provide adequate funds' to
enable the college to be carried on till that date. Should
Several r[...]national College will
were passed:—(1) Agreeing to the holding of an immediate be closed in Jul[...]shment by the League of Nations of a Relief
Union to deal with national disasters', approved the steps[...]rk and training of nurses also occupied the
taken to ensure joint collaboration between this new Relie[...]national govern­ commission being formed to discuss professional problems
ments would only be adequate to meet administrative at the 1934 confere[...]of Junior Red Cross Societies was
would endeavour to have a certain sum of money on hand receiv[...]felt that the
which could be immediately applied to relief purposes in development of this organ[...]ith feeling's of international goodwill.
equipped to do such work.
First Aid on the Roads was the subject of some discus­ In order to, preserve the spirit of service awakened by
sion,[...]d, by the national societies should endeavour to present a pro­
Touring Club of France, the Red Cross function being to gramme of activities suitable for the needs of adolescents
give some instruction to civilians in charge of the posts. when they ha[...]d by the workers. A special committee is to be appointed at the
Secretariat. The Swedish and[...]es next International Red Cross Conference to discuss these
gave interesting accounts' of the a[...]t of the air routes' over which In order to safeguard the position of the League, I was
these[...]es travel. The aeroplanes employed are asked to submit the following resolution to the Board:—
often centred on military posts, an[...]ntal Red Cross principle of neutrality in respect to[...]air ambulance. for any purpose contrary to the principles of the Red
He has’ kindly given[...]e may be expelled from the League by
plane seemed to be as follows: The eight armchairs to be resolution of the Board of Governors, o[...]chable; the widening of the door at side of plane to tive Committee when the Board is not sitti[...]rds majority of the members present. Due
fastened to the floor of the plane to hold the stretcher. notice of intention to propose such a resolution must be
An eight-seater[...]rs, or
The attention of the Board was directed to the work the Executive Committee, shall[...]d by the Secretariat in connection with to state the grounds of its decision, beyond recordi[...]dered elsewhere by local authori­
ties, are left to voluntary agencies. Dr. R. Sand raised[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (31)[...]American Red Cross, Washington, testifies to the
societies with practical means for applyin[...]e can I never feel like closing a letter to your office without
give for the development o[...]. By presenting a single solid peculiar to Australia never fails to delight us' all, and
front, the Red Cross will be able not only to carry on arouses great enthusiasm among t[...]wo coun­
public opinion an influence conducive to friendliness and tries will continue to increase. You cannot send us' enough
good feeling. to satisfy us.
Judge Payne invited the delegates to dinner in one of
the hotels. Various after-dinner[...]of the
International Comite, who has done so much to secure the
co-operation of the two organisations;[...]The French Red Cross also
invited the delegates' to tea at the International Club,
where we had an op[...]I regret that it will be quite impossible for me to be Quarterly Meeting.—The first was[...]Division, which took place very
Cross may be able to send a delegate from Australia to successfully at Farmers’ Blaxland Gal[...]the 24th February. The object of this meeting is to bring[...]e another and with
In conclusion, may I express to the Council the great the Executive. The[...]and extended
wood box sent by the Central Council to the a welcome to each guest. He was supported in his
League :—[...]ident of the Artarmon
You were very kind indeed to send us' the box made of Red Cross Branc[...]function.
League Headquarters. It was good of you to remember
us. The Australian woods are indeed very[...]financial reasons it has not been possible to give the
the national Red Cross Societies of Arge[...]came to the Society’s assistance by donating the[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (32)[...]E AUSTRALIAN RED CROSS.

April, added yet another to the many successful confer­ at 9 a.m., and[...]on the bowling green, and finally the trip back to Sydney,
broken in the war. Lady Game particularly referred to her all served to complete perhaps one of the most successful
recent visit to the “Malahide” Red Cross Hospital at[...]tnightly luncheons of the
Would have been obliged to curtail its activities. “Younger Set[...]rs and guests of
present a good case. He was glad to note that the honour:—Mr. H. L. Pit[...]its: case would be a good one. Mr. Hawkes, to commemorate Anzac Day. Miss Dorothy Wormal pre­[...]ir and armv nursing services were pre­
reference to the efforts it is putting forward, both at[...]d by Brigadier-General
“Malahide” and Exeter, to conserve the funds entrusted to O. F. Phillips (representing the Australian M[...]oodstuffs O.B.E., proposed the vote of thanks to the guests of
as the result. Mr. Hawkes announced that in its en­ honour.
deavours to prevent one of its Homes from closing, the[...]he third annual Birthdav Ball of the
been obliged to break away from the long-established “[...]int Hon.
end of the year the Society will be able to balance its Treasurers. Misses Gladys Richardson. Molly Rollestan;
ledger. From a further contribution to be received from Vice-Presidents, Jean Bell[...]late Miss Emily Claughton, it is hoped donald.
to instai talkie-tone equipments at “Bodington,”[...]June, will be the next important event to follow the
Thanks were expressed to Misai Heather Kinnaird, who birthday ball,[...]Cross Headquarters, 39
At night a theatre party to the last night of “Our Pitt Street, Sy[...]issued to soldiers requiring snecial diet, etc., and on the
The Second Session (morning) was devoted to a dis­ recommendation of their medical[...]s, and was presided over by were admitted to “Graythwaite” Red Cross Hospital. At
Mr. R. J[...]on, which
proved most interesting and instructive to all present. Extracts from letters of app[...]a motor “I can truly say that I look to the future with more
outing was arranged to the “Bodington” Red Cross Sana­ hope[...]hes and a number of private cars left Sydney to the Red Cross Society.”

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (33)[...]and am very worth while.
pleased to say that I believe it will be more beneficial tha[...]een wearing. Thanking you I would like to give a word of praise to my splendid
very much for the assistance afford[...]Matron R. Malcolm.
world now who I wish to write to me, so that you can Red Cross Conv[...]sts each month have
of tea, etc., which we used to get in Red Cross' Home; we done a lot of damage to crops and vegetables, and the
have to buy ours now. Wishing the Red Cross every suc­[...]artment gives assistance is mainly due to the interest and the work done by the
to the sick wives and children of our returned sailo[...]tdoor life
soldiers. All cases are investigated to see that the: assist­ almost invariably resul[...]needed and the best way in which health.
to assist,, and in the latter we are guided by the a[...]ace, Sydney.—The
doctors, hospitals, clinics, to whom we send the applicants months from December to March, 1933, have fairly
or from whom they come to us, and also by the report maintained[...]children. Every day cases of sickness are brought to One thousand and fifty articles of vary[...]in the Depot. Some of these have been sent to England,
cases. When possible, we give the nouri[...]men have reached us from many
tuberculosis added to our list. Many of these have been sourc[...]., as well as fruit, eggs, vegetables, when to the ill-health of the workers. Our grateful thanks to
we have them, also Woollen underwear and other w[...]stories of the homes they visit but we are glad to know pads, bridge cases, etc.,; all kin[...]oxes and trays are kept
way. We are very grateful to all who have helped us in in stock. F[...]kers willingly and cheerfully give one
been, sent to us from the Branches and from friends to day weekly to the work of the Depot, and Randwick
give out. Unf[...]hes, as well as those of any used packs to supplement their gift. This is the
who do not belong to the Branches, will think of our sick only[...]the
and needy soldier families', and will help us to supply cards are gratefully received.
t[...]n General Hospital, Rand­
sentation for New Year to Mr. Norman Ebsworth of a wick.—[...]ts, and also entertainments
and showing them what to do. The new domestic staff arranged[...]J.C. 250, Moo refield 12,
The staff are delighted to have such nice comfortable Rosehill 2[...]nty concerts' have been
quarters. We were pleased to see so many of the Execu­ arranged in[...]ating of the quarters. It gives us great pleasure to been issued by the Red Cross Society by its representative
have visits of this nature and to show the Committee our at this hospital to 100 out-patients daily. The Randwick
small Branch[...]s supplied its’ monthly issue of cakes
pleasing to see so many Branch members, because, when to the different wards. Fourteen bowling matches have
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (34)[...]he bowling assistance given in response to 247 applications from
green was supplied by the N[...]es' during fruit, etc., were distributed to applicants during Christmas
the" period: 430 roll[...]A report shows that the buffet established to serve
Note.—It is much regretted that illness in the staff cocoa to soldier applicants provided 3,600 hot drinks from[...]. Junior Red Cross from supplying June to October, 1932.
their usual report.[...]invalid pram for a convalescent; repairs to motor cycle
VICTORIA for a disabled soldier unable to make ends meet; expenses
to Tasmania for a neurasthenic in urgent need of cha[...]a disabled man on the land.
Red Cross Supplies to Repatriation Hospitals.—An
intimation has been[...]f food comforts which have £20 was voted to this association in consideration of the
hitherto[...]dier patients in Caulfield value of the library to blinded soldiers.
Hospital, Anzac Hostel and the[...]esh fish and “I am greatly indebted to the Red Cross' Society for the
oysters, which hav[...]spirit that prompted
future in these institutions to items such as fish pastes, these gifts to eliminate the suffering of others less fortu­
ch[...]desert—men who through their sufferings began to doubt
Cinema Shows.—Towards the end of 1932[...]“talkies” were ficing their lives to save a fellow comrade in distress.
available. The Society had, therefore, to choose between Such a humane Society as th[...]installing sound so much in peace and war to help the suffering masses,
equipment. In view of[...]r
soldier patients from the shows, it was decided to instai together.”
the necessary apparatus[...]t of about “I am writing this letter to you in an endeavour to
£500. The work was successfully concluded at Cau[...]n done for my family and self. 1 tried to do this verbally
there twice weekly. The installa[...]ity,
Red Cross Recreation Halls.—In addition to the installa­ but the unfortunate circ*mstan[...]7 a number ol' renovations and improve­ me to do something, and I am very thankful for the grea[...]has improved by the extra nourishment afforded to them
and Bundoora.[...]ow been Christmas, which is due entirely to your efforts.”
removed to Bundoora, the Red Cross hall at the latter
hospital will be put to more constant use by a greatly “I wish to thank you on behalf of the returned soldiers
increased number of patients. To add to the comfort of in No. 6 Camp, and I can assure you that we appreciate
the building, and also to improve the acoustics for talkie the literature that you were so kind as to forward.”
shows and for concerts, it has been decided to put in a
ceiling, and, if possible, to provide some means of heating “Would you please issue the crutches to the bearer and
for the winter months.[...]on for your kindly co-operation in our endeavours to
The hall at Macleod Sanatorium has been bright[...]enovations. Power points and radiators, which
are to be installed, will add to the comfort of the patients “I was so plea[...]erclothing, being- badly in need of
Assistance to Soldier Out-patients.—During the past[...]ications were dealt with at Head­ unable to thank you enough, as I have had such a str[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (35)[...]April, 1933.

“I am very grateful to you for the verandah blind, to funds), £2/2/-; Anon, (assistance to ex-imperial
which will enable me to make my bed in the open air.” soldier)[...]d £2/2/-; Miss J. E. Crossley (contribution to funds), £1;
is installed therein and looks very comfortable. Very Mr. H. Kinnear (contribution to funds), £2/2/-; Parkville
many thanks' from bot[...]gnew
prompt granting of our request. It is going to be of great (contribution to funds), £1; Anon, (for promotion of
“Please allow me to tender my heartfelt thanks for the
assistance yo[...]from the hospital. Ten donors who responded to calls
which all the boys in Caulfield Hospital re[...]s
came in at first I was saying how unlucky I was to be warmly appreciated.
away from my home[...]donors used are those
chaps, really had a second-to-none dinner, which was whose blood is classified as belonging to Group 4, and
served to us last Thursday week. Again thanking your­[...]for what they are five seals attached to their certificates (indicating that
doing and hav[...]ready and anxious to continue their generous and unselfish
service to the community. The necessity for enrolling new[...]eeds of the hospitals, and steps are being
lines' to congratulate and thank the Red Cross Society[...]ntinuously. The
Christmas. It is' very gratifying to me, and I’m sure I number of volunteers at present registered is 150, amongst
speak for all, to know that we are not forgotten, although whom[...]to serve is of , the greatest benefit because, being[...]ailable when needed for
“This is just a line to thank you for the box of handker­ a patient wi[...]stmas from The Committee is indebted to Dr. Burke, Superintendent
the Red Cross. Mrs. Dic[...]on
of the Red Cross at the Hospital are most kind to me, given towards maintaining this' Service, and to Dr. Bryce
giving me flowers, fruit and books. I t[...]ant and valuable work undertaken by them

To Mrs. Dickson from the Matron, Caulfield Repatriat[...]VOLUNTARY AID DETACHMENTS.
“I wish to thank you and your staff for the great assist­[...]ptroller, Voluntary Aid
ance during the past year to the sisters in the distribution Detachments, reports:—
of comforts to the men. The patients have greatly appre­
ciated[...]usefulness would be very limited. In order to achieve[...]tion from, the medical staff, have been able to give useful[...]istmas of a trained nurse.
boxes sent to the returned soldiers. Everyone enjoyed A new[...]h, 1933 Armadale Branch and have been called upon to give transfusions. It is
(music at Christm[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (36)[...]business affairs of their Link. They will be free to take
up any form of service that conforms to the constitution
An interesting plan has been e[...]school days, any other health institution, and to co-operate with the
were members of the Junior Re[...]enior and
upon leaving school, are not old enough to join Senior Junior sections. To inaugurate the movement, invitations
Red Cross Branches and Auxiliaries'. These young people were sent to 360 past Red Cross members to a meeting
are being invited to form groups, which will be known as held in th[...]all of you have given your service to the
community through the[...]er of enthusiastic
workers to the Red Cross but it will be of[...]ing the workers themselves
to carry on their service, to be prepared to take
their part in any eme[...]with the attributes that go to make a leader,
never reall[...]out training. The
only way to train for leadership is through[...]n possible in knowing that
to you it can be said "Well done thou good and[...]t was unanimously resolved that a message be sent to
Lord Somers, intimating that all present would be glad to take part in the new organisation.[...]RTS. enthusiastic efforts to facilitate visits to local and neigh­[...]ross' members at Beeac brought great
ceived point to a renewal of activity and staunch devotion pleasure and comfort to the patients at the Macleod
to the work of the Society. The recent visits paid b[...]emembrance of them at Chris­
Assistant Secretary to country centres have revealed this tmas. Their" b[...]ntained shortbread,
same spirit; and reports made to the Victorian Council, biscuits, marmalade, tobac[...]was received towards comforts for
tality extended to
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (37)[...]Christmas dinner for children of the devoted to the patients at the Amherst Sanatorium, who
un[...]s were supplied:—24 flannels', 13 prs.
Cross to the work for the invalid soldiers is a constant[...]29 pairs of socks, realised. Tribute is paid to Miss English, Talbot, for her
15 of which were[...]. As well as kindness in knitting socks, and to Mrs. Stewart Miller,
their achievements for th[...]members whose activity as Hon. Secretary led to the enrolment of
have donated £1 to the Children’s Hospital and the same a number of the new members. The Branch is to be
amount to the Frankston Home for Crippled Children. congratulated in having been able to make the valuable
There was a splendid attenda[...]oss', held on 23rd March, shows that
Red Cross to assist the widow of a returned soldier left[...]te circ*mstances. memorial hospital, to which the Branch acts as Auxiliary.[...]he year with
tinued their invaluable assistance to Headquarters by a bank balance of £12/2[...]ts. Their sustained, lively amounted to £31/14/5, while the expenditure was
interest i[...]so many years past by Mrs.
brings encouragement to these workers, and is greatly A. E. Castles, Hon. Secretary, to whom much credit is due
appreciated.[...]as held on the Support has been given to the Hospital Committee in
occasion of Miss Ballantyne’s visit to the Kerang Red connection with the openi[...]ers in the many activities of the Society. Thanks to the ward. In addition to their activities' for the local hospital,
kindn[...]ck, President of members are giving support to a project for providing
the Branch, and Mrs. Mc[...]ospital. The Society
Ballantyne had opportunity to visit the schools in Kerang, has learned with[...]Red Cross workers.
Lake Boga.—Fine loyalty to the Society was demon­
strated by the fact tha[...]ram Red Cross com­
Cross came from far and near to take part in an evening- pleted five under[...]pairs of socks and a pullover;
meeting arranged to welcome Miss Ballantyne on her and since resuming work after recess, a parcel containing
visit to this Branch. Miss Ballantyne was much impressed[...]eady activity of Lake Boga members warded to Headquarters. Sincere gratitude is felt for the[...]Headquarters by distributing articles of clothing to soldiers forts,” which are unfailingly distri[...]ts. Amongst their contributions were 15 to the dearth of “silent” films, their discontin[...]not the Committee been enabled, with the
washers to the Berry Street Foundling Home; to the Colac sanction of the Council, to arrange for the purchase of
Hospital was sent a C[...]isfactory
Branch made a gift of 3 doz. serviettes to the Hospital. that similar equipment has[...]singlets, etc., have been sent may be available to the patients at these hospitals.
to the Benevolent Society at Colac for the benefit of Extensive improvements and renovations to the recreation
needy cases.[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (38)[...]11

happiness to the soldiers, of whom there were 650 in hos­[...]Mental Hospital; also several head of poultry to the
ing the celebrations at the various institut[...]he soldier patients, and handkerchiefs were given to in donating choice Australian woods has bro[...]l being distributed by Red Cross interest to the work, an exhibit of boxes, trays, tables,
wo[...]st ciation. Further encouragement was given to the patients
House. Much of the extra equipment[...]eting of the Australian Red Cross.
added greatly to the comfort and enjoyment of the
patients. Valua[...]n Christmas and New Year, the patients were also
to the ladies of the Red Cross, and letters were rec[...]Bundoora. Renovations and improvements to the Recrea­
Society, some of! the chairs being o[...]Mental.—Excellent preparations for
Mrs. Rankin to add a good supply of new books to the the Christmas “high tea” were[...]r feats by Mr. West, whose
Special thanks are due to Miss Blatter, who has done generous an[...]ted intense interest
much arduous work in helping to keep the Rest House in amongst patients[...]­
order and in preparing and serving morning tea to con­ ciated. A number of members of the[...], fol­
(published1 by the Bowling Associations) to the kind ser­ lowed by a delicious supper, be[...]to the happiness of the patients in the Hostel at Ch[...]Dickson, have regularly acted as time.
hostesses to the soldiers’ visitors on pennant and other
da[...]y.—The soldier patients at the Red Cross
failed to have a pleasant afternoon tea ready, whether Cott[...]arranged
for 40 or 60 players—this! in addition to their usual atten­ by the Society, a dinner and gifts for each of the soldiers
tion to the wants of the inmates' of the hospital. Daily[...]se received from the matron.
ladies have attended to cater for the troops.” Curative[...]tea prepared by Miss' Tyrer, were most success­ to these men, it has' been decided to continue the training,
ful and happy events. The[...]s workers serve regularly twice a month, are ward to eagerly by them. Fresh interest has been created
always a source of great pleasure to the patients. by the order received fro[...]ients at
Interior improvements and renovations to the Recreation the Caulfield Hospital.
Hall, whic[...]as well as during the month of December amounted to £133, and
arrangements' for heating the hall. Th[...]obtained from the poultry yard—852 dozen eggs, to the Curative Workshops at Caulfield. Another display,
market value £38/19/1, having been distributed to the arranged by the Handicraft Shop helper[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (39)[...]including crockery for 200 people and prizes to the value[...]table coppers.
for some months, due unfortunately to an accident, Miss
Bradley, President of the Mont[...]Sub- Sewing Parties.—Owing to the Christmas vacation, most
Committee, has kindly undertaken the visits to the Austin of the Work Parties were in recess from December to
Hospital, and has' distributed the usual comforts[...]March. The work completed during the period is as
to the soldier patients there, numbering approximate[...]follows :—
each month. A day’s outing to Williamstown was arranged
for some of the patient[...]ts. Total, 1,125 articles.
ing been transferred to this sanatorium, members of the
Mont Park Sub-Committee have kindly offered to visit the No. 1 Depot Auxiliary Work Party.—9 theatre gowns, 2
institution from time to time to ascertain if any comforts prs. slippe[...]nts Work Party.—92 patients’ shirts, 46
given to the needs of the soldier patients at Amherst, gauze masks. Total, 48 articles.
and thanks to the generosity and help of the Talbot Red[...]ade, on the
recommendation of the superintendent, to soldier patients Notes for Branche[...]pital.
Christmas Festivities.—To provide Christmas cheer to
soldier patients in hospitals, supplies to the value of Ivanhoe—38 gauze un[...]boots, and many men were fitted out on proceeding to relief Marram—6 prs. H.M. socks', 5[...]have been met. The following goods were supplied to Miss Marlowe, North Fit[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (40)[...], pointing out that Red Cross Contributed to the hospital, also 671 articles. Clifton Hill
S[...]ets, binders and pillowcases, value £7/0/9, sent to the
of suffering and the betterment of national[...]slippers and bedgowns) cheque for £10, sent to Yooralla. Ivanhoe—Gauze gar­
made up. East Kew[...]and­ months £45/0/6 has been contributed to the Williamstown
ages, binders, serviettes and pi[...]oses, including £25 for X-ray,
bers have decided to donate a diathermy machine, and £6 for Christmas dinner, £5/0/6 for lounge and deck
also to raise £500 for the endowment of a bed. South[...]s, preserved fruit, shirts' and socks contributed to the
ettes, 20 theatre gowns, and a supply of medi[...]iettes, ice caps, etc. Funds for this jumpers to be handed over to the Mayor when completed.
Branch are maintained b[...]ets, pillowslips, squares,
Branch has amnle funds to supply three work parties jackets, etc.), value £20/3/-, sent toto the Manangatang District
and 2 theatre gowns made[...]Hospital. Children’s garments, singlets, etc., to Annuelle
ary, £31/7/5; £2/2/- for Christmas che[...]Bush Nurse. Baby kits and children’s garments to four
Canteen—Christmas party was most successfu[...](nightdresses, feeders, shirts, shoes, etc.) to the Children’s
bottles provided on the recommendation of the Almoner’s Hospital; towels and shoes to the Melbourne Hospital;
Department.[...]garments also contributed to the Flemington Baby Health[...]873 jars of jam, also Christmas gifts', sent to the Williams­
special eye instrument fund.[...]Reports.—Members have lost no time in getting to work
tenance, £10; Christmas cheer, £5; chairs[...]Apsley sent 2/6 to the Salvation Army, 3/6 to the Deaf
St. Vincent’s Hospital. and Dumb, 5/9 to the Blind Institute, 12/6 to relieve local
distress, and eggs' and jam to Edenhope Hospital. Vege­
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (41)[...]“St. Margaret’s’ ” members sent garments to the
to the Children’s Hospital, books and other gifts to lonely Beaconsfield Foundling Home and Brighton Babies’ Home,
families in the bush, and funds to the local hospital. They 324 eggs to the District Nursing Society, and collected
are helping to keep their district beautiful by supporting g[...]s. During 1932 Stawell High School raised £19;
to the Children’s Hospital bottles, flowers, fruit, 72 eggs, sent £4 to the Childen’s Hospital and £10 to the local hos­
and £2—the proceeds of a (Id[...]material, and garments were
a bazaar and funds to replenish their first aid box by a made for[...]and given 12 jars of jam garments) were sent to local needy families. Strathfield-
to needy families. From wool bought with the proceed[...]and £2),
an afternon “frolic,” members at Bright Higher Element­ Bendigo Orphanage (clothi[...]/10/-), a Melbourne Babies’ Home, and
bottles' to Wangaratta Hospital, three bags of clothing local cases of need.
to the Victorian Relief Committee, and collected toy[...]Donations have been sent to the Alfred (£4/12/10) and
Coburg East sent 804 eggs to the Melbourne Hospital, St. Vincent’s (£6/12/11) Hospitals', and 100 tons of fire­
780 eggs to the Austin Hospital, 768 oranges and lemons, wood to the Sutherland Home, Broadmeadows Foundling
and £30 cot maintenance, to the Children’s Hospital, Home, and Salvation Army Home.
£2/15/9 to the Blind Institute, £1/6/4 to the local Bene­
volent Society, 116 jars to the State Relief Fund, and to Associate Members.
the[...]lief Committee, £10/14/-, clothing,
and 65 cups to hold soup.[...]orts have come in from all comers of the
clothes to the local Baby Health Centre, and 10/- each to State. Their activities may be summed up as[...]gs,
material collected at home, sent 54 garments to the Dis­ jam and produce, visiting sick p[...]s for little patients
visits with flowers, etc., to Colac Hospital, and sent gifts at Christmas and giving them treats.
to sick pupils.[...]Geelong sent 212 parcels of clothing and 557 eggs to the clothing, knitting squares for quilts, and providing meals.
local hospital, £1/11/5 and six toys to the Bethany Babies’ Work at Home.—Helping with the housework, looking
Home, 15/4 to the Cottage by the Sea, 10/6 to the Blind after smaller children, running messages, cutting wood,
Insitute, 9/6 to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, and provided di[...]Glenferrie’s donations are as follows:—£10 to the
Children’s Hospital, £2/2/- to the Caulfield Military Hos­ Our warmest appreciation and thanks go to Mr. Fussell
pital, to provide Christmas cheer; £1/5/- to Hawthorn for his ceaseless efforts in c[...]sociate propa­
Benevolent Society; £1/1/- each to the Queen Victoria ganda among the young people who contribute to the
Hospital, Melbourne District Nursing Society[...]leading newspapers.
Salvation Army; and £1 each to the Minton Boys’ Home Infantile P[...]ing schools for almoner students, thus adding to the
From Hawks'burn books go weekly to the Alfred Hos­ importance of Miss Ho[...]Members at Ivanhoe C.E.G.G.S. have sent clothing to were paid by the Almoner to patients in their homes, and
Heidelberg Benevolen[...]row (Dr.
employment; the school matron taught her to use a Macnamara’s locum tenens)[...]is helping to solve the problems of tills disease throughout
Middle Park sent to the Alfred and Melbourne Hospital the wor[...]he department at the Children’s
288 eggs each; to the hom*oeopathic Hospital—flowers, H[...]of linen, of infantile paralysis comparable to that of any other
7 washers, 4 feeders', 54 jars[...]centre in the world; yet most of the lessons had to be
for a Christmas tree; to the Children’s Hospital—comics, wasted, for no one was available to spend time to keep
books, flowers, 222 bottles and jars, and 36[...]es half the size of our clinic, every
Day, helped to raise money for unemployed, collected word the doctor says is dictated to a stenographer, and
clothing and shoes for needy[...]obtained are periodically re-examined, and
books to sick pupils, and visited the hom*oeopathic and[...]overseas, and thus' will contribute their part to the ideal
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (42)[...]abroad for our Circles from Austria
has done much to arrange one of the hardest parts of the (2[...]), France (4), Hungary (1), India (1), Japan (4),
to provide essentials for the care of destitute peop[...]ilitary hospitals treating consignments to Austria, Albania, Brazil, Canada (8),
wounded sol[...]oland (4), Switzerland (5), Sweden, Siam (2),
add to their number.”[...]en
Miss Ballantyne’s Visits.—While on tour to Senior formed in six Junior Red Cross[...]upils alike showed great interest in what she had to been accomplished, a number of the memb[...]Hill Annual Examinations.
Hospital hopes to enlist their help in raising funds to First Aid and Home Nursing.—The Commi[...]d. decided to allow each department to nominate (subject to
J.R.C. Cupboard Christmas Distribution.—Chri[...]examiner in these subjects.
toys were distributed to approximately 1,025 children. We Life Sav[...]entary Certificate of the Royal
are most grateful to MacRoberts'on’s, G. J. Coles Pty. Ltd., Life[...]for life-saving.
Guide companies, as well as to Junior Red Cross members
and others, for generous[...]precluded many who were desirous
“I wish to thank you for the parcel of toys for the of taking part in the movement, it has been decided to
kiddies. It is very kind of the Junior Red Cross to amend the regulations to provide for Cadets qualifying
think of the chi[...]ave already done a lot in one year; also to lower the age limit by admitting
for us, and I[...]is hoped for.
Red Cross these gifts' conveyed to us all. It is such
kind actions that bring us nearer to God and all that
Christmastide represents.”[...]t of the extra work in
cases. Donations amounting to £21/1/4 were received preparing for[...]oi. C. F. Plant, who passed away on 7th December,
to celebrate Red Cross Day with a boot and shoe drive to 1932, within a few weeks of his 90th birth[...]which Colonel Plant was Hon
The splendid response to this appeal last year, both in Treasurer,[...]tedly into his
donations and shoes, encourages us to hope for an equally own work, but also took[...]n by producing a play, “Lamp­ owing to Colonel Plant’s' ad rice and careful supervisio[...]ross of its finances that the Society, to a large extent, is
journal. enabled to carry on the work it is at present doing.
“I[...]. In a second bird article Miss Harper ance to invalid ex-sailors and soldiers. Prescript[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (43)[...]tion thanks were expressed Secretary, has gone to considerable trouble on behalf of
for these extras, which are always enjoyed. Many of the Society to make the best arrangements for the town
the pat[...]se hospitals are now showing consider­ supply to be laid on to the Home.
able after-effects of their war service, and it is' with
regret that we have to record a big increase in the number The Sold[...]here being now 173 returned men in the three to send out parcels of clothing to needy soldiers and their
institutions.[...]erous, and the Sub-Committee have done their best to
The work at the various hospitals has been g[...]bers' of this Branch do
Committee, has attended to the issue of comforts to the on our behalf, and also that done by the Manly Branch,
wards, and Mrs. Henry Robertson and her workers have who send i[...]elp. Mrs. L. M. Oxlade and
the hospital attends to the Recreation Room and super­ her workers will be glad to receive parcels of clothing,
vises the wireless[...]who distributes whenever they have clothing to dispose of.
extra comforts sent from Headquarte[...]The Junior Red Cross, under the direction of Mrs. Henry
tated men appreciate the visits of the ladies w[...]accomplished very satisfactory work during
week to play bridge.[...]ion Sanatorium, Stanthorpe, re­ rendered to the less fortunate, and afforded great assist­[...]t of extras each month from Head­ ance to them in their distress. Hundreds of garments
qu[...]d order. season to ex-soldiers and their families. Various efforts[...]or Advanced were successfully organised to raise money for this
Tubercular Patients.—Mrs.[...]the country Circles sent donations of money to Head­
received a gift, as well as the Matron and Sisters'. We quarters to be used where most needed, and these gifts
are grateful to this Branch for the continued interest they wer[...]d are being received, and it is difficult to supply all the
it was much enjoyed by all.[...]aised the members
phones so that he can listen in to the various wireless rendered valuable help at Christmas to the Social Service
programmes. The chief amusem*nt of the natients just League and to soldiers’ families. They also did some
now is b[...]th Week, it has been arranged for Juniors
Society to convey the men. to attend on Saturday afternoon, 8th April, at the C[...]Hall, to hear a health talk by Dr. Phyllis’ Cilento,[...],” Ilfracombe, who forwarded a cheque for £25, to land Society for Crippled Children, the J[...]t the tubercular cot cases. Each man are to assist with the selling of the souvenir programme[...]and the Director of Junior Red Cross is to act as
On 31st December, 1932, the Department[...]y of Chandler’s' Broadcasting Ser­
ferred them to the “Rosemount” Repatriation General vice, it was made possible for Mrs. Henry Robertson to
Hospital. At the time there were so few Red Cross[...]s left that the Committee gave deen consideration
to the position. The question arose as to whether it would The Red Cross Handicraft Depot, under the convenor-
be advisable to keen “Ardoyne” open, or to maintain Red ship of Mrs. Cumbrae Stewart,[...]ber, when over £45 worth was sold. After
decided to keen the Home open until the end of June,[...]rove. Baskets, pottery, and some leather
soldiers to warrant maintaining the Home, the Society[...]men are taught various phases of handicraft work,
to men recovering from operations and illness[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (44)[...]been repaired. We are most grateful to the insurance[...]eneral routine work. were able to listen in to their favourite broadcasting
Lady Here Ruthv[...]. Hurston has sailed We are pleased to report that some of our country
for Europe, and expects to be absent for about nine Circles hav[...]that Red Cross work is not only for
months. Sir Henry S. Newland, after being in England si[...]ear, has now returned. Miss their energies to the relief of sickness and distress' in
Gilbert[...]ve been in
cigarettes, ~ tobacco and literature to the patients at constant attendance sinc[...]ld Mental wiould welcome additions' to this small but nevertheless
' Hospital on the fir[...]enthusiastic Circle. Our thanks are due to the Henley[...]n high tea is served, the day in mending to be done.
the week to be looked forward to at the Keswick Hospital.
Although the patients[...]the activities of the Juniors
a welcome change to the hospital diet, and the visit of in t[...]and for the forthcoming
these ladies especially to serve the tea also makes the Junior Red[...]eived the artificial leg that your
who are able to get about, are taken for motor drives. Society has been kind enough to provide me with. I
These drives are much apprec[...]article written by an ex­ deavour to prove myself worthy. The Repatriation
patients, which follows. To sick men out of hospital Departmen[...]just about perfect. I received the boots to-day. and
as necessay. To T.B. men in their own homes beds and[...]new leg, and am'pleased to say everything is in order
The outstanding e[...]ome, high teas at Keswick "I wish to thank you so much for the pyjamas and
and the M[...]ld Cancer Hospital. He also wishes
lounge coat to each man at Bedford Park, Kalyra and me to thank you for same.”
Keswick, and to the men at the Mental Hospitals a
Christmas bo[...]playing “Once again you have come to our aid and assisted
cards, etc. This year Mrs.[...]ds us.”
a great help, and our thanks are due to them, for sending “Please accept my[...]al aid
in gifts of cake, fruit, eggs and money, to make this received for mitigation o[...]ts well-deserved public
forced through sickness to miss so much. support[...]eceives' the grant from this Division of the to tender our sincere thanks for supplying the bus to
payment of fees for five men. at the rate of £2 per week, take us to see the Armistice celebrations, which we
and t[...]“It is my wish, in writing this' letter, to express to
The Soldiers’ Home League have established[...]assistance. The delay in expressing to you my best
Quite a number of the inmates, bei[...], but through home
a small pension, are unable to pay the full amount duties the matter has not been attended to. I feel
required for their maintenance (15/-)[...]sincere thanks for the same.”
a grant to the Soldiers’ Home League to make up the
difference between the amount a man can afford to pay “A new plate had to be made for my husband’s teeth,
and the fee[...]s occupied by patients were gave to us. We have appreciated your help very much.
d[...]elt uncomfortable when presenting an order.”
to be made The recreation room was also soon vacated,
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (45)[...]“We, the undersigned returned soldiers, desire to connection with his disability immediat[...]thank you sincerely for your gift of lounge coats to us attendance of a doctor, one or more of w[...]hich was noticeable was
“It is my intention to express my deep gratitude for the ability, of the matron or sisters to join in the current
provision being made in ord[...]could always count the sisters in on, the joke.
to help the Society, my time is at your disposal to
compensate in some way the benefits I received.[...]Red Cross Society, whose repre­
“We have, to thank you sincerely for the first aid[...]ts are taken for motor
“This is just a note to say thank you for your kind­ drives th[...]under the personal
ness towards me in sending me to the Convalescent supervision of t[...], magazines, writing
“It was recently my lot to become an inmate for material, an[...]nursing staff, from the matron and doctors down to the by the organisers, cause keen compe[...]for all the inmates—
ency of the nursing staff to the matron, she informed another thoug[...]“Each week the racing clubs issue invitations to public who, on Sunday afternoons, call with their cars
patients to attend their meetings gratis, and on one[...]g cigarettes
occasion two of the diggers omitted to give in their and afternoon tea. Such kindness' gives tons of food
names in time to be included in the ticket issue. The fo[...]highly appreciated.
matron then gave them a note to the racing club sec­ "I. like man[...]ical atten­
have an early dinner for them, so as to allow them tion, and should like to express my thanks for the kind­
plenty of time.[...]ety, through a number of
loyalists, provided cars to take the diggers from Kes­ Keswick Repatriation Hospital Red Cross Depot.
wick to the Town Hall for the service, and from there[...]he hospital is usually a quiet
thev were conveyed to the Cross of Sacrifie in King- one, th[...]ss work is carried on daily, public holidays
back to the city, where supper was provided. All nurses[...]duty
at the hospital, marched from the Town Hall to the The week before Christmas was[...]or the patients when they returned, down to distribute the Society’s gift of a dark-blue lo[...]ey would be cold after the drive. coat to each patient. Mrs. Hines and her helpers were
Wha[...]ss times in a conveyed all the men able to leave hospital to a delight­
night, viewing each patient in[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (46)[...]19

and smokes were presented to each man. On New Year’s Another beautiful gift to the Home at Christmas time
Day a special Red Cros[...]s a new wireless set, which gives untold pleasure to the
Chapman, Mrs*. Waterhouse and Miss Cram kindl[...]s. We gratefully thank the Henley and Grange
down to help the Honorary Supervisor. The men were Regatta fund for this splendid gift.
all pleased to see Dr. Kendall again, who was present,
on a visit to Adelaide en route from India.[...]TRENAMAN, Matron.
with the Christmas tea we have to thank Miss Crozier
for beautiful flowers and crac[...]nd by a Doctor.”
are still a source of pleasure to many of the men. In
March two delightful concerts[...]mming carnival, Henley on Torrens, and Birkenhead
to the workers, as usual, and the Hall has been kept[...]of accident and illness have been
specially like to mention and thank Mrs. Leslie Bickford atte[...]Nine members have acted as instructors to four classes
glad to welcome her.[...]s have their own work but assisting others to become efficient.
The Detachment is hoping to resume duty at the Adelaide
been much enjoyed and[...]t kind and thoughtful, and we were delighted also to No. 401, Keswick.—The meetings of the[...]with the excellent results obtained. The
has had to resign through ill health, much to, our regret. members are on duty regularly at[...]are looking forward to a most interesting and busy year.
La[...]Produce Depot.
was. About 65 people sat down to dinner; the room was
decorated with pink peach bl[...]scene. Mrs. Burden made We are indebted to the Victor Harbour, Burra and
and presented her u[...]ations, and the latter
from the Red Cross Society to the men from Keswick Circle for their[...]ras at Christmas time, the Honorary
and responded to by a patient from each institution. Secretary has been able to do quite a lot during the hot
Lounge coats' were presented to the inmates by the Red days in Jan[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (47)[...]s are under our care until she is able to take up her duties
only now finding us out, but[...]nce. There
while. Our Honorary Director returned to us during were several sisters conva[...]aluable help of our President, the
specially due to Mrs. Fox and Mrs. O’Leary for the Lady Mayoress (Mrs. C. R. J. Glover), has been lost to
amount of organising carried out for this sale. They are us for a time owing to illness, but are glad that she is
indefatigable[...]on the road to recovery.
Sales at the shop are quiet, but wo[...]ther. A meeting was held in
We are very sorry to report that the last year has not February, and it was decided to send a donation of £2/2/-
been a financial success, but as more than 70% of the to help the appeal of the Mothers’ and Babies’ H[...]expect otherwise. the members and forwarded to the Headquarters of this
We are continuing this[...]for the benefit of Keswick Hospital.
being able to purchase tea, cocoa and milk, and we hope
•for[...]MARRY AT, Joint Secretaries. We have to report a decrease in our numbers- this[...]d on at the depot missed, as she never failed to attend when the visiting
in supplying hospitals[...]application, with patients came from Keswick to Mylor.
clothing, toilet requisites, etc. This te[...]men have been Ten shillings were sent to the Children’s Hospital for
supplied, according to requirement, to the value of their appeal, and 22/- we[...]tion boxes. This year, instead of sending gifts to Keswick
Everything being new and of good valu[...]make the pullovers are now coming forward again to knit although the Circle has been in rece[...]ve made a 80 parcels were given out to needy families at Christmas
large number during[...]s Munro, Mrs. and Miss Bachelor, unable to add the little “extras” that we like to include
Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Hall, Mis[...]generosity of members and friends were we able to give
others. The sewing circle, which does not ta[...]r town, and
Mrs. Wallace contributed very largely to this number. district. When school star[...]ugh sickness and better times, we are able to help each mother in a small
leaving the State. Se[...]e held every way. We have been able to lighten the burden of many
Friday afternoon, and the Society would be glad to have a harassed mother, and we find that with few exceptions
more ladies to assist, chiefly in making pyjamas. More[...]................... £68 7 2 handed over to our Circle for distribution among poor
Bedf[...]milies'. We are greatly exercised in our minds as to
Miscellaneous (including L.G.C.H.[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (48)[...]cessarily be a short one. On Thursday, given to needy cases and the woollens stored in bags for
1st December, when we held our final meeting prior to the winter months.
going into recess, ab[...]and the Secretary read the report for the to attend the clinic. One boy receiving a regular su[...]was sent, as 3 lbs. for the month.
usual, to our limbless soldiers. Our balance in the Savings
Bank was £3. It was decided that £2 oft this be sent to Mrs. A. S. Martin,. Official Visitor for[...]e held a sale of goods It is most helpful to have her reports on cases making
from the Handicr[...]he staff came down and helped us. We were pleased to
hear from Miss Knowles that the men thought we had Junior Red Cross Auxiliary have continued to make and
done well for them, the net result being[...]vices of the Hon. Secretary, Miss M.
are grateful to Mr. Hay and Mr. H. C. Cave for their Pa[...]mittee. We also regret having to say good-bye to the[...]oss Society for the ceeding with her husband to England.
months of December, 1932, January and Fe[...]successful outing. A special train was chartered, to a parcel of post cards depicting various[...]ed, led by the Sturt Street These were sent to the Circles, who sold them for Id. each.
School B[...]ng for further
journey and again headed the march to the picnic grounds supplies.
on arrival at[...]supplied by the Society Red Cross in regard to co-operating with them, in bring­
free of charge[...]aid the seaside. This Society consented to assist, providing
instructors and pupils, gave tw[...]only were included in the party, and undertook to provide
by the men from growing timber, and demon[...]e Junior Red Cross also gave financial assistance to the
standard type of stretcher. No. 402 V.A. Deta[...]ssistance was asked for in routine work,
attended to give first aid if necessary, and, unfortunately,[...]' closed until 14th January and
several cases had to be treated, chief of these being a the cam[...]nd a sprained ankle. regular supply of girls to attend each day. Dr. A.
The sport programme fo[...]c­ them needed attention in regard to teeth, tonsils, eyes,
Lachlan convened a committe[...]were able, through the influence of Dr. Dawkins, to have
happy throng which wended its way homeward round the children’s teeth attended to absolutely free of charge.
about 7 p.m.[...]ittee have held regular working bees and to them. The camp was such a success that it has bee[...]breaking-up party on 10th December. decided to run a similar one next year, when it is likely[...]e Toc H Cheer and Return of Chairman to Executive Committee.—We were
rather Adelaide Ch[...]ting hundreds delighted at this function to welcome back to Australia,
of toys to, help the Toc H Fund, and assisting with t[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (49)[...]ng' under Mrs. J. L. Bonython
Renmark and Lorton to finance and support the movement. for a grand ball to take place on May 19th at the Palais
Renmark is to be a central depot for serum. A great[...]s the new Home. Badges will also be sent to school Circles'
called at many homes, and her enquiries have brought prior to that date.
forward valuable information concerni[...]cal men a gift of material for J.R.C. members to make up, a
on the Committee visited the Inland M[...]ain during the Week.
January, and it was decided to co-operate with the Inland Mrs. M. H. Downey[...]mmittee was grateful for the offer of the Mission to
assist by bringing children needing treatment to town New Circles.—Owing toto make as many visits and organising tours as
tive Committee are very grateful to the senior body for would have been liked,[...]a fortnight’s tour
making it possible for them to have the J.R.C. Holiday of the River dist[...]esult
Home. The Red Cross Society have consented to lend that the following Crides were formed :—Loxton,
sufficient money to build the house, and they have also Lamero[...]rogress.—The general progress of the move­
as to give a maximum of fresh air and freedom to the ment in South Australia is being we[...]so be a room for
children who are not well enough to sleep out, as well as Circle Reports.—The Committee have decided not to ask
accommodation for resident matron. The extra room for quarterly reports in March owing to the long holiday
will be used for the present as[...]ing reports, have been
valued one of Mr. Yeomans, to erect swings, etc. We are received, however, some of which are included.
also grateful to three ex-soldiers who have volunteered
to paint the building free of charge. The Home will[...]ected old
Auxiliary. Each Circle will be eligible to send children linen, eggs, and deal for the hospital. We hold our
to the Home. These children must be in need of a hol[...]l be invaluable for cases coming from the
country to town for such treatment which is usually given[...]broken a leg. His father is anxious to secure a pair of
An appeal has been sent to all J.R.C. Circles, asking crutches for his use. From a telephone conversation with
each one to do something towards the upkeep of the Home[...]esponse will be received. would be willing to let the boy have. Jack is a great[...]the
health exhibits and special sessions' devoted to lectures Children’s Hospital has benefite[...]ompiled, and health lectures been idle. To raise funds for a start, we held a penny
and film[...]ealising 23/-. With the
during the week from 12th to 19th May. Exhibits of material Headq[...]ses, will also be shown, together we decided to buy some material, make it into garments,
with po[...]aying care of teeth. It is and send it down to the “Twinkler” to give to the
hoped that part of the Exhibition will be devoted to Children’s Hospital. We also[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (50)[...]uld be as well WESTERN AUSTRALIA.
to have someone to carry on in my place.—Clem. Slee,
Leader, Melro[...]Hospitals.—Comforts have been issued to the patients
I received your letter of 29th ult[...]ut none for leather work or basket work. A letter
to you this week containing garments made from the[...]the furnishing of materials which enable the men to
5/- worth of flannelette, which the girls made in[...]t when com­
the garments for us. We have decided to have an onion pleted he donated it to a “Group” Christmas tree.
growing competition. Each member receives 50 plants
to start with. The boys of the Circle sweep the scho[...].—Doreen Thayne, out on very similar lines to those held the previous
lings, in all £1/4/-. This I am forwarding to you to Ward 11:—
send to Minda.—Gwenda Roenfeldt, Kulpara.[...]ex-
During the holidays' a burglar broke inn to our school Imperial soldiers' who have been inmates of the above
and happened to find our J.R.C. money, which had been war[...]preciated
was left in it, so we had a toffee day to make up for the and of great .benefit. We also wish you to accept and
stolen money; this totalled 12/3i. We shall now send extend to the members of your Society our best wishes
down[...]The men thoroughly enjoyed all the good things,
to the Barmera Mothers’ and Babies’ Health Assoc[...]ients would
cases of oranges and lemons were sent to Estcourt House. remember the tea for a long time.[...]ranch of the Society pro­
Since I last wrote to you we have collected five dozen vided Christmas[...]nt and spoke a few words' of
elected Colin Eatts' to take his place. 0ur next meeting is greeting to them, conveying good wishes to the men from
to be held next Wednesday, and Laurie Geering and th[...]ry happy hour was spent in the
Gordon Enright are to prepare the programme. Under ward.
what condition[...]? Extra supplies were sent for Christmas Day to Lemnos
Tf it is supplied free, could we have a su[...]ospital and Wooroloo, and the Society contributed
to make up for the hospital ?—Marge Tippett, Kimba[...], is the first health law. Thanks are extended to the following for donations in
We have picked Lea[...]ss Memorial (West Perth), and York
or Miss Penery to take up the Junior Red Cross as Miss Branches of[...]f the members were on holidays. At these supplied to the men in hospital.
meetings we finished off the[...]and, and Junior Red Cross.—In response to a request for port­
we also distributed six parcels of clothing to families in folios from English-speaking countrie[...]Cross’, our Circle at Geraldton has undertaken to
meetings, we are all working hard for 15 entries we wish compile a portfolio.
to put in the Exhibition in May. Three of our member[...]iety and Order of St. John, enabled this Division to
for same. I visited Reggie' Kittel at the Childre[...]ance has been granted to various applicants already
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (51)[...]April, 1933.

known to the Society, and to 15 new applicants. Assist­ concert and rai[...]hment, groceries, rail fares and dental to make dress' for poor children. Jackets, tea towel[...]locker covers sent to Beaconsfield Hospital. Boys sold[...]trict; sent her large hamper, supplying milk to her daily,
Auxiliary has been carried on steadil[...]n open every day, sent clothes and rabbits to City Mission. Box toys and
with a few exceptions. soap to Children’s Hospital. Sent 5/- toto a man to enable him to visit the doctor.
Committee it was' reported tha[...]by social, 7/5 by concert, which was donated to school
funds. Thirteen dozn eggs sent to Spencer Hospital.
We regret to record the resignation, through ill-health, De[...]rs. Kimpton, who for some considerable time prior to been providing vegetables for school kitchen. Devon port
her election to the Committee was one of our helpers. Wes[...]£1 was sent to buy Christmas' presents for children in
We also extend our sympathy to our Chairman, The Children’s Hospita[...]t four dozen eggs, parcel
who has left on a visit to England, has been granted leave tea towels and pillowcases to Beaconsfield Hospital. Help­
of absence for six[...]ted £3, part of proceeds from Christmas concert, to[...]collected to buy football, to poor family to pay rent.
TASMANIA.[...]ni ay raised 14/- by Id. concert. Sent vegetables to[...]concert. Flowers sent to hospital. Helping their school.[...]TION. Legana sent £4 to Mayoress’ Clothing Fund. £2 to[...]10/- for toys. Parcels clothing to poor children of
It is with very deep regret t[...]L. Parker after a long illness. Mrs. clothes to Scottsdale Hospital. Mowbray ’Heights raised
P[...]by Id. concert. Parcels of food and clothes sent to
Society from the outbreak of war, and until her[...]greatly missed by all who were Sent 6/6 to Empty Stocking Fund. Moorina helping the
An amount of £47/10/8 was recently voted to the Hobart for school children. Ridgley, by f[...]7/1, 3d. dip 6/-, sale of
granting of assistance to individual cases of returned violets and p[...]iers. to make dresses for poor. Sent £1/2/- to Unemployment
The Junior Red Cross movement appears to be in a Fund. Rosevears helping in thei[...]r. von Bertouch ■ College Junior sent 10/- to Children’s Hospital. Telila
is an enthusiastic[...]broom' and 18 new library books. Sent vegetables to[...]mark 2,540. tributed and haircuts given to children. Raised 10/- and
New Circles have been f[...]C/9 by socials, with which wool was purchased to make
Scottsdale, Melrose and Tonganah schools. Th[...]ceived :— given to Health Rules; nurses have been appointed[...]Portfolios.—From Wellington Square, despatched to
linked up. Made four tea towels for Spence[...]

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (52)[...]Norfolk; case apples to Convalescent Home, Lindisfarne.[...]donated to Home, Lindisfarne, also sent 5 doz. eggs.
All[...]7 doz. eggs and several bags vegetables to Children’s
schools' have adopted the classroom[...]Grove won
following reports have been received up to date:— first prize for largest sa[...]Association. Sent Christmas parcel to Children’s Hospital.
Adventure Bay, by sale[...]ples, realised Mangalore sent cases of fruit to Children’s Hospital, also
10/-; was sent toward[...]paralysed Boys’ Home. Box of produce sent to Eastern Fair.
child. By sale of kettle-holders an[...]y concert, which was spent
Christmas box was sent to poor widow, containing dress in buying c[...]cake. Sewing for bush nurse. money to buy toothbrushes for several children. National
A[...]Park, active litter campaign. 20 doz. eggs sent to
and d’oyleys1 to Cottage Hospital. Bagdad held sports and General Hospital. Parcel books sent to Cottage Hospital,
wireless concert; to raise funds, sold/ 24 lbs. blackberries. New No[...]cert, of which £3/3/- was sent was donated to Girls’ Industrial School Home. Ouse sent
to Wattle Day. Made aprons from sugar bags to raise six quilts' to Home of Mercy. Parattah sent 10/- and two
funds to buy material to work for bush nurse, to whom cases produce toto two poor families. Port Arthur, by social
active[...]and dance raised £4/10/3, of which 10/- was sent to
cert, which was sent to Children’s Hospital. Senior mem­ Repatr[...]ng
knitted vests and sent large parcel of clothes to child great interest ili two children in[...]ng crutches for Children’s of clothes to Upper Plenty and Back River schools. Snug
Hospita[...]ation patients. sent two pairs trousers to boys to enable them to visit
Sent parcel of books to Children’s Hospital. Bought tooth­ the Ho[...]ed Cross ment, also £1/15/- by conceit to help clear debt off
Appeal. Cambridge looking aft[...]llected literature for Old
sent sack of potatoes; to Convalescent Home, Lindisfarne. Men’s Hom[...]oes and material purchased, bags vegetables to Campbell Town Hospital; parcel baby
also boots repaired. Ten pairs shoes, socks, eggs, dolls, clothes to Alexandra Hospital; books to Repatriation and
toys and books sent to hospital; 520 eggs sent to Repatria­ Children’s Hospitals. Raised £5[...]ich
tion Hospital. Castle Forbes Bay sent hampers to Repat­ Christmas presents were bought for inmates of Repatria­
riation Hospital. Parcel of clothes to Brookside School. tion Hospital and distri[...]s Christmas Eve.
sewing. Cradoc sent hampers to Sanatorium and Chil­
dren’s Hospital. Cygnet sent jam and apples to City Portfolios.—Portfolios' of[...]ng very prettily with scraps matchboxes, in which
to despatch badges, and which were very much appre­[...]ooking after school, especially in answer to portfolios sent, two from Japan, one from
out-bui[...]B. E. DUKE, Organiser.
magazines and golliwogs to Children’s Hospital. Forcett
raised 3/- by sell[...]s Hospital. Looking after
cemetery. Sent 267 eggs to Alexandra Hospital. Geeves-
ton raised £2/7/66 b[...]LEAGUE OF RED CROSS SOCIETIES.
£1/5/- was sent to Blind, Deaf and Dumb Institution,
£1/1/- to State School, Dover, to help distressed family.
Sent 16 lbs. sugar and parcel of clothes to poor family.
Girls’ Welfare sent parcel of sewing to Children’s Hospital. NEWS ITEMS FROM THE LATEST BULLETINS OF
Glenora have given very substantial help to new New THE LEAGUE.
chiefs and photo. Sent several hampers to Repatriation Great Britain.—The British Red Cross has decided to
Hospital. Case of fruit to Home of Mercy. Goulburn enter upon a new sphere of activity—viz., to train per­
Street sent hampers to Convalescent Home, Lindisfarne. sonnel c[...]sick and injured persons
Hayes sent 17 doz. eggs to Cottage Hospital, New Norfolk. by air, and to supply a reserve, if required, in times of
5/- by concert. Sent monthly hamper to Repatriation
Hospital. Koonya sent hamper of fruit to Clarendon Men and women recruited[...]e will
Children’s Home. Lachlan sent bag apples to Repatria­ be organised in detachments[...]ound engineers,
vegetables, potatoes, case apples to Cottage Hospital, New two mechanics a[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (53)[...]er of a detachment shall receive trusted to Boy Scouts, whoi were aided by 150 private cars[...]of the parcels to depots run for the purpose. For three
Proof of[...]them to speak the truth and to make no noise. Unkind
The anniversary of Flore[...]minent citizen of Bangkok as a memorial to his wife,[...]panied by A large estate has been made over to it by a Siamese
their parents, took part in a pa[...]ort of the American
railway accidents with a view to testing the efficiency of Red Cross shows tha[...]the American Red Cross have helped the Society to meet
throughout Brazil with the object of familia[...]tivities of the Rea trial crisis.
Cross and to bring in new members. Badges and leaflets
were di[...]e Hungarian Junior Red Cross has com­
from house to house in Rio de Janeiro. The enrolment of[...]undertaken for the building was presented to the Junior Red Cross
by ladies occupying gaily de[...]Red Cross funds. recreation home by 35 to 40 por children of Budapest as[...]ts customary sphere, the Society felt it its duty to
United Provinces', and the educational authorities are respond, to the best of its. ability, to the wish expressed
manifesting a lively interest[...]the winter months to the poor of the district.
Sweden.—The Swedish[...]of
posts work every Saturday and Sunday from June to Aosta each contributed a “stone” to the edifice, which is
August, and one of t[...]
The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (54)[...]and first-aid
post will be installed, in addition to the administrative
services of the Society. Red C[...]clude an
ambulance service for conveying patients to hospitals', and
a school of nurses.[...]It is common knowledge that soap and water help to[...]members of the Junior Red Cross are being trained to influenza and pneumonia.
become usef[...]ommercial soaps show that it does not matter
year to join in one of their life-saving demonstrations.[...]ful germicides. It is not, therefore, necessary to buy a
France.—In an effort to alleviate unemployment the special, costly brand of soap in order to secure a good
French Red Cros's during the Christ[...]one-tenth of this concentration is strong enough to kill
dressmaking houses out of fabrics made in Ly[...]the care of needy patients
in their homes. Cases to be visited are brought to the
attention of the service by the commis[...]


[...]ventions Act 1957. Researchers should be referred to the Red Cross for permission to use the emblem. Contact the Red Cross Archivist i[...]dition does NOT affect the ability of researchers to request copies of documents including the emblem. Requests for reproduction can be responded to in the normal manner. The obligation concerns the[...]emblem. However, if publishing, researchers need to obtain permission from the Red Cross to use any reproduction which includes the emblem.

Australian Red Cross Society, National Office, The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (April 1933), [UMA-ITE-2016005500344]. University of Melbourne Archives, accessed 31/08/2024,

The Australian Red Cross - New Series No. 7 (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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