The Reporter Dispatch from White Plains, New York (2024)

ly 0 0 0 0 00 000 0 THE REPORTER DISPATCH, WHITE PLAINS, N. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1950. TELEPHONE WHITE PLAINS 9-8200 15 Irvine Leads Kisco To Win Over St. Mary's MOUNT KISCO Three-in-a-row worked both ways here yesterday as Mount Kisco High defeated St. Mary's of Katonah, 62-47, in the final county schoolboy basketball game of 1950.

The victory was the third straight for the unbeaton Indians and third loss for winless Gaels: A little forward named Bob Irvine proved the force that broke the game open in the third quarter and piled up the advantage in the final frame. His 17 points for the afternoon represented the individual high, while teammates Joe Finch and Bill Buttron were runners-up with 15 apiece. John Trout paced Mary's with 13 points. After one quarter of action the Gaels were within shooting distance with a 16-12 deficit, and this was chopped to 30-27 at the half. The ability to stick with the Indians was traced to rebounding which enabled the Gaels to drop 11 of 26 throws from the floor.

This fine touch disappeared completein the second half, however, and the visitors hit on only seven of 37 tries. Coming back after the intermission, the Indians began to pull away and climbed to a 10-point advantage at the quarter as Irvine netted six points. He kicked in with eight more in the last quarter to fight off a Gaels surge good for 13 points. Mary's couldn't hit from the free-throw stripe, missing 21 of 32 attempts. Ability to hit from this line meant the ball game for the Mount Kisco JV squad in a 31-28 decision in the preliminary contest.

The little Indians made good on 17 of 24 tosses. Varsity summary: Mt. Kisce St. Mary's Finch rf 7 13 Causey 4 7 Irvine 3.17 Curran Bruno If Hart If Hyatt Guignardi Woodw'd 3 Schauder Buttron 1 15 De Paoli Quarles 0. Trout TE 18 Zaccari Reynolds Tarchine TE Cervoni lg 3 Lutomski: Mocinari lg 23 17 53 18 11 47 score by Periods: Mount Kisco 16 30 63 St.

Mary's 12 27 34 47 Officials: Dilley and Klein. Bowling Results SPORTSMEN LEAGUE At Court Reereation) Rig Horne Wolverines (0) Serv'lo 142 103 Gatto 156 146 Jan zzi 117 143 Brown 137 176 Jerni'1 139 128 165 Blind 125. 125 Loase 151 143 134 Blind 125 125 Darby 190 124 Hdcp. 56 32 31 605 596 597 543 472 Wolves (2) 149 143 117 McM' 137 124 126 128 129 Keegan 167 136 135 182 134 Troy 125 125 125 Blind 125 125 13 13 4 Blind 125 125 548 391 509 554 510 Bears (3) 130 111 Gatto 145 146 179 148 Bruehl 130 125 125 Palmer 147 126 125 125 Blind 125 21 21 Blind 125 125 302 580 530 542 527 Sharp Shooters Brown Trout (0) Rocco 158 119 Adams 134 173 133 Brady 202 Blind 135 125 Blind 125 125 125 I 492 581 579 Cube MeN h'n 95 Gatto 136 Blind 125 Blind 125 Hdcp. 21 EASTSIDE LEAGEE At County Seat) Old Timers (2) Happy Trie (1) Ryder 166 222 155 A'ersen 132 188 Ryder 133 191 187 White 177 136 Blind 100 Blind 100 100 Bon 149 162 401 362 504 429 424 Napolitano's (1) Sad Sacks (2) Oliva 198 182 169 A'itano 159 169 3 hnson 201 145 200 A'idson 152 185 Ryan 157 198 189 Lean 194 207 556 525 538 505 361 Marnotta's (3) Louis (0) FM otta 133.

105 135 Cox 117 129 UM otta 144 152 133 Torres 147 14.3 Hradek 151 147 178 Blind 100 100 428 404 446 364 372 Hockey Results EASTERN LEAGUE Boston 6. Johnstown New York 3, Atlantic City Four Big Cage Doubleheaders At Garden During Holidays All major- college basketball activities in this area for the next six days will be confined excluslively to the Madison Square Garden court in New York City, with four doubleheaders, starting tomorrow night, on tap. pairings: Monday--Long Island University vs. Idaho and City College vs. Brooklyn.

Tuesday--St. John's vs. Temple and NYU vs. Stanford. Thursday Long Island Universit vS.

Western Kentucky and City College vs. Arizona. Francisco Saturday--St. and Manhattan John's VS. vs.

San Jose State. Fordham, the only other New York City team active during the holidays, meets Gannon College Turf Condition Is Key Factor In Title Tilt CLEVELAND. (AP) What's under the tarpaulins they haul off Municipal Stadium here tomorrow afternoon may have a lot to do with the way the National Football League championship game goes. But whether the turf is frozen to concrete consistency or wheth-13 er it's thawed deep for a cleat to catch hold, be enough, exactly the same for both the visiting Los Angeles Rams and the Cleveland Browns. Chances are weather conditions won't be known until a few hours before a crowd of about 39.000 gathers for the 1:30 P.

M. Temperatures have gone up some since the Rams flew in from California Thursday night. But the mercury hasn't come within five degrees of the 40-mark groundskeepers say would be needed to thaw the dirt under the tarps. Coach Joe Stydahar insists his boys have been "spoiled" by California weather and their powered offense would suffer heavily in effectiveness if the sub-freezing cold continues. Coach Paul Brown seeks to counteract this psychological warfare by, saying his Browns are physically "harder hit than at any time this season." Texas Hunter Misses, But Gets Deer Anyhow BOERNE, (AP) Ever hear of a deer being killed by a boulder? It happened near hear and Mayor Gammon Davis of Borne shot it--indirectly.

Mayor Davis was out hunting with Jack Davis, Arlan Rust and V. Lawrence. He saw a big, beautiful buck. He fired but when the smoke had cleared he found he had missed. But the shot hit a nearby hill and knocked a good-sized boulder off of it.

Going over to inspect this, the mayor found a sevenpoint, 80-pound buck lying at the foot the hill- dead. There wasn't a bullet hole in the animal but a section of the rock had penetrated the deer and severed an artery. FASTER IN NEW JOB NEW YORK, (AP) Big Luke Easter, Cleveland's rookie first baseman who hit 28 homers and drove in 107 runs last season, has a new job. He has been signed by Promoter Abe Saperstein as traveling secretary and official greeter for the Harlem Globetrotters basketball team. It was Saperstein who signed Easter to an Indian contract.

Our 152nd Consecutive Interest Dividend The Board of Trustees of THE HOME SAVINGS BANK has declared an interest dividend at the rate of For the six-month period ending December 31, 1950 to be credited January 1, 1951 on all accounts of $5.00 or more. DEPOSITS made on or before January 15, 1951 will draw A Interest Dividends from January 1, 1951 if left on deposit YEAR until July 1, 1951. We invite you to come in and open your Savings Account Today. SAVE BY MAIL- We Pay Postage Both Ways Accounts Opened by Mail EACH DEPOSITOR INSURED UP TO $10,000 The Home Savings Bank Mamaroneck Ave. at Main White Plains, N.

Y. Est. 1898 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation The Only Savings Bank in White Plains Knicks Face Loop-Leading Quint Today The Philadelphia Warriors, leaders in the eastern division of the National Basketball were scheduled to meet the Knickerbockers this afternoon in Madison Square Garden following a Catholic high school doubleheader starting at noon. Denying Boston reports that Max Zaslofsky would be traded to the Boston Celtics, Coach Joe Lapchick said: "It's ridiculous. I wouldn't trade Zaslofsky for any two Boston players below Macauley.

I think the league should investigate this matter. Someone is trying to stir up dissension." Zaslofsky, off to a slow start because of an ankle injury that retarded his conditioning, is gradually gaining on the scoring leaders. He has 291 points for a 12.1 average, is runner-up to Vince Boryla for Knick honors. Zaslofsky will start this afternoon, along with Boryla, Sweetwater Clifton, Harry Gallatin and George Kaftan. The Knicks, in fourth place with 12 victories, 12 defeats, are three games behind the pace-setting Warriors.

The locals have an excellent chance to whittle the Warriors' lead for they play them again Monday, in Philadelphia, and Wednesday in Hershey, Pa. In previous engagements this season the Knicks beat the Warriors here, 93-87, and lost in Philadelphia, 101-91. Today's meeting was expected to develop into a personal scoring duel between Vince Boryla and the Warriors' rookie ace, Paul Arizin, of Villanova. Boryla is fourth high in the NBA with 405 points in 24 games, averaging 16.8. Arizin in 19 games has totaled 352 for an 18.5 average, eighth best in the league.

Philly's veteran Joe Fulks is right behind Arizin with 319 points for a 16.8 average. Likely starters with, those two this afternoon are Andy Phillip, George Senesky and Ron Livingstone. North-South Squads Ready for Big Tilt MIAMI, Fla. (AP) Coaches for the North and South All-Star football game Christmas Night in the Orange Bowl cooled their 30-man hand picked squads to a low simmer today with only freshening up drills scheduled. Coach Herman Hickman of Yale switched his schedule allout scrimmage yesterday to a brisk hour-long dummy drill.

He told his Yankees to report for drill today in shorts and T-shirts instead of heande football gear. The Rebels coaches Andy Gustafson of Miami and Bobby Dodd of Georgia Tech, also planned only a brief polishing up workout, stressing assignments, punting, passing and kicking of extra points. BREAKS RECORD DENVER. (AP) Bill Warwick, Denver Falcons winger in the U.S. hockey league, was sidelined by an injury for the first time in his eight-year career on the ice when he suffered a broken ankle against Tulsa.

Bill says he played in 200 consecutive games until that time. Connie Mack Reveals Secret Of Long Tenure as Manager PHILADELPHIA (AP) Cor- nelius McGillicudy isn't given to handing out trade secrets. But since today is his eightyeighth birthday and he's retired, the still young in spirit man from Meriden, let the baseball world in on a big secret. It was a simple and effective method for remaining manager of the same team for 50 years. McGillicudy is "Mr.

Baseball" himself, Connie Mack, president the Philadelphia Athletics. As press and radio men gathered around yesterday Mr. Mack EAR A Christmas delight for the whole family LIONEL BARRYMORE READING CHARLES DICKENS: "CHRISTMAS CAROL" Sunday, December 24th 4 P. M. Station WOR A.

O. Smith Permaglas Water Heater Division is pleased to bring you this traditional Christmas story through its local distributor- -Central Plumbers Supply Co. of Port Chester. For further details, consult your plumber, who is your local Permaglas dealer. A YAK IN Phillies Learn Importance Of Keeping Strong Bench at Erie, Pa.

on Dec. 27. John Carroll at Cleveland on the 29th and Baldwin-Wallace at Berea. on the 30th. There are no games scheduled for either the Eastern League or the Small College Conference.

Dark Horse Vandals The University of Idaho Vandals are rated the dark horses of the Pacific Coast Conference Northern Division race. The constyled Vandals have nine lettermen back from last year's fourth place squad including four seniors, 6-6 Nick Stallworth, 5-9 Dick Reed, 6-4 Herb Mead and 6-6 Bob Wheeler. Idaho's only previous New York appearance was in 1946-47 when it lost to City. 46-35. This will be Brooklyn College's 16th try to register its first vietory at the expense of City College.

Under a new coach in Morris (Tubby) Raskin, the Kingsmen already hold one intra-city decision, a 60-54 victory over St. Francis. Set-shot artist. Capt. Mike DiTomasso, will lead the Brooklynites.

Temple. an annual Garden visitor, has only one regular returning. but he is the senational Bill Mikvy, a 6-4 junior who hit for 390 points and a 16.3 average in his sophom*ore year. The Philadelphia Owls first appeared at the Garden in the '34-'35 season in a losing effort against NYU. During the interim Temple has won and lost 9 in the Garden and stands 4-2 with St.

John's. Stanford Finally Returns Stanford hasn't been seen in these parts since the great Luisetti- sparked teams of '36 throuch '38. In three games in the Garden the Indian trimmed City once and LIU twice. This is the first with NYU. The Palto dribblers, in the 11th season under the coaching reign of Everett Dean.

beat San Joses State early in the season. San Jose appears on the big court later in the week against Manhattan. he Losing Bob Lavoy undoubtedly hurt Western Kentucky, but the Hilltoppers still present an allveteran line-up in Rip Gish, Jack Turner, Ed Diddle, Gene Rhodes and Frank Wallheiser. The bluegrass courtmen are 9-8 in Garden appearances which date back to 1942. Against LIU, they are ahead, 2-1.

Arizona carried La Salle to the final minutes before bowing in last year's National Invitation tournament, and the 1949-50 Border Conference champions are favored to repeat again in that loop. This will be Arizona's first meeting with City College, New Frisco- Coach A new coach and a new team. That's the terse description of San Francisco's hoopmen. Pete Newell. who tutored the Dons to the 1949 NIT title is now at Michigan State and the Lofgran, McNamee.

Herrerias team is no more. Phil Woolpert, assistant to Newell. has taken over the coaching of the Dons. Wolverines Plan Busy Grid Weekend PASADENA, (AP) Michigan's football squad faces a busy weekend but the California Bears will take things easy in their Rose Bowl training program. Coach Oosterbaan scheduled a double workout, with scrimmage, again today for the Big Ten champions from Ann Arbor, and possibly a morning workout tomorrow.

They'll get a full holiday Christmas Day. The Golden Bears work today but will break camp temporarily to permit the players to spend the weekend at home. The entire squad will reassemble Tuesday morning. Tops fight card Kamber Boxes Danny Coletti In Center Ring JOHNNY KAMBER Johnny Kamber, lightweight from Millburn, N. will trade punches with Danny Coletti, Milan, Italy, in the feature bout of eight rounds Tuesday night at the County Center.

This contest heads a holiday fistic program arrai by Promoter Joe McKenna. Pat Thomas, classy looking featherweight from Washington, D. clashes with Wilfred Dancosse of Manchester, Conn. in the semi-final contest scheduled for six rounds. Another bout of 6 rounds will bring together Tony Allegro, lightweight from the Bronx, and Basil Marie of Philadelphia.

Three four-rounders will complete the weekly fistic bill. Willie Orsimi of the Bronx meets Mario Salsanti of Brooklyn; Al Graziano of Brooklyn faces Max Osario of Puerto Rico; and Claude Darcy of Glendale, L. I. tangles with Eddie Smith of the West Side. Oilers Spill Bengals Behind Bob Finigan HARTSDALE- Paced by the 15-point scoring of Bob Finigan the Hartsdale Oilers turned back the White Plains gals, 53-43, at the Hartsdale School gym Thursday night.

Steve Schainman picked up 23 points for the losers who fell in the initial period and were unable to cut the deficit. The summary: Oilers Bengals D. Elliott If 0 5 1 0 10 1 Homer AN- 010 Mellon Flaherty 1 McD'nnell 11 0 4 Gardella 8 16 O'Neil 1 5 Schainm'n 7 9 23 Finigan 1.13 Johnson 0 0 Broderick 0 1 1 Janecek 3 E. Keheller Elliott 0 8 24 5 53 16 11 43 Score by Periods: Hartsdale 17 25 38 53 Bengals 8 17 25 43 Official: Stein. Missed Fouls: Hartsdale, Bengal, 8.

NEW SCORING MARK CLEVELAND. (AP) Hy Buller of the Cleveland Barons of the American Hockey League has established a new career record for defensem*n in the circuit. With two-thirds of the season to go, Buller had points on 68 goals and 176 assists for his career. The old record of 237 points was also held by a Cleveland player. Danny Sprout.

Indoor Polo Pits Squadron With Pittsfield The first of two high-goal indoor polo holiday doubleheaders is scheduled for tonight at the Squadron A Armory on Park Avenue and 94th Street starting at 8:30. In the nightcap, the unbeaten 15-goal Squadron A Regulars Paul Miller. No. 1. Bill Rand, No.

2 and Walter Nichols, back- expect to dump the 14-goal Pittsfield Polo Club of for the second straight time in as many weeks. Miller is the leading scorer with 24 goals in three games. Al Parsells. eight goal star and indoor polo's top drawing card for- -the past three seasons, rides with Montago in the opener against the Squadron A Ex- Members. Herb Pennell, Zenas Colt big John Pflug.

Colgate University footballer of the early 30's, hope to derail the "Reguls" for their first victory of the young season. Besides Parsells, Montago will have Bill Whitehead, 18-year old prep school player, and Major Arthur Surkamp. Whitehead is making his armory debut and will operate from the No. 1 position, Parsells will be at No. 2 and Surkamp, the back.

For the ex-members. Henry Lewis, Meadow Brook player, Bob Ackerman and Philip Brady will ride in that order. Joe Culmone Rides Again MIAMI, (AP) Leading jockey Joe Culmone, who has given up trying to break. a 44-yearold riding record but is still determined to be the top jockey of 1950, returned to the saddle yesterday and brought home his 371st winner of the year. Injured in a nasty spill last Saturday, Culmone resumed riding for the first time in nearly a week at Tropical Park.

He had four mounts in nine races but was able to score in only one. His closest rival, Willie Shoemaker, scored with four winners at the New Orleans Fairgrounds to boost his total winners of the year to 366 five short of Culmone. Before Culmone's accident, he had hoped to break the record of 388 winners ridden by Walter Miller in 1906. Culmone was scheduled for only two mounts on the overnight line but was expected to get several others before post time. Blue-Gray Elevens Plan Initial Workouts MONTGOMERY, (AP) Rival teams in the annual BlueGray game here Dec.

30 were scheduled to hold their first workouts today. The opening drill will kick off intensive twice a day preparations for the meeting, which will put two groups of college football experts. Rival coaches Ray Eliot of Illinois (Blue) and Wally Butts of Georgia (Gray) refused to commit themselves on team prospects until their charges unlimber. Sports Calendar No events scheduled. TOMORROW No events scheduled.

MONDAY No events scheduled. TUESDAY Bowling Ladies Major Bowling League, Post Academy 7:00 P.M. Hawthorne Firemen's League. Post Academy 7:30 P.M. Haw- -Thorn League, Post Academy 9:15 P.M.

Fight Results TODAY PARIS Ray York. stopped Robert France. (9), NEW YORK- Kid out pointed Joe Miceli, gave away his key to success. "If you want to succeed as a manager, just buy the ball club. That's the only way to survive the last place days every club usually goes through at one time or another.

I'd have been fired on many occasions if I hadn't been the owner. Naturally, as owner, I wasn't always satisfied with 'me the But I had patience with myself and things usually worked out. "Actually, I should have resigned in 1949 but I did want to finish that 50th year." "Goodbye Mr. Mack, if I'm still in good health next year, "I'll see you at eighty-nine." ART HEADQUARTERS FOR OVER 25 YEARS "Thank is the most sincere expression we know of to convey out apprecia. tion for your frienaliness and patronage.

May we extend to you and yours our most cordial greetings and good wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. NELSON D. Thomson 171-73 Post GRAND Road Neut SERVING his second term as president of Westchester Golfers Association is C. W. Benedict of Armonk and the Whippoorwill Golf Club.

Benedict's reelection was announced at a recent meeting of the county organization- Staff Photo Even Commies Praise Ray After Victory PARIS, (AP) Sugar Ray Robinson. world's welterweight champion. was the toast of the French boxing world today. The Flashy fighting machine looked so impressive in his easy victory over French middleweight Robert Villemain last night that even the Communist press, which criticized him earlier, had nothing but praise for his performance. The end came after 2:48 of the ninth round of a scheduled 10- rounder.

Referee Robert Vesberg stopped the one-sided contest after had sent his rival to the canvas twice. A series of lefts and rights floored Villemain for an eight count only 45 seconds after the start of the round. Another two-fisted flurry dropped Villemain again. The plucky Frenchman arose without a count but was plainly out on his feet. The referee called a halt and awarded Robinson the victory via technical knockout.

Robinson weighed Villemain 164. Robinson had an easier time than in his first fight against Villemain in Philadelphia last June. when the Frenchman lost A 15- round decision. An estimated 20.000 fans. one of the biggest in French boxing history, gave Robinson a tremendous ovation although they were plainly disappointed that their countryman did not win.

It was the fourth straight European victory for Robinson. He knocked out France's Jean Stock in Paris, halted Holland's Luc van Dam in Brussels and outpointed Jean Walczak of France in Geneva. He winds up a six-week busiChristmas Day when he meets ness-pleasure trip, in Frankfurt former German middleweight champion Hans Straz. France's Communist organ "L'- Humanite" reported "Robinson without trickery confirmed what had already been suspected. to wit.

that he is a great champion and that he can win without recourse to American methods." The same newspaper yesterday warned of "irregularities" in Robinson's boxing style. GOOD OMEN EAST Michigan's coach Charles hopes that th: the 1951 Spartan be Al Omans, roker. NEW YORK Playing the New York Yankees in the World Series last year taught the Philadelphia Phillies thing -the need for a deeper bench. And in order to remain a pennant contender. the National Leaguers plan to add replacements to their roster.

Scheduled to show up in the Phillies training camp next Spring are two infielders, Eddie Pellagrini and Clarence (Buddy) Hicks. For Pellagrini, this will be his third major league club. Last season he played third base for the Baltimore Orioles and also was used on occasion at shortstop. His batting average of .276 included 18 homers. Hicks, a switch hitter, also is at home in more than one position.

He spent last season with Hollywood where he performed at shortstop and hit .244. In his minor league career 'which dates back to 1944. he saw service at second, and Deruki, third base. another third baseman, is a graduate of the Phillies farm system. With Utica a year ago, he compiled a .284 batting, 47 mark.

extra-base drove in knocks. 75 runs Bill Glynn, a left-handed first-sacker, hit .236 and blasted 25 home runs for Toronto. In the catching department, the Phils have drafted Del Wilber from Rochester. The former. Cardinal.

who once managed Houston, batted .303. Tops among the outfielders 1 is Connecticut University athlete Bill Loos who was with Utica and Wilmington last summer. He wound up hitting .318 with the latter. To bolster the pitching department, the Phillies have come up with a 200-pound. six-one righthander, Leo Cristante, who came out of military service in 1947 to spend two seasons with Terre Haute.

Last year he was with Wilmington where he had an 18-5 record. Another Wilmington graduate is John Walz. owner of an 8-4 mark. Due back for another whirl after being called to the parent club near the end of the season are Paul Stuffel. Jack Brittin and Joco Thompson.

Stuffel is a strikeout artist who won six and lost five for Toronto: Brittin was voted Most Valuable Plaver in the InterState League during 1949 with a 21-7 mark. then had 7-11 last year at Toronto. Thompson won 10 and lost 14 with the same club. Bill Fogg won 11 and lost 16 with Utica and gets his first chance with the Phils. Added by the draft is Andy Hansen, the former Giant.

Spellers Sposato Odell Schultz Blind Hocp. Orange Boul Tennis Seeding I Is Announced MIAMI BEACH. Fla. (AP) Jacque Grigry of Pasadena, and Marv Slaughter of Charlottesville, have been seeded among the United States for the fourth annual entries. Bowl junior tennis championships here Dec.

26-31. Sponsored by the Miami Beach Tennis Association under the sanction of the U. S. Lawn Tennis Association, the six-day tournament has attracted 135 entries from 17 states. Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela largest field in the four year history of the midWinter event.

WH Cage Slate WEDNESDAY: Junior Panthers Purchase, 7:00 P.M.: Intermediates Gremlins vs. Hotrods. 8:00, and Outcasts vs. Redmen. 9:00.

THURSDAY: Junior- Ravens Wildcats. 7:00: Intermediates Woodsmen Gremlins, 8:00, and Hotrods vs. Outcaste, 9:00. LANSING, (AP) State's swimming McCaffree 3001 "omen' for tank tent will a powerful breast- F. W.

Mahar HEATING PLUMBING Contracting Repairing Phone WHite Plains 9-1342 Robinson. New Villemain, 164. Gavilan. Cuba. 146, New York YEARS Wishing You and Yours Merry Christmas Happy New year of Happiness and Prosperity Murray Pontiac Co.

62 Westchester Ave. WH 6-3200 Monday thru Saturday 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M..

The Reporter Dispatch from White Plains, New York (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.